And don’t you get any notion, man, cos I got my gun in my other hand here.
我们走 快点
Okey-dokey. Let’s go.
Yes. We’ve got a situation up here.
是非常棘手的情况 你必须帮我控制一下局面
A very delicate situation. And you can help us control it by holding them for us.
我明白 我会的
Yes, Colonel. Yes, yes. I understand. We’ll do it.
Make sure they don’t communicate with the outside.
We’re tryin’ to avoid unnecessary panic.
为了公众的利益 我知道
Their best interests, I agree.
Well, you’re welcome, Colonel. Uh…
See you in the mornin’.
今晚你们得在这儿过夜了 你们好好待着吧
Well, you best make yourself comfortable, folks. You’ll be spending the night.
可以打电♥话♥吗 – 这里可不行
What about a phone call? – I don’t wanna hear it.
I don’t wanna hear it.
I gotta get back on that road now.
再见了 伙计们 明早见
So you folks, you just behave yourselves.
等一下 你不能就这样走
No, wait a minute. You can’t just leave!
My daughter’s down there!
There are kids down there, and the piranhas are in the river!
The witch and the demons of the forest scoured every corner of the church,
venom dripping from their fangs.
巫婆说 “你们在哪里啊”
“Where is he?” hissed the witch.
恶魔说 把眼皮向上拉
The demons peeled their heavy eyelids back.
There he is!
完全没有理由惊慌 这是个彻头彻尾的骗局 相信我
There’s absolutely no cause for alarm. It’s a complete hoax, believe me.
我要提醒你一件事情 可能会出现没有根据的恐慌
I just wanted to warn you in case they were able to get a call through.
Groundless panic wouldn’t help our grand opening any.
我很感谢你的提醒 我会对我手下的员工们说清楚的
Uh-huh. I really appreciate the warning. I’ll brief my staff. We’ll take care of it.
是的 您不用担心
Yeah. Don’t worry.
随便说一句 明天您过来吧
Uh-huh. By the way, are you comin’ down tomorrow?
很好 很好 您的光临会给庆典增添光彩
Ah, good. Your presence will lend a certain prestige to the opening.
No. No, Colonel. Nobody knows about your investment.
With me, a silent partner’s privacy is sacred.
他们不参与管理 我向您发誓没人知道
I swear to you on my honour as a Texan, nobody knows.
是的 将军
Yes, Colonel.
晚安 晚安
Good night. Good night.
加点速度 伙计们 我们要在七点之前全部完成
Come on, you guys! Will you haul ass? This stuff’s gotta be set by ten o’clock.
What are you doing back there?
Hide, that’s all they do. Drink beer and hide.
嗨 – 嗨
Hi. – Hi.
I always like it at night.
是啊 我也一样
Yeah, me too.
It’s like it’s resting.
嘿 想下水游泳吗 – 大晚上游泳
Hey, wanna race me across? – To the island?
是啊 我一到这儿就想晚上一个人下水游泳
Yeah. Ever since I got here, I haven’t been able to just swim by myself.
周围静悄悄的 感觉真好
I’ve always had half a dozen campers hangin’ on to me.
我不怎么喜欢晚上游泳 不过我喜欢看
I don’t know. I don’t feel like swimming. But go ahead, I’ll watch you.
你怕什么呢 – 我不知道
What’s the matter? – I don’t know.
有些事情 有些事情不太对劲
Something… Something’s wrong.
来吧 和我一块儿下水吧 对身体有好处的
Come on, come with me. It’ll do you some good.
也许你是对的 – 行了 我们下水吧
You’re probably right. – Good. OK.
格罗根夫人 你们在干什么
Grogan, turn off that flashlight!
别害怕 就我一个人
Don’t be alarmed – it’s only me.
There’s a rumour some campers are coming for a midnight swim.
If I catch them swimming, they’ll be in pretty hot water, I can tell you.
那么刚才在干什么 – 我们只是
What are you doing out here? – Oh, well, we…
I thought I heard some campers swimming. We came down to look.
游泳 在哪儿 – 在瀑布边
Swimming? Where? – Over by the waterfall.
瀑布边 是在那边吗
The waterfall? Is that where they’re doing it?
What was that?
It sounded like campers on the other side of the lake.
The other side of the lake?
多谢 给我上来 你们
Thank you. Kim Burrell, is that you?
