


repress [rɪ’pres] v. 抑制;镇压(叛乱等);约束 
repress 抑制 ←同尾词→ loss 失去
eg. It is the repressed anger that leads to the loss of control.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. repress emotions – 抑制情感
  2. repress memories – 抑制记忆
  3. repress desires – 抑制欲望
  4. repress protests – 镇压抗议
  5. repress freedom – 压制自由
  6. repress dissent – 镇压异议
  7. repress creativity – 抑制创造力
  8. repress a rebellion – 镇压叛乱
  9. repress a revolt – 镇压起义
  10. repress opposition – 镇压反对派
  11. repress a demonstration – 镇压示威
  12. repress political opponents – 镇压政治对手
  13. repress civil liberties – 压制公民自由
  14. repress minority rights – 压制少数群体权益
  15. repress independent media – 压制独立媒体
  16. repress religious practices – 压制宗教信仰
  17. repress cultural expression – 压制文化表达
  18. repress academic freedom – 压制学术自由
  19. repress social movements – 镇压社会运动
  20. repress individual autonomy – 压制个人自治
  21. repress information flow – 限制信息传播
  22. repress human rights – 侵犯人权
  23. repress dissenting voices – 压制异议之声
  24. repress civil rights – 侵犯公民权利
  25. repress public criticism – 压制公众批评
  26. repress social justice – 压制社会正义
  27. repress democratic movements – 镇压民主运动
  28. repress individual expression – 压制个人表达
  29. repress peaceful assembly – 镇压和平集会
  30. repress labor rights – 压制劳工权益
  31. repress indigenous cultures – 压制土著文化
  32. repress intellectual freedom – 压制知识自由
  33. repress grassroots organizations – 镇压基层组织
  34. repress artistic freedom – 压制艺术自由
  35. repress dissenting opinions – 压制异议观点
  36. repress political activism – 压制政治行动
  37. repress civil society – 镇压公民社会
  38. repress investigative journalism – 压制调查新闻
  39. repress student protests – 镇压学生抗议
  40. repress social equality – 压制社会平等
  41. repress information censorship – 信息审查
  42. repress free speech – 压制言论自由
  43. repress human dignity – 压制人的尊严
  44. repress grassroots movements – 压制基层运动
  45. repress dissenting intellectuals – 压制持异议的知识分子
  46. repress civil disobedience – 镇压公民不服从行动
  47. repress opposition parties – 镇压反对党派
  48. repress social reforms – 压制社会改革
  49. repress self-expression – 压制自我表达
  50. repress ideological diversity – 压制思想多样性
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
