汤米 把它吊上去!
Tommy, take it up!
鲍勃 不管吊什么 他都慢吞吞的 他是你招进来的
He’s big-dealing the fuck out of every lift, Bob. You put him in.
如果每根柱子都要花四天时间 工期就会推迟半年
If every pillar takes four days, you’re looking at a six-month delay.
That’s your guy.
你得冷静一下 哥们
You need to calm down, brother.
我答应过我女儿 她会是第一个过这座桥的人
I promised my daughter she’d be the first one to cross this bridge.
你那尚未出生的女儿吗? -就是她
The one who hasn’t even been born yet? That’s the one.
Go up!
你怎么又放下来了? 把他炒了吧 哥们
Why are you coming down again? Get him out, man.
玛莎好吗? -玛莎很好 她一直都很好
How is Martha? -Martha’s fine. She’s always fine.
嘿 几点了? -3点
Hey, what time is it? -Three.
马可、温德尔 去休息
Mark and Wendell are on break.

All right.
嘿 我需要你明天确认吉米的考勤
Hey, I need you to sign off on Jimmy’s time card tomorrow!
明天确认 -好的
Tomorrow! -All right!
It’s low. -She kicking a lot?
Is she… Yeah, um…
是的 她现在动得很厉害
Yeah. She’s moving around a lot now. -Top or bottom?
你说什么? -胎位通常是偏上还是偏下?
Sorry? -Is she mostly at the top or bottom?
It’s late.
并不是很舒服 -你真幸运
It’s not exactly pleasant. -You’re so lucky.
Aw, that’s really nice.
是呀 -谢谢 我们到时候再看
Yeah. -Thank you. We’ll see how it goes.
首先 你得在这里…
First, need you to…
sign right here.
You forgot down here.
姓名首字母 就在边上…
Initial. Right next to–
如果你们没别的事 我就走了
If you guys are all set, I’m gonna take off.
再见 姐姐 -谢谢
Bye, sis. -Thank you.
再见 -回见
Bye. -See you later.
我爱你 我们家里见
I love you. See you at home.
好的 -祝好运
All right. -Good luck.
然后 你呢…
And then, for you…
I just need one on the bottom.
然后就都办妥了 你有新车了
And then, you’re good. You got yourselves a car.
谢谢你 克里斯 -不客气 这是我的荣幸
Thank you, Chris. -Of course. My pleasure.
You’re thanking him for his getting commission.
该谢我 是我出的钱 -谢谢 妈妈
Thank me, I’m buying it. -Thanks, Mom.
Thank you.
Thank you for that.
恭喜啊 你有新车了
Congrats. You got a car.
真高兴你及时赶到了 -恭喜啊 都弄好了
I’m glad you made it. -Congrats. All set.
I’ve been meaning to ask,
你都看不懂时钟 怎么能造桥?
how is it you can build a bridge when you can’t tell time?
这个…笑话很不错 很好笑
That’s– that’s very good. Oh, that’s very funny.
车在后面 我让他们把车移到车♥库♥了 我一会儿就过去
In the back. I had them move it. So I’ll be there in a second.
谢谢你 克里斯 -再见
Thanks. -Bye.
只有最后一件事了 我需要你在这里填上社保号♥
Just one last thing. I need your social security right here.
你要我的社保号♥干吗? -贷款手续的要求
What do you need my social security for? -Just like a credit thing.
她喜欢你 只是不擅长表达 -不 她不喜欢我
She likes you. She just can’t show it. -No, she doesn’t.
她刚给我们买♥♥了辆车 -没错
She did just buy us a car. -She did.
但这也是一种声明 她买♥♥这车是因为知道我买♥♥不起
But it was also a statement. She bought the car knowing I could buy it.
她想要贬低我 车不在这里 在下一间
She wanted to minimize me. It’s not here. Next room.
所以她才买♥♥了辆厢式旅行车 想打击我的男子气概
That’s why she bought a minivan. She wants to emasculate me.
That’s a good horn. Whoo!
The power.
Anita was so jealous.
天啊 谁在乎阿尼塔怎么想? 让她去死吧
Oh, my goodness. Who cares what Anita thinks? Fuck her.
她怎么想重要吗? -不重要 只是…
What does it matter? -It doesn’t matter. It’s just…
她的想法一点不重要 那个才重要 看看那车
It doesn’t matter at all. That’s what matters. Look at that thing.
哦 我的天啊!
Oh, my God!
她买♥♥了辆灰色的 就像她一样阴沉无趣 太棒了
And she got it gray like her soul. It’s wonderful.
这是她灵魂的颜色 -我们有车了
It’s her spirit color. -Whoa. This is us now.
Yeah, it is.
这才是重要的 布座椅很重要
That’s what matters right there. Cloth seats matter.
座椅加热器很重要 安全气囊很重要
Oh! -Seat heaters matter, airbags matter.
我觉得你开这车看上去会很不错 -是呀 这就是我的命
I think you’re gonna look good in this. -Oh, yeah, this is it for me.
我们三个才重要 -对
The three of us matter. -Yeah.
我一家人才重要 谁在乎她是怎么想的?
It’s the tribe that matters. Who cares what she thinks?
你知道什么是重要的吗? 这样东西才重要
You know what matters? This is what matters here.

