Hong Zikui Poem: On Duty in the Jade Hall– 洪咨夔《直玉堂作》









[1] 直玉堂:在翰林院值班。

[2] 洪咨夔:宋朝翰林学士。《千家诗》注说:“禁门,宫禁之门也。相麻,拜相之制,用黄麻纸书之进呈。宫中每夜有唱更之人,谓之鸡人,此亦入直草制之诗。言宫禁森严,夜静而诸门深锁,寂静无哗也。朝廷有拜相之制,命当敕儒臣撰之。亲承天语,归而草制,浓墨淋漓,润泽于黄麻之纸。两相之制已成,而鸡人已唱五更,天尚未晓,惟见一墀月色寒浸紫薇花影,此形容得意之诗也。”这是一首难得的翰林学士草拟封相令的纪实诗。

[3] 禁门:宫门,因不得擅自出入,故称“禁门”。

[4] 淋漓:形容墨迹未干。

[5] 两相麻:两页黄麻纸上写着拜相的诏令。

[6] 唱彻:更人报唱时辰。

[7] 墀:宫殿前的石阶。

On Duty in the Jade Hall

Hong Zikui

The palace silent, with gates and doors locked all,

Dense ink is spilt to draft two edicts in Jade Hall.

Before the watchmen announce the early daybreak,

I see the roses steeped in moonlight not yet awake.


This poem is a seven-line poem written by Hong Zui Kui, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. The poem is about the relaxation and satisfaction of being a direct minister of Hanlin and preparing the imperial edict for the emperor. The first line is about the silence of the palace after the palace gate is locked; the second line is about the poet drafting the appointment letters of the two chancellors. In the second two lines, the poet writes about the situation on the fifth night, and in the third line, he writes about the sound of the dawn; in the last line, he writes about the moonlight shining on the steps and on the violet flowers, and uses the allusion to the province of violet. The poem is written in a subtle and tasty way.
