Stop screwing around!
-快 扔掉降落伞 -加油
-Come on! Drop the parachute! -Come on!
如果他不想这么做 别逼他
If he doesn’t want to do it, don’t push him.
他只是必须 想自救
He’s gotta, like, wanna help himself.
You land that balloon right now!
我是哈里斯上尉 你们被捕了
This is Capt. Harris! You are under arrest!
Land that balloon now!
-我在空中将他们击落吧 长官 -不 还不到时候
-I’ll just blast them out of the sky, sir. -No! Not yet.
您说的对 我应该先鸣枪警告他们一下
You’re right.I should give them a warning shot first.
你这个低能儿 现在高兴了吧
lmbecile! Are you happy now?
至少看上去我们会降落到河里 长官
At least it looks likewe’re coming down in the river.
没关系 因为你会死的
It won’t matterbecause you’re going to be dead!
Pretty view —
I hate water!
-他们掉河里了 -快点 也许我们能把他们救上来
-They’re in the river. -Hurry. Maybe we can catch them.
I’ll pull alongside Tackleberry.
瞧 那是我的家
Look, I see my house!
看 是那帮骗子
Look, the crooks!
我们去把他们抓住 啊
Let’s go get them, okay?
抓紧了 长官
Hang on, sir!
-快点 别让他们流到瀑布那 -他们往那边去了
-Hurry, before they go over the falls! -There they go!
Get a rope!
坚持住 坚持住 长官
Hang on. Hang on, sir!
Hang on, we’ll come and get you!
Grab it!
Try to relax!
他们在那 他们跑不掉了
There’s the balloon! Now I’ve got them.
只有一种方法 我去
There’s only one way to do thisand it’s up to me!
-飞到气球上方去 -他跟你说话呢
-Take over! -He was talking to you!
If you’re coming back, bring some beer!
-不 他在跟你说话 -不不 不 我听见他说了
-No. He was talking to you. -No, I heard him.
-他说 “斯威特查克 斯威特查克飞到气球上方去” -不 他没说
-He said, “Sweetchuck, take over.” -No, he did not.
-别踩我的脚 -闭嘴 你怎么老没完没了的抱怨
-Get off of my foot! -Shut up! Why are you always whining?
Leave me alone!
先生们 请出去你们的许可证
Gentlemen, may I see your licenseand registration, please?
他们在那儿 下降 我想近一点儿 再近一点儿
There they are. Take it down.I want to get close. Get closer.
马霍尼 你要干什么
Mahoney, what are you doing?
Get in closer!
嘿 知道你在干什么吗
What do you think you’re doing?
我来关照关照你 警官
I’ll take care of you, copper!
从机翼上下去 离开这
Get off my wing! Get off of there!
What will you do about them?
伙计 结束了 咱们一块回家吧
Pal, it’s over. Let’s go home.
-我恨你 -我 我才不怕你
-I hate you. -I’m not really thrilled about you!
-你干嘛不减减肥 -你干嘛不到外面走走
-Why don’t you lose some weight? -Why don’t you get out and walk?
-我要吐了 -我没有降落伞
-I’m going to be sick! -I don’t have a parachute!
-闭嘴 我要吐了 -别弄脏我的衣服
-Shut up! I’m going to be sick! -Don’t be sick on me!
-我没有降落伞 -休息会吧
-I don’t have a chute! -Break your fall!
-掉到小孩们身上 -不 我要降落伞
-Hit the kids! -No, I need a chute!
用你自己的 离我远点
Get your own! Get away from me!
Come on!
Let go!
我要把你劈成两半 你这个坏蛋
I’ll break you in half, you dweeb.
行了 我打开伞了你满意了吧 别碰我
There, I opened the chute.Are you satisfied? Leave me alone!
-我要杀了你 -闭上你的嘴享受飞行吧
-I’m going to kill you! -Shut up and enjoy the flight!
Get off me!
指挥官 他们说你的”全民警♥察♥”成员
Commandant, they sayyour Citizens On Patrol group…
does many, manywonderful and crazy things.
I think Sgt. Mahoneydeserves a special bow.
-马霍尼 -没错
-Mahoney? -All right!
-马霍尼 -哟 出发
-Mahoney? -Way to go!
起来 看 是马霍尼
Get up! Look, it’s Mahoney!
-哪儿 -噢 我忘了
-Where? -Sorry.
-为学校干杯 -干杯
-To the Academy. -To the Academy.
知道吗 你看上去有点象《壮志凌云》里汤姆·克鲁斯
You know, you looka little like Tom Cruise in Top Gun.
-嗯 -不
-Yeah? -No!
