

[verb] regain (something lost or expended)
[动词] 重新获得(失去或耗费的东西)


在小站(微信公众号:田间小站)上周推送的 小词详解 | coup 的留言区,有几个小伙伴都提到了 recoup ,今天就来专门说说这个单词。

学会了 coup 之后, recoup 也就很好记了,即可以拆成前缀 re- (回、向后)+ coup 构成。具体来说, 该词于17世纪20年代经古法语 recouper (减少、削减)进入英语,其中后者由前缀 re- (回、向后)+ 源自古法语 coup (一击)的 couper (切、割、砍、剪)构成。

进入英语之后, recoup 最初用作法律用语表示“扣除、扣留”应付款项的一部分,作为抵消或折扣,主要指被告对在诉讼中判给胜诉原告的部分索赔进行正当的扣减,比如:

  • 你有资格扣除材料费及人工费的上涨部分。
    You’re eligible to recoup rising costs of materials and labour.

这个概念到了17世纪60年代后开始引申表示“偿还、向……偿付”,常用搭配 recoup sb for sth ,即向某人偿还或偿付其花费或损失的钱,比如:

  • 我见他非常暴躁,于是表示愿意为他偿付他应承担的一份费用。
    I saw him very chafe and fret at every pore, so I offered to recoup him for his share of the expenses.

而到了19世纪60年代后, recoup 再进一步用来表示“补偿、弥补”花费、亏损等,尤指通过随后的利润收回成本,即挣得与花费相同的钱。这样, recoup 也可以用来泛指“重新获得、重新取回、恢复”财富、健康、水位等失去或耗费的东西,常意味着是以等同而非相同的形式,比如:

  • 很多行将倒闭的保险公司正试图通过提高保费来弥补亏损。
    Many moribund insurance companies are trying to recoup their losses by increasing premiums.
  • 在我看来真不可思议,他在一年之内挣回了相当于他投资总额的红利。
    It’s a marvel to me that he recouped his investment within a year.

最后值得注意的是,虽然 coup 一词末尾的字母 p 不发音,但是 recoup 末尾的字母 p 却是发音的,请听下方的影视用例。


Five percent of the net profits, after I recoup.

出自2019年上映的美国爱情剧情片《小妇人》(Little Women)。该片改编自路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)的同名小说。


  • Most potential medicines either fail to reach the market, or fail thereafter to recoup the cost of developing them.
  • Mr. Ji, defending his work, says he has to recoup his legal fees, which he incurs when the companies he accuses of selling fakes fight back.


动词 “recoup” 的用法:

  1. Recoup losses – 弥补损失
    • The company implemented cost-cutting measures to recoup its financial losses.(公司采取了削减成本的措施来弥补财务损失。)
  2. Recoup expenses – 收回费用
    • The business traveler submitted the receipts to recoup his travel expenses.(商务旅行者提交了发票以收回他的差旅费用。)
  3. Recoup investment – 回收投资
    • The real estate investor sold the property to recoup his initial investment.(房地产投资者出售了房产以回收他的初始投资。)
  4. Recoup costs – 重新收回成本
    • The film studio hopes to recoup the production costs through box office sales.(电影制片厂希望通过票房销售收回制作成本。)
  5. Recoup funds – 恢复资金
    • The charity organized a fundraising event to recoup funds for their projects.(慈善机构组织了一场筹款活动以恢复项目所需的资金。)
  6. Recoup revenue – 恢复收入
    • The tourism industry is trying to recoup lost revenue due to the pandemic.(由于疫情,旅游业正努力恢复失去的收入。)
  7. Recoup a loan – 偿还贷款
    • The business owner used the profits to recoup the bank loan.(企业主利用利润偿还银行贷款。)
  8. Recoup a debt – 偿还债务
    • The debtor sold his assets to recoup his outstanding debts.(债务人出售了他的资产以偿还未清偿的债务。)


与 “recoup” 相关的短语:

  1. Recoup losses – 弥补损失
  2. Recoup expenses – 收回费用
  3. Recoup investment – 回收投资
  4. Recoup costs – 重新收回成本
  5. Recoup funds – 恢复资金
  6. Recoup revenue – 恢复收入
  7. Recoup a loan – 偿还贷款
  8. Recoup a debt – 偿还债务
  9. Recoup a loss – 弥补亏损
  10. Recoup a payment – 收回付款
  11. Recoup a deposit – 退还押金
  12. Recoup a shortfall – 弥补不足
  13. Recoup a penalty – 弥补罚款
  14. Recoup a claim – 获取索赔款
  15. Recoup a settlement – 获得和解款项
  16. Recoup a dividend – 获得股息
  17. Recoup a bonus – 获得奖金
  18. Recoup a grant – 恢复拨款
  19. Recoup a rebate – 返还折扣
  20. Recoup a fee – 恢复费用
  21. Recoup a fine – 收回罚款
  22. Recoup a refund – 取回退款
  23. Recoup a surplus – 恢复盈余
  24. Recoup a shortfall – 弥补不足
  25. Recoup a settlement – 获得和解款项
  26. Recoup a dividend – 获得股息
  27. Recoup a bonus – 获得奖金
  28. Recoup a grant – 恢复拨款
  29. Recoup a rebate – 返还折扣
  30. Recoup a fee – 恢复费用


regain: obtain possession or use of (something) again after losing it
recover: find or regain possession of (something stolen or lost)
retrieve: get or bring (something) back; regain possession of

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
