I knew you would come.
他呼唤过你 安杰洛
He’s been calling for you, Angelo.
我尽快赶来了 罗斯姑妈 他怎么样了?
I came as soon as I could, Aunt Rose. How is he?
You came just in time.
It’s all in God’s hands now.
爱德华多 安杰洛来了
Eduardo, Angelo is here.
爸爸 我是安杰洛
Pop, it’s Angelo.
My son.
爸爸 我能为你做些什么吗?
Pop, is there anything I can do for you?
Come closer.
近点儿 你个废物!
Closer. You bum!
爸爸 我♥干♥什么了?强盗!
Papa, what have I done? – Gangster!
你抢劫 你偷窃 你枪击别人!
You rob, you steal, you shoot people!
You bring shame in the family.
我很抱歉 爸 我能做什么跟您和好吗?
I’m sorry, Pa, but what can I do to make peace with you?
Now you want to make peace with your papa.
你想我死的愉快 我当然想 爸爸
You wanna me die happy. – Of course I do, Papa.
So now you want me die!
爸爸 不!安杰洛!安杰洛!
Papa, no! – Angelo! Angelo!
Make me one promise.
您说吧 任何事 都能完成
You name it. Anything. It’s done.
Swear in front of your family…
面对巴勃罗·克莱门特 面对耶稣会
in front of Pablo Clemente, in front of Gesucristo…
面对麦当娜– 什么?
in front of Madonna- – What?
Swear you become honest man.
Give up the shameful life.
哦 爸爸–
Well, Papa-
是 我在 什么?
Yes, I-m-I’m-I’m here. What?
好吧 爸爸 如果这就是你想要的
All right, Papa. If that’s what you want…
I’ll go straight.
I promise.
Now I’m ready.
That’s so you won’t forget.
看看它们 哭去吧
Read ’em and weep.
满堂红 天哪!我以为你在虚张声势
Full house. – Jesus! I thought you was bluffin’.
Lower that! You’ll wake the Boss.
好了 坏蛋们 赌场关闭了
All right, yous mugs, casino’s closed.
艾斯 准备好那些瓜
Ace, get started on those melon balls.
是 是 是 是 赶快
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. – Shake a leg.
今天是老板重要的日子 记得吗?
Today’s the Boss’s big day. Remember?
是 斯奈普斯·普罗沃龙 正直做人的日子
Yeah. The day Snaps Provolone goes straight.
整件事都不对劲 谁听说过有银行家叫斯奈普斯?
The whole thing ain’t kosher. Whoever heard of a banker named Snaps?
买♥♥进一家银行?那不是斯奈普斯(争购) 那是诡计
Buyin’ into a bank? That’s not Snaps. It’s gotta be a dodge.
那没有诡计 那些银行家中午会 到这儿来确认交易
It’s no dodge. Those bankers’ll be here to cinch the deal at noon.
Oh, geez! I gotta check my muffins.
你确认这些信息是真的吗 五点?
You sure this info’s the McCoy, Five Spot?
哦 是真的 文代蒂先生 是大事
Oh, it’s-it’s-it’s the McCoy, Mr. Vendetti, and it- and it’s big.
And it’s gonna happen t-t-t-t-t-today.
我知道的 他和奥巴尼翁一伙联♥系♥
I knew it. He’s hookin’ up with O’Banion’s mob.
别动 亲爱的!奥巴尼翁!
Hold still, honey! – O’Banion!
对 就是这样
Y-Y-Yeah, that-that- that’s gotta be it.
我很确定 我听到了名字是奥巴尼翁
I’m-I’m-I’m pretty s-s-sure I heard that name O’Ba-Ba-Ba-
这只囮鸟知道什么?看 我是收费的线人!
What does this stoolie know? – Look, I’m a paid informer!
Th-That’s, that’s an honorable profession.
现在我能得到五美金吗 文代蒂先生?
Uh, can I have my, uh, five spot now, Mr. Vendetti?
给他20 哦
Give him a 20. – Oh, uh-
这是预聘费 你听到任何事都要让我知道
It’s a retainer. Let me know if you hear anything.
我 哦 真的–
I, uh, truth-
感谢你 文代蒂先生 谢谢你
Th-Tha-Thank you, M-M-Mr. Vendetti. Thank you.
I told you things were too quiet.
普罗沃龙潜伏了 咱们怎么对付斯奈普斯?
Provolone was just layin’ low. – So what are we gonna do about Snaps?
We’re gonna observe the 11 th Commandment.
”在别人对你行动之前行动 ”
“Do unto others before they do unto you.”
我修完指甲了 我还能做什么吗?
I finished your nails. Is there anything else I can do, huh?
We’d have more excitement stakin’ out Grant’s tomb.
Thank God this detail ends today.
图米很痛苦 他一直渴望抓住 斯奈普斯的把柄
Toomey’s sore as hell. He’s been achin’ to get something on Snaps for years.
所以他很痛苦 他想要我们什么?
So he’s sore. What’s he want from us?
