
[adjective] (of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to seem almost tangible
[形容词] (指感觉或气氛)强烈到几似乎是可以触摸到的


Palpable 是一个与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送过的 culpable 有着相同结尾的单词。该词源自拉丁语 palpare (轻轻触摸、轻抚),14世纪末经晚期拉丁语 palpabilis (可能被触摸或感觉到的)进入英语后,也是用来表示“可触摸到的”,适用于引起身体任何触觉感受器反应的东西,比如:

  • 空气暖和、闷热,就像脱脂棉一样可触摸得到。
    The air was warm, close, palpable as cotton wool.

从这个概念出发,很自然地就用 palpable 引申指“易觉察的、明显的、可感知的”,主要指谎言、差别、感觉、气氛等强烈或明显到几似乎是可以触摸到的,也就意味着易于感知或理解,比如:

  • 他聚精会神地上下打量她。屋子里的紧张气氛几乎显而易见。
    His gaze roamed over her. The tension in the room was almost palpable.
  • 洁白无瑕的沙滩上,闪光的棕榈树叶在温和的海风中舞动,摇曳生姿。她的快乐全写在脸上。
    Glossy palm fronds twisted in the temperate wind along immaculate, powder white beaches. Her joy was palpable.


Flattery in its most palpable form had lost its force with her.

出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。


  • But in at least one respect China resembles a classic emerging market: it retains a palpable fear of floating its currency.
  • Across Europe, that fatigue is as palpable as the dampened Christmas spirit.



  1. Palpable tension – 明显的紧张气氛
  2. Palpable fear – 显而易见的恐惧
  3. Palpable excitement – 可感知的兴奋
  4. Palpable relief – 明显的宽慰
  5. Palpable presence – 可感知的存在
  6. Palpable energy – 显而易见的能量
  7. Palpable disappointment – 可触知的失望
  8. Palpable anger – 显而易见的愤怒
  9. Palpable anticipation – 可感知的期待
  10. Palpable joy – 明显的喜悦


  1. Palpable heat – 可感知的炎热
  2. Palpable humidity – 显而易见的湿度
  3. Palpable weight – 可感知的重量
  4. Palpable scent – 显而易见的气味
  5. Palpable touch – 可感知的触感
  6. Palpable vibration – 显而易见的振动
  7. Palpable rhythm – 可感知的节奏
  8. Palpable texture – 显而易见的质地
  9. Palpable presence – 可感知的存在
  10. Palpable atmosphere – 显而易见的氛围


  1. Palpable evidence – 明显的证据
  2. Palpable result – 显而易见的结果
  3. Palpable impact – 显著的影响
  4. Palpable change – 明显的变化
  5. Palpable success – 明显的成功
  6. Palpable failure – 明显的失败
  7. Palpable achievement – 显著的成就
  8. Palpable improvement – 显著的改善
  9. Palpable growth – 明显的增长
  10. Palpable decline – 明显的下降

其他短语(Other Phrases):

  1. Palpable tension in the room – 房间里明显的紧张气氛
  2. Palpable excitement in the air – 空气中明显的兴奋氛围
  3. Palpable relief washed over him – 他感到明显的宽慰
  4. Palpable fear gripped her heart – 她的心被明显的恐惧所困扰
  5. Palpable disappointment filled the room – 房间里弥漫着明显的失望
  6. Palpable anger simmered beneath the surface – 表面下明显的愤怒在酝酿
  7. Palpable anticipation hung in the air – 空气中弥漫着明显的期待
  8. Palpable joy radiated from their faces – 从他们的脸上散发出明显的喜悦
  9. The tension was palpable – 紧张气氛明显可感
  10. A palpable sense of relief washed over the crowd – 人群中感到明显的宽慰


perceptible: (especially of a slight movement or change of state) able to be seen or noticed
tangible: perceptible by touch
appreciable: large or important enough to be noticed

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
