
[noun] a request made in an urgent and emotional manner
[名词] 以紧急和感人的方式提出的请求


Plea 这个单词比较好记,在拼写上很容易将其与熟词 pea (豌豆)联系起来。

该词于13世纪初先后经古法语 plait (诉讼、决定、裁决)和英国法语 plai 进入英语,最初也是用来表示“诉讼、法律冲突”,不过这个含义现已不再流行。

但从法律诉讼这个概念出发,等到了14世纪末, plea 开始发展出现在的主要法律含义,表示被告或其律师在法庭上表明对被指控的罪名服或不服的“抗辩、辩护、答辩、申诉”,比如:

  • 表示认罪
    enter a guilty plea
  • 提出无罪申诉
    enter a plea of not guilty
  • 从轻发落的请求
    a plea in mitigation

而常用搭配 plea of sth 则相应用来表示向法院提供的“……的辩由、借口、托辞”,这也可以用来指各种推脱自己不应该被指责或被迫做某事的说辞,比如:

  • 约翰谋杀了他爱张扬的妻子,但以精神错乱为由逃脱了惩罚。
    John murdered his flamboyant wife, but got off on a plea of insanity.
  • 她推说头痛早退了。说到请假歇班,她什么花招都想得出。
    She left early with the plea of a headache. When it comes to getting off work, she knows all the dodges.

进而 plea 被用来泛指“恳求、请求”,常作正式用语使用,多指以紧急和感人的方式提出的请求,通常出于自我辩护、寻求辩护或者呼吁理解、支持、同情、怜悯的动机,比如:

  • 喘着气请求饶恕
    gasp out a plea for mercy
  • 他简短地说:“相信我!”。与此同时,他那闪亮的凝视目光传神地表达了他的恳求。
    He said with laconic brevity: “Trust me!” Meanwhile, his glistening gaze was eloquent in its plea.


It would be the same thing all over. The old humiliation of her plea, rewarded by curt denial.

出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。


  • Despite his plea, the rouble is falling: on January 21st it dropped to more than 85 to the dollar, a record low.
  • And his message was the same as it has been in the aftermath of numerous mass shootings: a plea for action to enact universal background checks and overhaul gun laws.


plea“(恳求,请求,抗辩)是一个名词,通常用来表示请求、恳求或法庭上的抗辩陈述。以下是一些包含单词 “plea” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Desperate plea(绝望的恳求)
  2. Emotional plea(情感的请求)
  3. Heartfelt plea(衷心的恳求)
  4. Urgent plea(紧急的请求)
  5. Humble plea(谦卑的请求)
  6. Innocent plea(无辜的抗辩)
  7. Guilty plea(有罪的认罪)
  8. Personal plea(个人的请求)
  9. Public plea(公开的恳求)
  10. Last-minute plea(最后一刻的请求)
  11. Sincere plea(真诚的恳求)
  12. Legal plea(法律的抗辩)
  13. Formal plea(正式的请求)
  14. Tearful plea(含泪的恳求)
  15. Bargaining plea(讨价还价的请求)
  16. Compelling plea(引人注目的请求)
  17. Innocence plea(无罪的抗辩)
  18. Emotional plea for help(情感的求助恳求)
  19. Guilty plea bargain(有罪的认罪交易)
  20. Apologetic plea(道歉的请求)
  21. Heartfelt plea for understanding(理解的衷心请求)
  22. Desperate plea for mercy(恳求宽恕的绝望请求)
  23. plea for justice(对正义的请求)
  24. plea for forgiveness(对宽恕的请求)
  25. plea for compassion(对同情的请求)
  26. plea for assistance(对援助的请求)
  27. Urgent plea for action(行动的紧急请求)
  28. plea for cooperation(对合作的请求)
  29. plea for empathy(对同情的请求)
  30. plea for understanding(对理解的请求)
  31. plea for unity(对团结的请求)
  32. plea for intervention(对干预的请求)
  33. plea for support(对支持的请求)
  34. plea for patience(对耐心的请求)
  35. Heartfelt plea for change(变革的衷心请求)
  36. Emotional plea for reconciliation(和解的情感请求)
  37. plea for tolerance(对容忍的请求)
  38. plea for responsibility(对责任的请求)
  39. plea for honesty(对诚实的请求)
  40. plea for peace(对和平的请求)
  41. plea for equality(对平等的请求)
  42. plea for action(对行动的请求)
  43. plea for awareness(对意识的请求)
  44. plea for harmony(对和谐的请求)
  45. plea for change(对改变的请求)
  46. plea for understanding(对理解的请求)
  47. plea for assistance(对援助的请求)
  48. plea for cooperation(对合作的请求)
  49. plea for empathy(对同情的请求)
  50. plea for support(对支持的请求)


appeal: a serious or urgent request, typically one made to the public

entreaty: an earnest or humble request

petition: an appeal or request, especially a solemn or humble one to a deity or a superior

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
