

[verb] claim or prove that (evidence or an accusation) is false
[动词] 声称或证明(证据或指控)是虚假的


Rebut 这个单词比较好记,可以简单拆分成 re + but 。该词源自古法语 reboter/rebuter (猛力推回),14世纪进入英语后原本是指“击退、制止”,不过这个含义现已不再流行,转而从武力上击退衍生出语言上的击退。

即到了19世纪初期后, rebut 发展出现在的主要含义指“反驳、驳斥、驳回”,也就是给出理由证明证据、指控、批评等是虚假的、错误的或不可接受的。与十分近义的 refute (驳斥、批驳、反驳)略有不同的是, rebut 更加正式,常在有组织的辩论或法庭(见下面的影视用例)中使用,比如:

  • 他讲演的大部分时间都在反驳对他外交政策的批评。但他的主要论点经不起认真推敲。
    He spent most of his speech rebutting criticisms of his foreign policy. But his main argument doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny.

而从 rebut 衍生出的 rebuttal 则是作名词表示“反驳、驳斥、驳回”,比如:

  • 他以前的同事们告发他是间谍。现在他正在对前同事的指责进行逐条反驳。
    His former colleagues have denounced him as a spy. Now he is conducting a point-by-point rebuttal of charges from former colleagues.


I’m entitled to rebut that laughable presumption.

出自2014年上映的美国剧情电影《法官老爹》(The Judge)。


  • We will avoid responding directly on Twitter, but will rebut him on Facebook and in e-mails to staff and the media.
  • The president asked Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency, if he could do anything to rebut news stories on the Russia matter.


词义: “rebut” 是一个动词,表示反驳、驳斥或否认某种观点或主张。

词源: “rebut” 这个词源于法语中的 “rebattre”,意为 “击退、驳斥”,由 “re-“(向后)和 “battre”(打击)组成。

用法: “rebut” 一词常用作动词,用于回应、反驳或否认某种观点或主张。以下是一些详细的用法和相关短语:

  1. 动词用法:
    • She rebutted the accusations with solid evidence.(她以确凿的证据反驳了指控。)
    • The lawyer attempted to rebut the witness’s testimony.(律师试图反驳证人的证词。)
    • He quickly rebutted the false claims made against him.(他迅速驳斥了对他的虚假指责。)
    • The scientist wrote a paper to rebut the flawed research.(科学家撰写了一篇论文来反驳有缺陷的研究。)

以下是一些与 “rebut” 相关的常见短语:

  1. Rebut an argument: 反驳一个论点
  2. Rebut a claim: 驳斥一个主张
  3. Rebut false allegations: 反驳虚假指控
  4. Rebut a theory: 否定一个理论
  5. Rebut an accusation: 反驳一个指控
  6. Rebut an assertion: 驳斥一个断言
  7. Rebut someone’s statement: 反驳某人的陈述
  8. Rebut a misconception: 纠正一个误解
  9. Rebut a criticism: 回应一项批评
  10. Rebut an opinion: 否定一个观点


refute: prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove
confute: prove (a person or an assertion or accusation) to be wrong
invalidate: make or prove (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