我给咱们准备了样东西 -哦 我的天
Well, I got us something. -Oh, my God.
That is so cute.

等一下 这…
Wait, is it…
这图像倒了吧? -没倒
Is this the wrong way around? -It’s the right way around.
不 这是倒的
No, it’s upside down.
没有 我是故意这样弄的 这是我的选择 她是我的女儿
No, that’s how I did it. It was a choice. That’s my daughter.
Wonky, interesting, charming, intelligent.
谦逊 -谦逊、低调
Modest. -Modest, humble.
要我给她打电♥话♥吗? -好的
Should I call her? -Yeah.
你想喝点水吗? -不想
Do you want some water or something? -No.
你快要分娩了 要不你先坐下吧 宝贝?
We’re moving right along. Why don’t you sit down, baby?
嗯 我一会儿会坐的
Yeah, I will after a little. -Huh?
当然啰 关键时刻她不接电♥话♥了
Of course, now she’s not picking up the phone.
嘿 芭芭拉 你好 又是我们
Hey, Barbara, hi, it’s us again.
So we’re having six-minute contractions now.
It’s moving– We’re, uh, we’re moving.
We’re finding our pace, we’re getting a little bit of a rhythm going,
and we feel pretty good.
Oh, really?
是呀 有点意外 不过…你还能怎么办呢?
Yeah, I mean, it’s new, but, uh… what can you do?
好吧 有进展及时告诉我们 我们随时都能接电♥话♥
Okay, well, just keep us up to speed. We’re on the phone.
Thank you.
好 还记得吗 我们参加产前会议时 他们说
Ah, okay. Remember we went to the prenatal meetings and they said,
“听着 可能会出现意外情况 生产当天可能并非事事顺利
“Listen. We’re gonna flip some cards. Maybe something might not go perfectly,
事情可能没按计划进行 可能会出状况”
might not go according to plan, things might change.”
现在就出现了点状况 -什么状况?
We’re flipping cards. -In what way?
芭芭拉在…正在帮人接生 对方分娩有困难
So, Barbara has… She’s in the middle of a heavy labor.
她在帮人接生? -你还记得伊娃吗?
She’s in a labor? -Do you remember Eva?
记得 可我快要分娩了
I do, but I’m in my labor–
我们很喜欢她 -你能打电♥话♥给她吗?
We liked her very much– -Can you call her?
给伊娃? -是的 我想跟…不 打给芭芭拉
Eva? -Yes. I want to talk– No, Barbara.
我想亲自跟她谈谈 -她正在帮人接生呢
I wanna talk to her myself. -She’s in the middle of a labor.
Well, so am I.

没什么可紧张的 -我没有紧张
It’s nothing to freak out about. -I’m not freaking out.
我只是希望她在这里 -好
I just want her here. -Okay.
Like, how long is it gonna take? Did she say?
孩子要出生了 芭芭拉能来的时候就会来
Eva’s coming now and Barbara’s gonna come when she can.
I’m not in control.
我只是个传话的 -别说话
I’m just relaying information. -No. Shh.
She’ll be here when she can get here.
这就是我想说的 冷静一点
That’s what I’m saying. Just calm down.
我们做点别的事吧 怎么样?我们来跳舞吧
Let’s do something else. How about that? Let’s dance.
过来 -我不想跳舞
Come here. -I don’t wanna dance.
Distract me with something.
找事情分散你的注意力? 比如…说个笑话什么的?
Distract you with something? Like… a joke or something?
说个你喜欢的东西的笑话 冰箱里有什么?
A joke about something you like. What’s in the fridge?
Broccoli? Broccoli is in the fridge.
西兰花最喜欢的音乐 你知道是什么吗?
Broccoli’s favorite music. You know what it is?
You know what broccoli’s favorite music is?
