-我在看家庭时间 -赛得
-I’m watching Family Affair. -Zed.
是重播 你要什么
It’s a rerun. What do you want?
-我想他是个可怜虫 -你不认为 弗兰克 你问啊
-I think he’d be a good Scullion. -You don’t think, Flacko. You ask!
-你叫什么名字 他们都叫你什么 -笨蛋
-You got a name? What do they call you? -Jughead.
笨蛋 我妈妈的名字曾经也叫笨蛋
Jughead. My mother’s name was Jughead.
-我在考虑把他改了 -为什么 这是个不错的美国名字
-Well, I’ve been thinking of changing it. -Why? It’s a good American name.
As such!
好 好 好 耶 好地方 很棒的地方
Right, right, right. Yeah, nice place. Great place.
Thank you very much.
曾经有一个女人♥大♥概 每星期来一次
I had a woman who used to come in here about once a week…
但是我不得不炒了她 她被淘汰了
but I had to fire her. It didn’t pan out.
-哦 是吗 我可能知道谁 -闭嘴
-Oh, really? I might know someone. -Shut up!
-我谁也不知道 没有一个人 -你会紧张什么
-I don’t know anyone. Not a person. -What are you so nervous about?
我不知道 我不知道 我不知道 这个地方有点神秘
I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. The place weirds me out.
It smells like animals.
-他们带他去我的地方了 -嘘
-They took him to my place? -Shh!
-我们在哪里 -旧动物园
-Where are we? -The old zoo.
The old zoo!
旧动物园 旧的 不是新的动物园 只是旧的
The old zoo. The old–Not the new zoo, but the old zoo.
有香烟吗 抽点烟
You have a cigarette? Some smokes?
-老的动物园 -老的动物园
-The old zoo. -The old zoo?
-我从来没看到过新动物园 -现在是机会了 斯图曼
-I never even saw the new zoo. -Well, now’s your chance, Schtulman.
卢可能喜欢 像个新家 转弯
Lou may love it. It’ll be like a new home. Turn the wheel!
有光吗 用不用来点火
What about a light? What about some little fire?
你不该抽烟 对你的健康不好
You shouldn’t smoke. It’s bad for your health.
-想想我要走了 -星期天 星期天在赛道公园
-Think I’ll quit. -At Raceway Park.
-改装的高速赛车 -你很兴奋
-Dragsters—You’re wired!
-你是个警♥察♥ -不 不 不 我是个歌♥手
-You’re a cop. -No, no, no. I’m a singer.
You’re a cop.
And you’re an ugly cop.
所有单位注意 所有单位注意 我们在旧动物园遇到997
Attention all units. Attention all units. We’ve got a 997 at the old zoo.
-997 -我们在旧动物园遇到997
-997? -We got a 997 at the old zoo.
旧动物园遇到997 马奥尼需要帮助
A 997 at the old zoo. Mahoney needs help.
快点 不是你 卢
Step on it, please. Not you, Lou!
所有单位注意 我们在旧的废弃的 动物园遇到997
All units. We have a 997 at the old abandoned zoo!
-你在干吗 -我正在请求增援
-What are you doing? -I was calling for assistance.
-马奥尼有麻烦了 -马奥尼被停职了
-Mahoney’s in trouble. -Mahoney is suspended.
You will do nothing of the kind.
快 快 马奥尼有麻烦了
Hurry! Hurry! Mahoney’s in trouble!
-马奥尼 -快走
-Mahoney! -Let’s go!
-怎么了 -马奥尼有麻烦了
-What’s up? -Mahoney’s in trouble.
-我来开车 -你快上车
-Let me drive. -Will you get in!
嗨 等一下
Hey! Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
-不要让我发飙啊 -对不起 赛得 看 放松
-Don’t make me flare my nostrils! -Excuse me, Zed. Look, relax.
你要冷静 跟着我呼吸
You gotta calm down. You gotta breathe with me.
-1 2 3 -我喝了太多咖♥啡♥因♥
-One, two, three. -I’m getting too much caffeine.
-嗯 我知道 我要走了 -我要杀了你
-Yeah, I know. I’m gonna go now. -I ought to kill you!
-高塔 -是 长官
-Hightower. -Yes, sir?
I want you and Jones to cross that bridge.
等在入口处直到听到我的信♥号♥♥ 出发
Wait outside this entrance until you hear my signal. Get going.
No going.
好 好 好
Well, well, well.
If it isn’t the former captain…
皮特 拉赛德
Pete Lassard.
