

[adjective] acting with or showing care and thought for the future
[形容词] 表现出或行动带着对未来的忧虑和思考的


Prudent 是一个与熟词 student 结尾相同的单词,同时也易与 impudent (粗鲁的)相混淆。

该词源自拉丁语 providere (前瞻、准备、供应、有远见地行动),14世纪末经古法语 prudent (有知识的、审慎的)或者直接由拉丁语 prudentem (有知识的、熟练的、睿智的、谨慎的)进入英语后,也是用来表示“谨慎的、审慎的、精明的、深谋远虑的”,常意味着对未来的忧虑或思考,特别是考虑到未来的困难和需求,并通常提前准备好所需的东西,比如:

  • 签合同前先好好看一下,这样做永远都是明智的。
    It’s always prudent to read a contract carefully before signing it.
  • 该共和国现任总统的施政风格时而轻率鲁莽,时而谨慎务实。
    The incumbent president of the Republic oscillated between a facile audacity and a prudent realism.


It is imperative that all of us in the Party never forget our original aspiration and founding mission, that we always stay modest, prudent, and hard-working, and that we have the courage and ability to carry on our fight. We must remain confident in our history, exhibit greater historical initiative, and write an even more magnificent chapter for socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.



  • If this is the tone of the Trump presidency, prudent businesses will make it their priority to curry favour with the president and avoid actions that might irk him.
  • Italians are rich, prudent savers. Their state is poor, profligate and inefficient.


以下是关于 “prudent” 的短语:

  1. Exercise prudent judgment: 行使谨慎判断
  2. Be prudent in decision-making: 在决策中谨慎
  3. Take a prudent approach: 采取谨慎的方法
  4. Show prudent behavior: 表现出谨慎的行为
  5. Act in a prudent manner: 以谨慎的方式行动
  6. Make a prudent choice: 做出明智的选择
  7. Exercise prudent financial management: 进行谨慎的财务管理
  8. Adopt a prudent strategy: 采用谨慎的策略
  9. Follow prudent guidelines: 遵循谨慎的指导方针
  10. Implement prudent measures: 实施谨慎的措施
  11. Practice prudent risk assessment: 进行谨慎的风险评估
  12. Exercise prudent spending: 谨慎支出
  13. Be prudent with investments: 在投资上谨慎
  14. Exercise prudent care: 行使谨慎的注意
  15. Be prudent in planning: 在规划中谨慎
  16. Show prudent foresight: 表现出谨慎的远见
  17. Adopt a prudent approach to savings: 采取谨慎的储蓄方式
  18. Follow prudent guidelines for safety: 遵循谨慎的安全指导方针
  19. Exercise prudent resource allocation: 进行谨慎的资源分配
  20. Make a prudent investment decision: 做出明智的投资决策
  21. Exercise prudent financial planning: 进行谨慎的财务规划
  22. Show prudent risk management: 展示谨慎的风险管理
  23. Adopt a prudent spending habit: 养成谨慎的消费习惯
  24. Exercise prudent judgment in relationships: 在人际关系中行使谨慎判断
  25. Be prudent in sharing personal information: 在分享个人信息时要谨慎
  26. Show prudent behavior in negotiations: 在谈判中表现出谨慎的行为
  27. Exercise prudent decision-making in business: 在商业决策中行使谨慎判断
  28. Be prudent in evaluating risks: 在评估风险时要谨慎
  29. Show prudent handling of confidential information: 谨慎处理机密信息
  30. Exercise prudent oversight: 进行谨慎的监督
  31. Be prudent in managing time: 在管理时间上要谨慎
  32. Show prudent usage of resources: 显示出谨慎使用资源
  33. Adopt a prudent approach to problem-solving: 采取谨慎的问题解决方式
  34. Exercise prudent analysis: 进行谨慎分析
  35. Be prudent in assessing potential outcomes: 在评估潜在结果时要谨慎
  36. Show prudent decision-making skills: 展示谨慎的决策能力
  37. Exercise prudent judgment in legal matters: 在法律事务中行使谨慎判断
  38. Be prudent in managing conflicts: 在处理冲突时要谨慎
  39. Show prudent handling of sensitive information: 谨慎处理敏感信息
  40. Adopt a prudent approach to career planning: 采取谨慎的职业规划方式


sage: having, showing, or indicating profound wisdom
judicious: having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense
discreet: careful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
