

[adjective] filled or well-supplied with something
[形容词] 充满或充足供应某物的


在去年推送的 小词详解 | replenish 的留言区,就有小伙伴说想到了 replete 和 deplete 这两个单词。其中 deplete 前几个月已经讲过了,那么今天就专门来说说 replete 这个单词。

该词由前缀 re- (一再)+词根 plet (满的;填满)+ e 构成,于14世纪末经古法语 replet (充满的)或者直接由拉丁语 repletus (充满的、满的)进入英语后,也是用来表示“充满的、装满的、充斥的”,常用搭配 replete with sth 作正式用语使用,而不能直接用在名词前,侧重强调供应充足或者被某物充满到了满溢的程度,比如:

  • 这段时间满是各种危险。
    This time period is replete with various perils.
  • 他是位饱学之士。我们需要更多像他这样有才干的人来使行将倒闭的公司起死回生。
    He is a mind replete with learning. We need more people of his calibre to pull the moribund company back from the brink.

从这个概念出发, replete 还被用来表示“很饱的、饱食的”,也就是愉快地吃饱喝足之后,肚子处于被食物充满的状态,甚至到了吃得过饱的程度(to the point of being surfeited),比如:

  • 吃了一大角的浇了一撮螺旋形掼奶油的多脂甜点后,塞尔吉奥终于饱了。
    After a huge wedge of rich dessert topped with a swirl of whipped cream, Sergio was at last replete.


Mr. Weasley was leaning back in his chair, looking replete and relaxed, Tonks was yawning widely, her nose now back to normal, and Ginny, who had lured Crookshanks out from under the dresser, was sitting cross-legged on the floor, rolling butterbeer corks for him to chase.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第五本《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)。


  • The biography that beguiles his supporters is replete with danger signals.
  • This documentary is a conventional one, replete with archival footage and talking heads.


Replete 是一个形容词,意为充满、装满。以下是关于 “replete” 的短语:


  • Be replete with: 充满,装满
  • Be replete with opportunities: 机会丰富
  • Be replete with information: 信息丰富
  • Be replete with options: 选择众多
  • Be replete with knowledge: 知识渊博
  • Be replete with ideas: 想法丰富
  • Be replete with emotions: 情感丰富
  • Be replete with joy: 充满喜悦
  • Be replete with laughter: 充满笑声
  • Be replete with beauty: 美不胜收
  • Be replete with colors: 五彩缤纷
  • Be replete with flavors: 口味多样
  • Be replete with challenges: 充满挑战
  • Be replete with possibilities: 充满可能性
  • Be replete with creativity: 创意无限
  • Be replete with talent: 才华横溢
  • Be replete with resources: 资源丰富
  • Be replete with opportunities: 机会多多
  • Be replete with experiences: 经历丰富
  • Be replete with excitement: 兴奋不已


  • Replete with examples: 举例丰富
  • Replete with evidence: 证据充分
  • Replete with details: 细节详尽
  • Replete with stories: 故事丰富
  • Replete with wisdom: 智慧满溢
  • Replete with possibilities: 无限可能
  • Replete with options: 选择多样
  • Replete with delicious food: 美食满满
  • Replete with achievements: 成就累累
  • Replete with happiness: 幸福满满
  • Replete with success: 成功连连


packed: (of a room, building, or other place) filled by a large number of people; very crowded
brimful: filled with something to the point of overflowing
stuffed: having eaten to one’s limits or satisfaction

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