我是说 这家伙三个星期都连在人 行道上吐痰这样的事都没有
I mean, the guy hasn’t so much as spit on the sidewalk in three weeks.
图米 图米
Toomey. – Toomey.
I got it last time.
喂 图米 我估计你会再次告诉我
Hiya, Toomey. – I suppose you’re gonna tell me…
你从咱们对面的朋友身上 什么都没得到?
that you got nothin’ again on our boy across the street?
告我吧 图米 嗯 注意那里!
So sue me, Toomey. – Well, look alive over there!
我听说他可能和从芝加哥来的 奥巴尼翁一伙合作
I hear he may be tyin’ up with the O’Banion mob from Chicago.
你为什么不放弃假象呢 图米?我是说 也许坏蛋做好人了呢?
Why don’t you just give up the ghost, Toomey? I mean, maybe the egg’s gone straight.
Look, I know this guy.
我告诉你 美洲虎不会改变斑纹
And I’m tellin’ ya, a leopard don’t change his stripes.
你是说斑点 我是说斯奈普斯!
You mean spots. – I mean Snaps!
现在 只要下面发生什么事–
Now, as soon as somethin’ happens down there-
我不管是什么– 给我打电♥话♥
I don’t care what- you call me.
Get it? – Got it.
嘿 看一眼
Say, take a gander.
我来了 我来了
I’m comin’, I’m comin’.
啊 要不是小安东尼的话
Well, well, well. If it isn’t little Anthony.
And his Imperial.
我要见普罗沃龙先生 什么?嘿!
I’ve gotta see Mr. Provolone. – What? Hey!
Shut that thing off!
I said I gotta see Mr. Provolone right away.
我记得在约会簿上没有你 安东尼
I don’t remember seein’ you in my appointment book, Anthony.
没有 现在 我看到9:30 有Finucci兄弟
Nope. Now, I got the Finucci brothers at 9:30…
有Poole医生在10:30, 有Clemente 神父在11:00, 中午还有银行家
Dr Poole at 10:30, Father Clemente at 11:00 and the bankers at noon.
But I don’t see no meetin’ with his accountant!
看 Aldo 别和我耽误时间 这是急事
Look, Aldo, don’t screw around with me. This is urgent.
老板9:00 a m之前不起床
The Boss don’t get up before 9:00 a.m.
联邦调查局的人都知道 我来负责
Even the feds know that. – I’ll take the heat.
You’ll take the heat? I’m the one what’s gotta wake him.
Tell him it’s a matter of life and death.
Ok ok 但是他不会高兴的
Okay, okay. But he ain’t gonna like this.
Wait in the living room.
How do you like the crust on that mug? Throws off my whole itinerary.
Where do you think you’re goin’? – I gotta wake him.
他不希望被打搅 他要为了见那些 银行家睡个美容觉
He doesn’t wanna be disrupted. He needs his beauty sleep for those bankers.
这是急事 掩护我
It’s urgent. Keep me covered.
最好是好事 我警告过他 老板
This better be good. – I warned him, Boss.
安东尼告诉我是生与死 老板
Anthony told me it was life and death, Boss.
你们别叫我老板 那是没有身份的!
You mugs stop callin’ me Boss. It ain’t respectable!
对不起 老板 对不起 老板
Sorry, Boss. – Sorry, Boss.
嗯 小安东尼 试用华尔街 再次失败 什么?
Well, little Anthony. Probation and Wall Street lay another egg, what?
我能单独和您谈谈吗 普罗沃龙先生?
Can I talk to you alone, Mr. Provolone?
咱们就是单独的 Aldo 早餐
We are alone. Aldo, breakfast.
半个葡萄柚?掰开的 不要中间发红的
Half a grapefruit? – Sectioned, nix the cherry in the middle.
French toast? – Light brown.
Bacon? – Trim the fat.
Coffee? – No cream.
Two lumps? – Go.
这就来 斯奈普斯 啊 现在是”普罗沃龙先生”
On its way, Snaps. – Uh, it’s “Mr. Provolone” now.
如果你在银行家面前这么称呼我 你就把事搞砸了
If you call me that in front of the bankers, you’re gonna gum up the works.
是 普罗沃龙先生 我要在院子里吃–
Yes, Mr. Provolone. – And I’ll eat in the yard-
我是说中庭 是 普罗沃龙先生
I mean atrium. – Yes, Mr. Provolone.
不管你说什么 普罗沃龙先生
Whatever you say, Mr. Provolone.
你知道”中庭”什么意思吗 安东尼?不知道 先生
You know what “atrium” means, Anthony? – No, sir.
It’s a courtyard oft-times surrounded by columns.
谢谢你 先生 我不知道这个 先生
Thank you, sir. I didn’t know that, sir.
坐下 安东尼
Park it, Anthony.
我每天学一个新单词 你应该扩大 你的词汇量 安东尼
I learn a new word every day. You should expand your vocabulary, Anthony…
你就不会只是个簿记员 会计 先生
and you wouldn’t just be a bookkeeper. – Accountant, sir.
我今天的单词是”迅速完成的 ”