Well, there’s always tomorrow for that swim.
是啊 明天再说吧
Yeah. Let’s do it tomorrow.
你在干什么 – 有人教过我一招 我想用一下
What are you doin’? – Did I tell you about Mo Schneider?
是谁 – 以前认识的一个越狱惯犯
Who’s that? – This guy they sent me to find one time.
他是个水管工 他以不雅的身体暴露被拘留了
He was a plumber. He kept running off and getting busted for indecent exposure.
嘿 你在那儿干什么
What are you doin’ there?
因为行为不检点 他被拘留多次
Mo was in the poky so many times that he developed a regular escape routine.
逃跑的技巧越来越高 这是一个水管工的绝招
Being a plumber, he used what he knew best.
What the hell was that?
你在干什么 你没事吧
What are you doing? Are you all right?
老天 听着
Christ, listen.
This, uh, this plan, whatever it is, did it ever work?
No. But he came pretty close a couple of times.
Pretty damn close.
怎么回事 听起来像是天花板掉了 满地的水是怎么回事
What’s all that racket? Sounds like the roof fell in. What’s all this water from?
Something’s leaking, and I’ll catch pneumonia if it doesn’t stop.
那水管子怎么了 – 我试了好几次
What’s the matter with that sink trap? – I’ve tried,
but I’m just not strong enough to put the pipes back together.
你往后退 我进来看看
All right. Stand back, I’ll take a look at it.
这是怎么回事 是出水管的问题吗
What the hell did you do to this thing? Tryin’ to crawl through the drainpipe?
怎么了 发生什么事了 – 他只是晕过去了 还活着
What’s happenin’? – He’s knocked out, but he’s alive.
快拿钥匙 有钥匙吗
Get his keys. Can you get his keys?
与裤子系在一起 – 那么把裤子脱下来吧
They’re chained to his pants! – Well, take his pants off, then.
Come on. I’d have thought you could get a man’s pants off quicker than that.
好了 我拿到了
Got ’em! I got ’em!
好 我们走
Come on. Let’s go.
你用什么打的他 – 一个水龙头
What did you hit him with? – A piece of the toilet lid.
这次可又是我的功劳啊 – 感谢你的那个暴露狂师♥傅♥
Maybe I should have tried bribery first. – Thank you, Mo Schneider.
Don’t suppose one of those keys would fit a patrol car?
I wouldn’t be surprised.
Howdy, folks. I’m Buck Gardner.
Thank you.
谢谢 谢谢大家
Thank you. I appreciate that.
On behalf of Buck Gardner’s Aquarena Development Corporation,
it gives me great pleasure to invite you here to our opening-day festivities.
这个地区是非常引人入胜的 我们有众多娱乐节目
If you have any questions about purchasing land up here,
our people will be mingling in the crowd to answer your questions.
没有必要买♥♥任何东西 大家只管玩就行了
You got no obligation to buy anything, only to enjoy yourselves. Annie?
Right there.
Right there.
Try again.
剪的真好 孩子
Nice try, kid.
That’s it!
不要忘了 我们有免费烧烤 中午一点钟开始
Don’t forget, free barbecue this afternoon at one o’clock.
Enjoy yourselves.
We got ’em.
别看了 只看不练的小鬼
No comics! No comics. No discipline.
水上竞赛时间到了 大家放下弓箭
Water competition. Muster up. Water competition.
Put the arrows away. Put the bows in the tep…
That isn’t funny.
快来 快
Minnows, over here!
快点儿 孩子们
Come on, kids.
快点 你们这些小家伙
Come on, you guys.
孩子们 到这儿来 孩子们 快过来 快点
Guppies! Come on, let’s go! Come on, line up. That’s right. Come on.
过来排队 大家站好
Standing in line. Straight line.
分成两队 我们来高呼 我们一定赢
Straighten up. OK. We’re gonna have a tube race. Who’s gonna win?
一定能赢 – 一定能赢
Minnows! – We are!
We are!
好啦 你们这些家伙
All right. OK, you guys.
游泳是不能戴眼镜的 给我
You cannot swim with your glasses on.
两人一组 手拉手
Let’s turn this way now. Buddy system. Arms up.
就这样 很好
There we go. Stand up straight. Come on.
站直了 – 真不错 你就像是一条小孔雀鱼
Stand up straight. – Come on, be proud you’re a Guppy.
很好 很好
