
palaver (pal AV er) This word can be used either as a noun or a verb and means “idle—and usually prolonged and unnecessary—chatter, often intended to beguile or deceive the listener.”

  • Deborah palavered on about the weather in an attempt to avoid explaining to her boss why she was late for the meeting.
  • When talking about the meaning of life or the purpose of existence, it’s easy for someone to slip into palaver without ever providing any answers.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


palaver(pal AV er)这个词既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词,意思是“无聊的、通常是冗长的、不必要的闲聊,通常是为了欺骗或欺骗听众。”

  • 黛博拉喋喋不休地谈论天气,试图避免向老板解释她开会迟到的原因
  • 当谈到生命的意义或存在的目的时,人们很容易陷入胡言乱语,却从来没有提供任何答案



  1. palaver with colleagues: 与同事闲聊
  2. diplomatic palaver: 外交交涉
  3. unnecessary palaver: 不必要的废话
  4. political palaver: 政治纷扰
  5. palaver over trivial matters: 对琐事的长篇大论
  6. engaging in palaver: 参与闲谈
  7. bureaucratic palaver: 官僚主义的废话
  8. palaver about the weather: 关于天气的闲谈
  9. endless palaver: 没完没了的废话
  10. palaver with customers: 与顾客交谈
  11. diplomatic palaver: 外交废话
  12. palaver in the office: 办公室中的闲谈
  13. corporate palaver: 公司中的废话
  14. palaver during lunch breaks: 午休期间的闲聊
  15. engaging in casual palaver: 参与随意闲谈
  16. palaver about politics: 关于政治的废话
  17. diplomatic palaver between nations: 国与国之间的外交废话
  18. palaver before a meeting: 会议前的闲谈
  19. engaging in friendly palaver: 参与友好的闲谈
  20. palaver with friends: 与朋友闲谈
  21. endless palaver about nothing: 毫无意义的废话
  22. palaver about work: 关于工作的废话
  23. palaver in social gatherings: 社交聚会中的闲谈
  24. engaging in lively palaver: 参与活跃的闲谈
  25. palaver over a cup of coffee: 一杯咖啡间的闲聊
  26. bureaucratic palaver in government: 政府中的官僚废话
  27. palaver during a team meeting: 团队会议中的废话
  28. engaging in intellectual palaver: 参与知识性的闲谈
  29. palaver with neighbors: 与邻居闲聊
  30. palaver in the classroom: 教室中的废话
  31. palaver over dinner: 晚餐时的闲聊
  32. diplomatic palaver at international conferences: 国际会议中的外交废话
  33. palaver during a break: 休息期间的废话
  34. engaging in cultural palaver: 参与文化性的闲谈
  35. palaver about current events: 关于时事的废话
  36. bureaucratic palaver in organizations: 组织中的官僚废话
  37. palaver during a networking event: 社交活动中的闲聊
  38. engaging in animated palaver: 参与活泼的闲谈
  39. palaver with family members: 与家人闲聊
  40. palaver in the break room: 休息室中的废话
  41. palaver over a game of chess: 下棋时的废话
  42. diplomatic palaver between leaders: 领导之间的外交废话
  43. palaver during a road trip: 公路旅行中的闲谈
  44. engaging in humorous palaver: 参与幽默的闲谈
  45. palaver about personal experiences: 关于个人经历的废话
  46. bureaucratic palaver in administrative processes: 行政流程中的官僚废话
  47. palaver during a team-building activity: 团队建设活动中的废话
  48. engaging in deep palaver: 参与深度的闲谈
  49. palaver with strangers: 与陌生人闲谈
  50. palaver in the staff room: 职员休息室中的废话
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
