杰夫 我必须回来 我还能做什么
Jeff, I had to come back. What else could I do?
你永远也帮不上忙 对吗
You can never help anything, can you?
你就像一片叶子 被风从一个水沟吹到另一个水沟
You’re like a leaf that the wind blows from one gutter to another.
你做什么都帮不上忙 即使是谋杀
You can’t help anything you do, even murder.
-你不能说那是谋杀 -有一点我可以说 我埋葬了他
-You can’t say it was that. -I can say one thing. I buried him.
关于我们 你告诉他什么了
What did you tell him? About us?
-你忍♥不住说了 是吗 -他直视着我 他知道了
-But you couldn’t help it, could you? -He looked right into me and he knew it.
-给了你多少钱 -什么 杰夫
-How much? -What, Jeff?
关于费舍尔 他也问过你吗
About Fisher. Did he look into you for that too?
No, I didn’t tell that.
-不要对我撒谎 -我没有
-Don’t lie to me. -I didn’t.
我不会告诉他这些 我不会告诉任何人
I wouldn’t tell him that. I wouldn’t tell anyone that.
我发誓 杰夫 相信我
I swear it, Jeff. Believe me.
好 我相信你
Sure. Sure, I believe you.
I didn’t know what to do.
我总是害怕他 害怕我所做的事情
I was always afraid of him and afraid of what I’d done.
我不能再那样生活了 我无法忍♥受
I couldn’t live that way anymore. I couldn’t stand it.
杰夫 我很想你
Oh, Jeff, I’ve missed you.
我一直在想你 祈祷你能理解
I’ve wondered about you and prayed you’d understand.
Can you understand?
你祈祷了吗 凯西
You prayed, Kathie?
Can’t you even feel sorry for me?
-我不打算尝试 -杰夫
-I’m not going to try. -Jeff…
听着 你就出去吧 好吗 我必须在这个房♥间里睡觉
Look, just get out, will you? I have to sleep in this room.
过去的事情都过去了 出去
Let’s just leave it where it all is. Get out.
-梅塔·卡森 -是我
-Meta Carson? -Yes.
-我的名字是贝利 -请进
-My name is Bailey. -Come in.
-我在等你来 -我没想到
-I was expecting you. -Well, I wasn’t expecting you.
-我应该把这当作一种恭维吗 -惠特告诉我你很有魅力
-Should I take that as a compliment? -Whit told me you’d be charming.
真的吗 你要不要来杯金汤力
Really? Would you like a gin and tonic?
-那太好了 -如果你喜欢的话 你可以喝威士忌
-That’d be nice. -You may have whiskey, if you like.
That’d be even nicer.
我们这里的天气很糟糕 不是吗
Miserable weather we’re having, isn’t it?
-你很熟悉旧金山吗 -我很熟
-Are you acquainted with San Francisco? -We were quite intimate.
-真的吗 -我跟旧金山住在一起
-Indeed? -We lived together.
It’s a nice apartment you have here.
是的 这些老房♥子经过改造后变得很有趣 不是吗
Yes, these old houses can be amusing when they’re remodeled, can’t they?
我曾经住过纽约的一个老房♥子 很旧
I used to live in one in New York that was old.
It wasn’t very amusing.
-我从来没有去过纽约 -你有时间去那里旅行吧
-I’ve never been to New York. -You take a trip there sometime.
You’ll see one reason why I’m in San Francisco.
Whit said you’d tell me the other.
你知道 你自己很有魅力
You know, you’re rather charming yourself,
but I’m afraid I don’t quite understand you.
If you’ll drop this Junior League patter…
we may get the conversation down where it belongs.
-你在担心什么吗 -不知道 我应该担心吗
-You worried about something? -I don’t know. Should I be?
Not if you do what you’re told.
这就是我在这里的原因 我只做别人让我做的事情
That’s why I’m here. I do what I’m told.
人们信任我 惠特甚至信任我两次 你相信吗
People trust me. Whit even trusts me twice. Do you?
Just as far as I have to.
Can you find your way to 1♥1♥4♥ Fulton Street?
-什么时候 -今晚
-When? -Tonight.
我将在那里的 一位名叫伦纳德·埃尔斯的律师的公♥寓♥里
I’ll be there in the apartment of an attorney named Leonard Eels.
你可以在8点打电♥话♥找我 然后四处看看
You can call for me at 8 and look around.
我可以靠着这件事 然后咱们一起离开
I can depend on that. We’ll leave together.
在一天左右的时间内 他会把一些文件带给你
In a day or so, he’ll take some papers home with you.
I’ll let you know.
然后你拿到文件 他不会在场
Then you get them. He won’t be there.
Where will he be?
跟我在一起 我是他的秘书
With me. I’m his secretary.
-好吧 这听起来很简单 -就是简单
-Well, it sounds simple enough. -It is.
-就像2加2等于4 -对的
-Like two and two make four. -That’s right.
记住 我将安全地离开这里 卡森小姐
Just remember, I’m coming out of this in one piece, Miss Carson.
Do you always go around leaving your fingerprints on a girl’s shoulder?
我倒不是特别介意 你的手很有力
Not that I mind particularly. You’ve got nice strong hands.