-你该死的在做什么 -我正在计划攻击
-What the hell do you think you’re doing? -I’m making a plan of attack.
洞的顶上有通风孔 我要从那里进去
Now, there’s an air vent on top of that cave. I’ll be going in through there.
-舒尔曼 -去你的 这里我说了算
-Schtulman—Like hell you are. I’m in charge here.
-法克勒 -是 长官
-Fackler. -Yes, sir.
-你跟我来 -去哪
-You’ll come with me. -Where?
To the air vent.
Captain Mauser.
-安我的办法来做 -我不会那开我的肘
-We’re gonna do this my way. -I’m not gonna move my elbow.
-我不要那个 要那个 -滚出去
-I don’t need that. I need that. -Get out of here!
Wanna trade?
好的 你先来 长官
Okay, up you go, sir.
-把你的手从我的屁♥股♥拿开 -对不起 对不起
-Get your hand out of my ass! -Sorry, sorry.
-毛瑟 毛瑟 -毛瑟上尉 过来
-Oh! Mauser! Mauser! -Captain Mauser. Come on.
-这是什么地方 -熊的洞穴
-What is this place? -Bear cave.
-过来 -哦 向桥那里去
-Come on. -Oh, drawbridge.
-那是什么 -老鼠
-What’s that? -Rats.
-老鼠 -老鼠
-Rats? -Rats.
好办法 你呆在这里 掩护外面
Good idea. You stay here, cover the outside.
马上回来 我希望
Be right back. I hope.
等等 等等 把蜡烛吹灭
Wait, wait, wait! Blow out the candle.
-等一下 -噢
-Wait a minute! -Wow.
Get back!
对不起 我有点紧张 什么
Sorry, I’m nervous. What?
把它包在你的腰上 像这样打2个活结
Wrap it around your waist. Make a double slipknot like this.
-我会很慢的把你放下去 -我
-I’m gonna lower you down real gently. -Me?
不 你妈妈
No, your mother.
-我告诉你怎么做 法克勒 -哦 不
-Let me show you what to do. Fackler! -Oh, no!
哦 妈的
Oh, shit!
-停下来 -这是什么 你们都被捕了
-Stop this thing! -What it is! Everybody’s under arrest!
-他们到了 -放我出去 法克勒
-They’ve arrived. -Get me out of here! Fackler!
-哦 -放我出去 哦 上帝啊
-Ah! -Get me out of here! Oh, God!
-赛得 你是通情达理的 -我讨厌这个
-Now, Zed, you’re being reasonable. -I hate reasonable!
斯图曼 是我
Schtulman, it’s me!
This is the police department.
Throw down your weapons…
put up your hands and come out of this cave.
-嗨 伙计们 -喔
-Hi, boys. -Whoa.
但是 长官 不
But, sir–No!
-赛得 过来 我们谈谈 -我没心情
-Zed, come on, let’s talk. -I’m not in the mood!
-放下枪 -我有心情
-Drop the gun. -I’m in the mood.
-你从哪里来 -放下枪 阿飞
-So where are you from? -Drop the gun, punk!
你不会开枪的 你没有子弹
You won’t shoot! You don’t have any guts!
3秒后 你就没脑子了
Three more seconds, you don’t have any brains.
-我当然有脑子 -长官 3秒到了
-I do so have brains. -Sir, three seconds is up.
I’m on about two and a half!
Drop it.
-干得好 -谢谢 马奥尼 捡起枪
-Good job, sir! -Thanks, Mahoney. Pick up the gun.
That didn’t hurt.
That didn’t hurt.
-疼的 -别动 垃圾带
-That hurt! -Don’t move, dirtbag!
去哪儿 胡克斯
Where you been, Hooks?
长官 真漂亮啊
Sir, that was beautiful.
Haven’t carried live ammo since ’73.
欢迎回来 队长
Welcome back, captain.
1 2
One. Two.
泰克 你今晚好样的
Tack. Now, you be a good boy tonight.
You guys.
好了 伙计们 自♥由♥了
All right, boys. At ease.
谢谢 还有 哦 不好意思
Thanks. Okay, one more. Oh, excuse me.
-嗨 司令官 -马奥尼 你好吗
-Hi, commandant. -Mahoney, how are you?
-很好 -我们很想你
-Pretty good. -We’ve missed you.
-谢谢 -没那么多
-Thanks. -Not that much.
-再见 -再见
-Bye! -Bye-bye!

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
