Jonny Hayward, a black American, travels to Japan, but is murdered there. Detective Munusue is one of the team of detectives investigating the killing. Munusue begins to suspect that rising fashion designer Kyoko Yasugi may have either information or actual involvement in the murder. When Yasugi’s son Kyohei flees to America after a hit-and-run killing, Detective Munusue goes to New York and teams up uncomfortably with NYPD detective Ken Shuftan to find Kyohei and to get information from Jonny Hayward’s father, who was stationed in Japan after the war. Munusue, whose father was beaten to death by American G.I.s when the detective was a boy, must confront his own vengeful antagonism to former U.S. soldiers in order to solve the case.

美国黑人乔尼·海沃德(Jonny Hayward)前往日本,但在那里被谋杀。穆努塞警探是调查这起谋杀案的警探小组之一。Munusue开始怀疑崛起的时装设计师Kyoko Yasugi可能与谋杀案有信息或实际参与。当Yasugi的儿子Kyohei在一次肇事逃逸杀人后逃往美国时,Munusue侦探前往纽约,与纽约警察局的侦探Ken Shuftan不安地合作,找到Kyohei,并从战后驻扎在日本的Jonny Hayward的父亲那里获得信息。穆努苏的父亲在侦探还是个孩子的时候被美国G.I.s.殴打致死,为了破案,他必须面对自己对前美国士兵的报复性敌意。

one of…之一
fashion designer时装设计师
hit-and-run肇事逃逸的; 突袭后迅速撤离的; 肇事逃逸
New York纽约; 缩写词为NY
uncomfortably令人不安地; 显得不安地; 不舒服地; 难受地
get information得到信息
antagonism敌意; 敌对; 对立情绪; 对抗情绪
in order to为了; 以便; 目的在于; 要想……
