Yes, mind your mattles.
不要担心 年轻人你会长大的
Don’t worry. You’ll grow into it, young man.
I’m gonna try it out.
再见 罗宾汉先生
Good bye, Mr. Robin Hood!
Come again on my birthday!
哦 您让他过了一个难忘的生日
Oh, you have made his birthday a wonderful one.
How can I ever thank you?
I only wish I could do more.
拿着 要坚强
Here. And keep your chin up.
总有一天 诺丁汉会重新有快乐 你会看到的
Someday there’ll be happiness again in Nottingham. You’ll see.
哦 罗宾汉 您冒着这么大危险
Oh, Robin Hood. You’ve risked so much
to keep our hopes alive.
上帝保佑您 上帝保佑您
Bless you. Bless you.
哇 罗宾汉真的把这个给了你
Gee, did Robin Hood really give it to you?
是的 这帽子也是他的
Yeah, and this is his own hat too.
哇 我真想玩你的弓箭
Gee, I’d sure like to shoot your bow and arrow.
让我试试 跳跳
Let me try it, Skippy.
哦 不 不行 我要第一个射
Oh, no, you don’t. I’m gonna shoot it first.
你瞄的太高了 我才没有呢 看箭
You’re pointin’ it too high. I’m not either. Watch this.
啊 哦 你干的好事
Uh oh. Now you done it.
Right in Prince John’s backyard.
跳跳 你不能进去
Skippy, you can’t go in there.
对 约翰王子会砍掉你的头
Yeah. Prince John will chop off your head.
Like this.
哦 我不在乎 我要拿回箭
Oh, I don’t care. I gotta get my arrow.
等等 托比可能会说出去
Wait a minute. Toby might tattle on you.
好吧 托比你必须发誓
Yeah, Toby. You gotta take the oath.
An oath?
把手放在心上 做斗鸡眼
Put your hand on your heart and cross your eyes.
蜘蛛 毒蛇 蜥蜴头
Spiders, snakes and a lizard head.
蜘蛛 毒蛇 蜥蜴头
Spiders, snakes and a lizard’s head.
如果我说漏了嘴 我就会死翘翘
If I tattletale, I’ll die till I’m dead.
轮到你了 亲爱的
It’s your turn to serve, Marian, dear.
准备好了吗 克拉克女士
Are you ready, Lady Kluck?
哦 象你一样待字闺中 我等着呢
Oh, as your lady in waiting, I’m waiting.
I’m getting too old for this.
克拉克 好球
That was a good shot.
你打的也不错 亲爱的
You’re not bad yourself, dear.
My girdle’s killing me.
球哪去了 你打丢了
Where is it? Did you lose it?
It must be in there someplace.
哦 克拉克 你看起来真好笑
Oh, Klucky, you look so silly.
哦 看 就在你后面
Oh, look. There it is, behind you.
哦 你好
Oh! Well, hello.
Where did you come from?
哦 请不要告诉约翰王子
Oh, please don’t tell Prince John.
Mama said he’ll chop off my head.
哦 不要怕 你没做错什么
Oh, don’t be afraid. You’ve done nothing wrong.
哦 玛丽亚 多漂亮的小不点
Oh, Marian, what a bonny wee bunny.
Who does this young archer remind you of?
好吧 说实话 那个臭名昭著的罗宾汉
Well, upon my word, the notorious Robin Hood.
没错 只有罗宾汉戴这样的帽子
That’s right. Only Robin Hood wears a hat like that.
对 看这支锋利的罗宾汉的箭
Yeah, and look at this keen Robin Hood bow.
哦 玛丽亚 不要东张西望
Oh, Marian, don’t look around,
but I do believe we’re surrounded.
哦 饶了我吧 他把我们都暴露了
Oh, mercy! He snitched on us.
没关系 孩子们
It’s all right, children.
不要害怕 到这里来
Don’t be afraid. Please come here.
你认为这安全吗 那是玛丽亚
Do you think it’s safe? That’s Maid Marian.
妈妈说她非常好 来吧
Mama said she’s awful nice. Come on!
