O, God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space…
were it not that I have bad dreams.
可朋友不忌直问 你们来艾辛诺有何贵干?
But in the beaten way of friendship, what make you at Elsinore?
来拜访您 殿下 别无他事
To visit you, my lord: no other occasion.
我是个乞丐 我的感谢也不值钱
Beggar that I am, I am even poor in thanks
but I thank you.
Were you not sent for?
你们拜访纯粹出于自愿 没有条件?
Is it your own inclining? Is it a free visitation?
来 来 快说呀
Well… come, come, nay, speak.
要怎么说呢 殿下?
What should we say, my lord?
随便 只要不说废话 你们是被传来的
Why anything but to the purpose. You were sent for.
你们惭愧的脸色已经招了 良心遮掩不住
And there is a kind of confession in your looks which your modesties have not craft enough to colour.
I know the good King and Queen have sent for you.
为了何事 殿下?
To what end, my lord?
That you must teach me.
请坦白直说 你们到底是不是被传来的?
Be even and direct with me, whether you were sent for or no.
殿下 我们的确是被传来的
My lord, we were sent for.
Ah… I will tell you why.
I know he finds it striking too short at grief…
“他的古剑 不听手臂的指挥”
His antique sword the bearer to his arms lies where it falls, repugnant to command.
“锵然落地 不复惊起”
I have of late, but wherefore I know not,
Lost all my mirth, foregone all custom of exercises,
丝毫提不起兴致 游乐也懒得过问
and indeed, it goes so heavily with my dispositions…
真的 这种抑郁的心境使我觉得 仿佛负载万物的大地 只是不毛的荒岬
that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory:
这覆盖众生的苍穹 你瞧 这顶壮丽的帐幕
this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave o’er hanging firmament…
this majestical roof fretted with golden fire,
it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours.
What a piece of work is a man,
How noble in reason,
多伟大的力量 多优美的仪表 多文雅的举动
how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable,
行为如同天使 灵性可媲神明
in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god:
宇宙的精华 万物的灵长 可对我
the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals, and yet to me,
what is this quint essence of dust?
Man delights not me…
女人也是 虽然你在笑 好像不以为然
nor woman neither though by your smiling you seem to say so.
殿下 我全无此意
My lord, there was no such stuff in my thoughts.
那我说”人已无法令我欢欣”时 你笑什么?
Why did ye laugh then, when I said “Man delights not me”?
您想 陛下 如果人无法令您欢欣
To think, my lord, if you delight not in man…
what Lenten entertainment the players shall receive from you.
我们赶过了他们 他们正要来向您献技呢
We coted them on the way: and hither are they coming to offer you service.
Eh, he that plays the king shall be welcome.
二位 欢迎你们来艾西诺 伸出手来 我欢迎你们
Gentleman, you are welcome to Elsinore. Your hands, come then. You are welcome.
But my uncle-father and aunt-mother are deceived.
搞错什么 我的殿下?
In what, my dear lord?
天刮西北风 我才发疯
I am but mad north-northwest.
南风时节 我还能分清鹰和鹭鸶
when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.
祝福你们 先生们
Well be with you, gentleman.
你听 吉尔登斯吞 你也听 所有的耳朵都要听
Hark you… Guildenstern… And eh you too, at each ear a hearer.
that great baby you see there is not yet out of his swaddling clouts.
I will prophesy he comes to tell me of the players.
殿下 我有消息要通报
My lord, I have news to tell you.
殿下 我也有消息要通报
Eh my lord, I have news to tell you.
When Roscius was an actor in Rome.
戏子们已经到了 殿下
The actors are come hither, my lord.
嗤 嗤
Buzz, buzz.
Upon my honour–
Then came each actor on his ass.
他们是全世界最好的伶人 无论悲剧 喜剧
The best actors in the world, either for tragedy, comedy…
历史剧 田园剧 田园喜剧 田园史剧 历史悲剧
history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical.
我以为你… 没
– I thought you… – No.
我说 看这个
I say… Look at this!
I think we can say we made some progress.
你觉得? 我觉得是
– You think so? – I think we can say that.
