Home 恐怖电影 战栗汪洋(2003)



as we planned seven months ago,
we would be where we were supposed to be in the first place,
and paying less than we are now to be shark bait!
噢 可恶
God damn it.
l can’t even believe you’d bring all that up right now.
You were the one that picked the dates.
是啊 在两个选择中 这日期比较好啊
Yeah, of my whopping two choices, this was the better date.
我想去滑雪 我靠
l wanted to go skiing. Oh, God.
l can’t believe how far we’ve drifted.
You think the current will take us over there?
How’s your leg?
lt’s okay.
你知道的 还可以
You know, relatively, but it’s okay.
好吧 我们走吧
All right, let’s go for it.
l love you.
We’re gonna be fine.
其他人过他们的假期 花一天时间
Other people go on vacations and spend their days
就只是闲躺 吃喝
just laying around, eating and drinking.
That sounds pretty great right now.
Actually, yeah, it does.
在我们下半辈子中 这会变成以后我们的闲聊故事
But we have a story we’re gonna be telling for the rest of our lives.
丹尼尔 干嘛
Daniel. What?
看 等等
Look. Wait.
Oh, my God.
等等 是那五个
Wait. There are five of them.
嘿 拿着 这些是从哪来的
Look. Oh, God. Oh, God. Where did those come from?
You know how dry my mouth gets when l’m diving,
我想把它放进潜水袋里 可你有
l wanted to put them in the dive bag, but you had them,
so l stuffed them in here at the last minute.
噢 从没尝过这么好吃的东西
l never thought anything could taste so good.
撑着我一下 好吗 我要确定我们没弄掉
Just hold me for a second, okay? l gotta make sure we don’t lose these ones.
我抓住你了 好
l got you. Okay.
你好了吗 嗯
You’re done? Yeah.
天啊 那是什么 你还好吗
Oh, my God! What is it? Are you all right?
喔 天啊
Oh, my God.
我看不到它 你还好吗
l don’t see it. Are you okay?
怎么样啊 我不知道
Are you okay? l don’t know.
我的天啊 丹尼尔 上帝
My God. Daniel. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
我被咬了 亲爱的
l’m bit. Honey.
我被咬了 那混♥蛋♥咬了我 我的天啊 你还好吗
l’m bit. The fucker bit me. My God. Are you all right?
好了 好了 撑住
Okay, okay, hold on, hold on.
l’m gonna go look.
我看看 啊
l’m gonna go look. No!
看看我能不能 不 不 不
Let’s see if l can… No, no, no.
天哪 别动
My God! Stay where you are.
God, it fucking hurts.
丹尼尔 深呼吸 停在这里
Just breathe, okay? Stay right there.
我去看看 真疼
l’m gonna go look. lt hurts.
我看看 好吗
l’m gonna look. Okay?
我看看 我有这个 我看看 你继续深呼吸
Let’s see. l got this thing… l’m gonna go look. You keep breathing.
丹尼尔 听我说 我去看 你深呼吸
Daniel, listen to me. l’m going to go look. You breathe.
我正在做 好 停在这里
l’m breathing. Okay. Just stay where you are.
l can’t see.
我的腿还在吧 我感觉得到 好着呢 没事
My leg is still there, right? l can feel it. Okay… Yes.
好 伤势还好 亲爱的
Okay. Okay. lt’s all right, honey. lt’s okay.
没那么糟 好吗
lt’s not so bad, okay?
你得用东西帮我包扎 它在流血
You gotta… You gotta put something on it. Okay, it is bleeding, so… Okay.
真糟 对吧 我要 不
lt’s bad, isn’t it? l’m gonna… No.
很糟糕吧 没那么糟
lt’s bad, isn’t it? lt’s not that bad. lt’s not that bad.
真的 别紧张 你想办法包一下
Okay? lt’s not that bad. Put something on it.
好 我把它绑起来
All right, l’m going to tie something around it.
继续深呼吸 好吗
Just keep breathing for me, okay?
我在深呼吸啊 好
l’m breathing. All right.
老天 真♥他♥妈♥痛 我要用我的重量带来绑住 你等一下
God, it fucking hurts. l’ll tie my weight belt around it, all right?
l can’t… Can’t…
My God!
妈的 妈的
God! Fuck.
不该发生这种事 镇静
This can’t be happening. lt’s okay.
怎么会发生这种事 镇静
How can this be happening? lt’s okay.
l got bitten by a shark.
We could actually be eaten alive by sharks out here.
lt’s okay.
l mean, do we know anybody…
We don’t know anybody who’s ever been bitten by a shark.
听我说 不要胡思乱想
Listen, it’s all right.
总有三四个人 在演出鲨鱼秀
lt’s only just, like, three or four guys, and they’re on these shark shows.
都是冲浪的 天哪
They’re always surfers! My God!
嘿 没事的 情况没那么糟 一切都很好 好吗
Hey, it’s all right. lt’s not that bad. You’re going to be fine. Okay?
这个疤痕你以后有得给人吹了 多棒
You’re going to have a nice scar to show your friends, and that’s it.
好吗 看着我
Okay? Okay, look at me.
看这我 宝贝 一切安好
Look at me, baby. That’s right. That’s right.
没事的 情况没那么糟 只是现在痛了点
You’re fine. lt’s not that bad. lt just hurts right now.
盐水跑进去了 你会好点的
The salt water’s gonna make it better. lt’s all right.
看看我 天哪
Just look at me. Oh, my God.
好了 宝贝
lt’s okay, baby.
Oh, baby, it’s okay.
上帝 求你了 一切都会如你所愿
God, please. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done…
会好的 你会好的 什么都会过去的
lt’s okay. You’re okay. lt’s okay.
没事的 撑住 深呼吸 真疼
Just hold on. Just breathe. lt’s okay. lt hurts.
没事的 伤口疼说明情况还好 没事的
lt’s okay. lt’s okay that it hurts. lt’s okay that it hurts. lt’s okay.
喔 天 有东西在弄我的脚
God. Something is rubbing against my foot.
天哪 什么 什么东西
My God. What? What?
它很大 到底是什么
lt’s big. What is it?
大的 很大个的 是的 很大 我感觉得到
lt’s big. lt’s a big one. Yes, it’s big. l can feel it.
Jesus. God.
它跑后面来了 是的
lt’s behind. Yeah.
lt’s behind you.
我爱你 亲爱的
l love you. l love you.
丹尼尔 你没事吧
Daniel, are you all right?
丹尼尔 别动 好吗 呆在原地别动
Daniel, stay still. All right? Just stay where you are.
它会从我们身边过去 不会有事的 坚持住
lt’s gonna go past us. lt’s gonna be okay. You hold on.
撑着 丹尼尔 你不要走 留在我旁边
You hold on, Daniel. You don’t leave me out here by myself.
You promise me you’ll hold on.
我的腿 丹尼尔
My leg! Daniel!
Hello? Hello?
有人在吗 我是经理
lt’s the manager. Hello?
多重 231磅
So what’s the final weight on it? 213.
嘿 给这个漂亮的下巴特写
Hey, Lou, give me a nice, close-up jaw shot here.
How’s that?
Don’t you wanna see the shark guts?
Let’s see what he ate.
Check it out.
黄色的东西是什么 嘿 它还真的什么都吃
What’s the yellow thing? Man, they really do eat anything.
l wonder if it works.