


protest [‘prəʊtest] v. 抗议;断言  n. 抗议  adj. 表示抗议的;抗议性的
protest 抗议 ←词中词→ test 试验
eg. The residents were protesting nuclear tests.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Peaceful protest – 和平抗议
  2. protest march – 抗议游行
  3. protest rally – 抗议集会
  4. protest against injustice – 抗议不公正
  5. protest movement – 抗议运动
  6. protest demonstration – 抗议示威
  7. protest action – 抗议行动
  8. protest organizer – 抗议组织者
  9. protest sign – 抗议标语牌
  10. protest chant – 抗议口号
  11. protest slogan – 抗议口号
  12. protest call – 抗议呼吁
  13. protest gathering – 抗议聚会
  14. protest petition – 抗议请愿书
  15. protest demand – 抗议要求
  16. protest for change – 抗议以求改变
  17. protest for justice – 抗议以争取公正
  18. protest for rights – 抗议以争取权利
  19. protest against discrimination – 抗议歧视
  20. protest against oppression – 抗议压迫
  21. protest against corruption – 抗议腐败
  22. protest against censorship – 抗议审查制度
  23. protest against police brutality – 抗议警察暴力
  24. protest against environmental destruction – 抗议破坏环境
  25. protest against war – 抗议战争
  26. protest against government policies – 抗议政府政策
  27. protest against corporate greed – 抗议企业贪婪
  28. protest against income inequality – 抗议收入不平等
  29. protest against human rights violations – 抗议侵犯人权
  30. protest against social injustice – 抗议社会不公
  31. protest in solidarity – 团结抗议
  32. protest for freedom of speech – 抗议言论自由
  33. protest for equality – 抗议平等
  34. protest for women’s rights – 抗议妇女权益
  35. protest for LGBTQ+ rights – 抗议 LGBTQ+ 权益
  36. protest for immigrant rights – 抗议移民权益
  37. protest for workers’ rights – 抗议工人权益
  38. protest for students’ rights – 抗议学生权益
  39. protest for indigenous rights – 抗议土著权益
  40. protest against police misconduct – 抗议警察不当行为
  41. protest against government corruption – 抗议政府腐败
  42. protest for affordable housing – 抗议争取负担得起的住房
  43. protest against educational inequality – 抗议教育不平等
  44. protest for climate action – 抗议争取气候行动
  45. protest against income disparity – 抗议收入差距
  46. protest for healthcare reform – 抗议医疗改革
  47. protest against police racism – 抗议警察种族主义
  48. protest against unfair trade practices – 抗议不公平贸易行为
  49. protest for animal rights – 抗议争取动物权益
  50. protest for indigenous land rights – 抗议争取土地权益
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