I think we can say he made us look ridiculous.
我们一点没脱轨 一问一答
– We played it close to the chest of course. – Question and answer!
He was scoring off us all down the line.
我们也许漏了一两着 可也赢了些地盘
He caught us on the wrong foot once or twice, perhaps, but I think we gained some ground.
杀惨了我们 他可能占了上风
– He murdered us. – He might have had the edge.
27比3 还”可能”占了上风?
Twenty-seven-three, and you think he might have had the edge?
杀惨了 我们的托辞呢?
– He murdered us. – What about our evasions?
Oh, our evasions were lovely.
“传你们来的?” “殿下 是传我们来的”
You were sent for? He says. “My lord, we were sent for.”
我无话可说了 他用了6个修辞
– I didn’t know where to put myself. – He had six rhetoricals-
那也是问答 还有2次重复
– It was question and answer alright. – And two repetitions.
他问了27个问题 答了3个 我指望你挖掘呢
Twenty-seven questions he got out and answered three. I was waiting for you to delve.
我琢磨 他怎么还不挖?
When is he going to start delving, I asked myself.
We got his symptoms, didn’t we?
他说的一半文不对题 另一半毫无意义
Half of what he said meant something else, and the other half didn’t mean anything at all.
我诊断是雄心受挫 愤愤不平
Thwarted ambition a sense of grievance, that’s my diagnosis.
6个修辞2个重复 剩下19问我们答了15个
Six rhetorical and two repetition, leaving nineteen of which we answered fifteen.
结论呢? 他郁闷
And what did we get in return? He’s depressed!
丹麦是座大牢 他宁可住果壳里
Denmark’s a prison and he’d rather live in a nutshell.
他隐约提到雄心 终于有一句可能提到实质问题
Some shadow play about the nature of ambition and finally one direct question which might’ve led somewhere
and led in fact to his illuminating claim to tell a hawk for a handbag.
鹭鸶 鹭鸶
– Handsaw. – Handsaw.
When the wind is southerly.
And the weather’s clear.
And when it isn’t he can’t.
He’s at the mercy of the elements.
Is that southerly?
We came from roughly south.
Which way is that?
早晨太阳东升 这点可以假定
In the morning the sun would be easterly. I think we can assume that.
That it’s morning?
如果现在是早晨 太阳在那边
If it is, and the sun is over there,
那么 那就是北
for instance, that would be northerly.
可如果不是早晨 太阳在那边
On the other hand, if it is not morning and the sun is over there.
that would still be northerly.
To put it another way,
如果我们从这边来 又是早晨 太阳会在那边
if we came from down there, and it’s morning, the sun would be up there…
可如果它在这边 还是早晨
but if is actually, over there, and it’s still morning,
我们准来自这边 如果这是南 太阳在那边
we must have come from back there and if that is southerly, and the sun is really over there…
then it’s the afternoon.
然而 如果以上皆错
However, if none of these is the case.
你出去看看不行吗? 实证主义
– Why don’t you go and have a look? – Pragmatism!
Is that all you have to offer?
I merely suggest the position of the sun…
如果有太阳 能让你大致判断时间
if it is out, would give you a rough idea of the time.
或者 可以看钟 如果它在走
Alternatively, the clock, if it is going,
would give you a rough idea of the position of the sun.
I forget which you are trying to establish.
I am trying to establish the direction of the wind.
There isn’t any wind.
小气流 是有点
Draught, yes.
“皮拉斯见此破绽 便更疯狂攻击”
Repugnant to command, unequal match’d Pyrrhus at Priam drives, in rage strikes wide.
but with the whiff and wind of his fell sword,
the unnerved father falls.
Then senseless Ilium,
“似乎懂其苦难 霎时轰然坍塌”
seeming to feel his blow, with flaming top. Stoops to his base,
and with a hideous crash.
Takes prisoner Pyrrhus’ ear.
“看 那柄利剑”
For lo, his sword…
Of reverend Priam, seem’d I the air to stick…
Mind the bottom of…
the step.
Aroused vengeance sets him new a-word,
and never did the Cyclops’ hammers fall on Mars his armours,
forg’d for proof eterne,
