

[noun] serious and immediate danger
[名词] 严重且紧迫的危险


Peril 一词源自拉丁语 periculum (尝试、试验、实验;危险、风险),13世纪经古法语 peril (危险、风险)进入英语, 也是用来表示“危险、风险、危害”,现在多作为一个正式用语或书面用语指迫在眉睫并可能造成重大损失和伤害的“重大危险、严重危险”,比如:

  • 这个国家摇摇欲坠的经济现在陷入了严重危机。
    The country’s faltering economy is now in grave peril.
  • 她的言语中流露出一丝自鸣得意。她从未意识到她的生命受到了严重的威胁。
    There was a tinge of smug self-satisfaction in her voice. She never felt that her life was in peril.

将其用作复数 perils 或者说常用搭配 perils of sth 时,则可以表示“祸害、险情、险境”,也就是某种特定情况、行为或活动引起的危害或困境,比如:

  • 必须告诫这些青少年注意不安全性行为的危害。他们中很少有人能抵御它的诱惑。
    These teenagers must be warned about the perils of unsafe sex. Few of them can resist the lure of it.

面对危险或险情时,通常是要躲避和防范,但有些人就是喜欢明知不可为而为之,这时就可以用习语 do sth at one’s (own) peril 来警告对方“自冒风险、自担后果”,比如:

  • 我们应当遵守法律。违法者要自担后果。
    We should abide by the law. Anyone who breaks the law does so at their peril.
  • 这个曾经羞怯的女孩对权力的欲望永远也不会得到满足。无视该问题你要自担风险。
    The once timid girl will ever manage to slake her lust for power. Ignore it at your peril.

值得注意的是, Yellow Peril 这个字面意思是“黄色的危险”的表达,实则指的是“黄祸”或“黄祸论”,这是一种成形于19世纪的极端民族主义理论。该理论宣扬黄种人对于白人是威胁,白人应当联合起来对付黄种人。


To save the nation from peril, the Chinese people put up a courageous fight.



  • Powerful computers will reshape humanity’s future. How to ensure the promise outweighs the perils?
  • But they quickly abandoned the idea after recognizing the political peril if the idea leaked to the press — or to their boss.


词义: “peril” 是一个名词,表示危险、风险或威胁。

词源: “peril” 这个词源于古法语中的 “peril”,意为 “危险、风险”,源自拉丁语中的 “periculum”,意为 “试探、危险”。它的词源反映了这个词的含义,即指潜在的危险或风险。

用法: “peril” 一词常用作名词,用于描述可能造成危险或威胁的情况或事件。以下是一些详细的用法和相关短语:

  1. 名词用法:
    • The hikers faced great peril when they got lost in the mountains.(迷路的徒步旅行者面临着巨大的危险。)
    • The workers were exposed to the perils of working at great heights.(工人们暴露在高空作业的危险中。)
    • The captain navigated the ship through the perils of the storm.(船长引导船只穿越风暴的危险。)
    • The war brought peril to the lives of innocent civilians.(战争给无辜平民的生活带来了危险。)


  1. Perilous situation: 危险的情况
  2. Perilous journey: 危险的旅程
  3. Perilous conditions: 危险的环境
  4. Face peril: 面临危险
  5. Perilous adventure: 危险的冒险
  6. Perilous escape: 危险的逃脱
  7. Perilous decision: 危险的决定
  8. Perilous times: 危险的时刻
  9. Perilous consequences: 危险的后果
  10. Perilous path: 危险的道路


jeopardy: danger of loss, harm, or failure
menace: a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger
pitfall: a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