嗨 你们这些家伙 别这么快 等等我
Hey, you guys, not so fast. Wait for me.
I told Skippy he was shooting too high.
我非常高兴他这么做了 才让我遇到了你们
I’m so very glad he did. Now I get to meet all of you.
哇 你真太漂亮了
Gee, you’re very beautiful.
Are you gonna marry Robin Hood?
Mama said you and Robin Hood are sweethearts.
这个 啊
Well, um…
你知道 那是几年前我去伦敦之前的事
You see, that was several years ago before I left for London.
他吻过你吗 啊 没有
Did he ever kiss you? Well, uh, no.
But he carved our initials on this tree.
我记得很清楚 你们会有小孩吗
I remember it so well. You gonna have any kids?
My mom gots a lot of kids.
哦 他大概完全忘了我
Oh, he’s probably forgotten all about me.
哦 罗宾汉不会的
Oh, not Robin Hood.
我打赌他会突袭城♥堡♥ 打败那些守卫
I bet he’ll storm the castle gates, fight the guards,
rescue ya and drag you off to Sherwood Forest.
等等 年轻人
Now just a moment there, young man.
You’ve forgotten Prince John.
That old Prince John don’t scare me none.
I ‘m scared of Prince John.
He’s cranky.
我是约翰王子 我要和你决斗
I, Prince John, challenge you to a duel.
嘿 嘿
Hey, hey!
看招 看这招 再看这招
Take that! And that! And this!
Death to tyrants!
Slice him to pieces!
哦 救救我 我的英雄 救救我
Oh, save me, my hero. Save me.
哦 这不公平
Oh! Ouch! That’s not fair.
That’s Prince John, all right.
Now I got ya!
哦 饶命 饶命
Oh, mercy! Mercy! Oh!
哦 他打败了我 我要死了
Oh, he got me. I’m dying.
Did I hurt you? Huh?
This is the part where you drag your lady fair off to Sherwood Forest.
来吧 美丽的女士 我们走
Come on, lady fair! Let’s go!
哦 罗宾汉 你多么勇敢 多么鲁莽
Oh, Robin, you’re so brave and impetuous.
哦 这里就是舍伍德森林了
Oh. So this is Sherwood Forest.
是的 我想是的
Yeah, I guess so.
好 现在我们该做什么呢
Well, now what are we gonna do?
Well, usually the hero gives his fair lady a kiss.
一个吻 哦 女里女气
A kiss? Oh, that’s sissy stuff.
好吧 如果你不亲 我来亲
Well, if you won’t, then I will.
They’re kissing!
Ah, me. Young love.
Oh, it’s a grand thing.
哦 克拉克 他一定得知道我依然那么爱他
Oh, Klucky, surely he must know how much I still love him.
当然 亲爱的 相信我
But, of course, my dear.
用不了多久 你的叔叔理查德国王
Believe me, someday soon, your uncle, King Richard,
will have an outlaw for an in law.
哦 克拉克 但是什么时候 什么时候
Oh, Klucky. But when? When?
哦 耐心点 亲爱的 耐心点
Oh, patience, my dear. Patience.
记住 离开要么让人更痴情
Remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Or forgetful.
哦 我已经离开太久了
Oh, I’ve been away so long.
What if he’s forgotten all about me?
嗨 情郎
Hey, lover boy.
饭煮好了吗 我饿坏了
How’s that grub comin’? Man, I’m starved.
罗宾 罗宾汉
Rob? Robin?
嗨 嗯 什么 你说什么
Hey! Hmm? What? What do you say?
哦 算了吧 你根本没心思煮饭
Aw, forget it. Your mind’s not on food.
You’re thinkin’ about somebody with long eyelashes,
and you’re smellin’ that sweet perfume.
嗨 哇 噗锅了 烧糊了
Hey, whoa! It’s boiling over! You’re burnin’ the chow!
对不起 约翰
Sorry, Johnny.
Guess I was thinking about Maid Marian again.
I can’t help it.
我爱她 约翰
I love her, Johnny.