-杰夫 -佩蒂 你好吗
-Jeff. -Petey, how are you?
你去哪里了 你娶了一个诚实的女人吗
Where you been? You marry an honest dame?
I went in the gasoline business.
但你现在在找我 是吗 伙计
But you’re looking for me now, ain’t you? Buddy.
我的公♥司♥倒闭了 来吧 让我们在你的出租车上兜兜风
I went out of business. Come on, let’s take a ride in your hack.
伙计 你看起来有麻烦了
Buddy, you look like you’re in trouble.
-为什么 -因为你看起来不像是公♥司♥倒闭了
-Why? -Because you don’t act like it.
I think I’m in a frame.
Don’t sound like you.
我不知道 我眼前只能看见画框
I don’t know. All I can see is the frame.
我要去那里 看一下里面的画
I’m going in there now to look at the picture.
-我不用告诉你 在这里等我 -你什么都不用告诉我
-I don’t have to tell you to wait. -You don’t have to tell me nothing.
My name is Jeff Bailey.
对了 卡森小姐说你会来接她 我是伦纳德·埃尔斯
Oh, yes, Miss Carson said you’d pick her up. I’m Leonard Eels.
-你好 -带他过来 伦纳德
-How do you do? -Bring him out here, Leonard.
Thank you.
你好 杰弗里
Hello, Jeffrey.
我总是希望我最喜欢的表兄 能见到我最喜欢的老板
I always wanted my favorite cousin to meet my favorite boss.
-苹果马提尼 -谢谢
-Apple martini? -Thanks.
梅塔谈起你时 好像在说世界上的第九大奇迹
Meta talked about you like you’re the ninth wonder of the world.
-她跳过了一个 -梅塔必须是第八个
-She skipped one. -Meta must be the eighth.
所有的女人都是奇迹 因为她们让所有的男人都降低到浮于表面
All women are wonders because they reduce all men to the obvious.
And so do martinis.
这里这么好 我不愿意离开
So nice here, I hate to go.
那就别走了 你们俩何不留下来和我一起吃晚饭
Don’t then. Why don’t you both stay and have dinner with me?
是啊 为什么不呢
Yes, why don’t we?
我们不能留下 杰弗里 我们答应比格罗夫妇了 记得吗
We can’t, Jeffrey. We promised the Bigelows, remember?
给他们打电♥话♥吧 我们可以随时见到他们
Oh, call them up. We can see them anytime.
我们不行 杰弗里 我很抱歉 伦纳德
We can’t, Jeffrey. I’m sorry, Leonard.
改天吧 你要在城里待多久 贝利先生
Some other time. How long will you be in town, Mr. Bailey?
-我真的不知道 -你在出差吗
-I don’t really know. -You’re on business?
-你可以这样称呼它 -你来自哪里 南方
-You might call it that. -Where are you from? The South?
-不 太浩 -我们必须走了 杰夫
-No. Tahoe. -We must go, Jeff.
All right.
Your, uh, cousin is a very charming young lady.
不 他不是
No, he isn’t.
他的名字叫诺曼 他是俄亥俄州克利夫兰的一个赌徒
His name is Norman and he’s a bookmaker in Cleveland, Ohio.
-你说你来自哪里 -太浩
-Where did you say you were from? -Tahoe…
在那边 我们和其他人一样担心所得税的问题
where we worry as much about the income tax as anybody.
说实话 你现在前言不搭后语
Frankly, you don’t make sense.
Neither does my being her cousin…
or my being brought up here… to, uh,
to leave my fingerprints around.
另一方面 也许确实留下了指纹
On the other hand, maybe it does.
你知道 情况可能是 我是替罪羊 而你在现场
You know, it could be that I’m the patsy, and you’re on the spot.
-杰夫 你来吗 -马上去
-Coming, Jeff? -Right away.
把马提尼放好 我会回来的
Keep the martinis dry, I’ll be back.
我很高兴你能来 你们俩都是
I’m glad you could come, both of you.
-埃尔斯先生 你的马提尼很不错 -谢谢你
-Mr. Eels, you make a great martini. -Thank you.
-晚安 -晚安
-Good night. -Good night.
-晚安 伦纳德 -晚安
-Good night, Leonard. -Good night.
对于一个看起来很聪明的人来说 你表现得真像个白♥痴♥
For a man who appears to be clever, you can act like an idiot.
这就是聪明的一种方式 表现得像个白♥痴♥
That’s one way to be clever: Look like an idiot.
他看起来像一个瘦幽灵 你对他说什么了
He looked like an underweight ghost. What did you say to him?
我告诉他 他做的马提尼非常好
I told him he made a great martini.
-你是个白♥痴♥ -他也是
-You are an idiot. -So is he.
-你这么认为吗 -为什么不是 他爱上了你
-You think so? -Why not? He’s in love with you.
Mason Building.
骗这样的好人 你的良心不会不安吗
Doesn’t your conscience bother you, crossing a nice guy like that?
Maybe he isn’t such a nice guy.
Maybe he crosses people too.
-我一个人去吗 -不 你回你的酒店去等
-Do I go alone? -No, you go back to your hotel and wait.
好的 女士
Yes, ma’am.
