polarise 英 [ˈpəʊləraɪz] 美 [ˈpoʊləraɪz]



  • The polarised politics of America, Britain and elsewhere, in which neither side can tolerate the other’s views, pushes against that ideal.
  • Yet his determination to act alone inflamed his opponents, helped polarize the debate on climate change and will carry a significant economic cost.


[verb] to cause something, especially something that contains different people or opinions, to divide into two completely opposing groups
[动词] 使不同的人或观点,分成两个截然对立的群体




The films that I do tend to polarise people’s views.

出自亚伦·威廉·帕克爵士(Sir Alan William Parker,1944年2月14日-),英国电影导演、电影监制、作家和演员,其主要电影作品有《鸟人》(Birdy)、《名扬四海》(Fame)等。


polarise” 是一个动词,意为在某个话题、问题或群体中形成两极分化、对立的情况。这个词常常用来描述在某种讨论或社会议题中出现明显的分歧和立场对立。


  1. polarise opinions – 极化意见
  2. Politically polarised – 政治上分化
  3. Socially polarised – 社会上分化
  4. Economically polarised – 经济上分化
  5. Culturally polarised – 文化上分化
  6. Racially polarised – 种族上分化
  7. polarise the nation – 使国家分化
  8. polarise the electorate – 使选民分化
  9. polarise the community – 使社区分化
  10. polarise the debate – 使辩论分化
  11. polarise public opinion – 极化公众舆论
  12. polarise society – 极化社会
  13. Ideologically polarised – 意识形态上分化
  14. Religious polarisations – 宗教上的分化
  15. Regionally polarised – 地区上分化
  16. polarise the workforce – 使劳动力市场分化
  17. polarise the discussion – 使讨论分化
  18. polarise the media – 使媒体分化
  19. polarise the party – 使党派分化
  20. polarise the youth – 使年轻人分化
  21. polarise the school – 使学校分化
  22. polarise the company – 使公司分化
  23. polarise the family – 使家庭分化
  24. polarise the relationship – 使关系分化
  25. polarise the market – 使市场分化
  26. polarise the industry – 使行业分化
  27. polarise the economy – 使经济分化
  28. polarise the global community – 使全球社区分化
  29. polarise international relations – 极化国际关系
  30. polarise the diplomatic efforts – 使外交努力分化
  31. polarise political parties – 使政党分化
  32. polarise the labor movement – 使工会运动分化
  33. polarise the environmental debate – 使环保辩论分化
  34. polarise social classes – 使社会阶级分化
  35. polarise public discourse – 使公共言论分化
  36. polarise educational systems – 使教育体系分化
  37. polarise generational perspectives – 使代际观点分化
  38. polarise economic policies – 使经济政策分化
  39. polarise cultural values – 使文化价值分化
  40. polarise scientific community – 使科学界分化
  41. polarise gender roles – 使性别角色分化
  42. polarise the voting population – 使投票人口分化
  43. polarise urban and rural areas – 使城乡分化
  44. polarise immigration policies – 使移民政策分化
  45. polarise health care debates – 使医疗保健辩论分化
  46. polarise foreign policy – 使外交政策分化
  47. polarise public perception – 使公众认知分化
  48. polarise cultural norms – 使文化规范分化
  49. polarise legal interpretations – 使法律解释分化
  50. polarise technological advancements – 使技术进步分化


  • decentralize: to give some of the power of a central government, organization, etc. to smaller parts or organizations around the country
  • segregate: to keep one thing separate from another
  • differentiate: to make someone or something different
