and one keeps forgetting to take into account the fact that one is dead…
which should make all the difference… shouldn’t it?
死了你就不会察觉你在箱子里 对吧?
I mean, you’d never know you were in a box, would you?
It would be just like you were asleep in a box.
我倒不是想睡箱子 别误会 那太憋气
Not that I’d like to sleep in a box, mind you, not without any air,
你一醒 首先发现你死了 在哪呢?
you’d wake up dead for a start, and then where would you be?
在箱子里 这点我不喜欢 所以我不琢磨这个
In a box. That’s the bit I don’t like frankly. That’s why don’t think of it.
Because you’d be helpless?
被塞在箱子里 我说 永远出不去
Stuffed in a box like that, I mean, you’d be in there for ever.
就算考虑到你已经死了 也没啥可高兴的
Even taking into account the fact that you’re dead, it isn’t a pleasant thought.
其实 尤其考虑到你死了…
Especially if you’re dead, really…
ask yourself,
if I asked you straight off…
我要塞你进箱子了 你愿意死还是活
I’m going to stuff you in this box now, would you rather be alive or dead.
自然 你还是想活
Naturally, you prefer to be alive.
活在箱子里总比不活好 我想是吧
Life in a box is better than no life at all. I expect.
You’d have a chance at least.
可以躺在那想 好吧 好在我还没死
You could lie there thinking well, at least I’m not dead!
随时会有人敲敲箱盖 叫我出去
In a minute somebody is going to bang on the lid and tell me to come out.
嘿 你是谁啊? 快出来
Hey, you! What’s yer name! Come out of there!
I think I’m going to kill you.
女神 你的祈祷中不要忘记替我忏悔
Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembered.
换了我就不会杀我 你只会更郁闷的
I wouldn’t think about it, if I were you. You’d only get depressed.
殿下 我有几件您给的纪念品
My lord, I have rememberances of yours
that I have long had long to redeliver,
I pray you now receive them.
不 我不要 我从没给过你东西
No, not I. I never gave you ought.
尊敬的殿下 您清楚您给过
My honoured lord, you know right well you did.
还辅以许多甜言蜜语 使它们格外贵重
And with them words of so sweet breath composed as made the things more rich.
人首次意识到死亡 会是什么感觉?
Whatever became of the moment when one first knew about death?
一定有的 一刹那 小时候
There must have been one, a moment, in childhood,
你首次发现 你不会永世长存
when it first occurred to you that you don’t go on forever.
一定很受打击 深深烙在记忆里
It must have been shattering stamped into one’s memory.
可我记不得了 好像从没发现过
And yet I can’t remember it. It never occurred to me at all.
We must be born with an intuition of mortality.
Before we know the word for it,
before we know that there are words,
呱呱坠地 鲜血淋漓
out we come, bloodied and squalling…
with the knowledge that for all the points of the compass,
方向却只有一个 唯一的度量就是时间
there’s only one direction and time is its only measure.
干吗演哑剧? 其实这是个图解
– What is the dumb show for? – lt’s a device, really,
it makes the action that follows more or less comprehensible.
You understand,
我们被语言束缚 它用晦涩掩盖它的低劣
we are tied down to a language which makes up in obscurity what it lacks in style.
这是”贡扎古遇刺”? 这是核心部分
– Is this the “Murder of Gonzago”? – That’s the least of it.
Who was that?
国王的兄弟 王子的叔叔
The king’s brother and uncle to the prince.
Not exactly fraternal.
也不是好叔叔 等着瞧吧
Not exactly avuncular as time goes on.
算了吧 我再不敢领教 我已经被逼疯了
Go to, I’ll no more on’t, it hath made me mad!
我说 以后谁也不要结什么婚了
I say we will have no more marriages!
已经结婚的 只有那一个人不能活
Those that are married already all but one shall live.
没有结婚的不准再结 进尼姑庵去吧 去
The rest shall keep as they are. To a nunnery, go.
That didn’t look like love to me.
His affections do not that way tend,
nor what he spake, though it lacked form a little,
was not like madness.
奥菲利娅 你不必复述殿下的话 我们都听见了
How now Ophelia. You need not tell us what Lord Hamlet said, we heard it all.
There’s something in his soul o’er which his melancholy sits on brood.
And I do doubt the hatch and the disclose will be some danger,
为防万一 我已经决定
which for to prevent I have in quick determination.
就这样 他得立刻去英国
Thus set it down: he shall with speed to England.
诸位 诸位 这样还不行
Gentlemen! Gentlemen, it doesn’t seem to be coming.
我们完全没上道 你们看呢?
We are not getting it at all what do you think?
我们该怎么看? 结局了吗?
– What was I supposed to think? – Wasn’t that the end?
你管这叫结局? 人人都还好好站着?
Do you call that an ending? With practically everyone still on his feet?
天哪 没门 要了你的命
My goodness no over your dead body.
任何艺术都有个路数 你知道吧?
There’s a design at work in all art surely you know that?
事情必须发展到美学 道德和逻辑上都有结论
Events must play themselves out to an aesthetic, moral and logical conclusion.
这事有什么结论? 结论都一样
– And what’s that in this case? – lt never varies.
We aim for the point where everyone who is marked for death dies.
总而言之 事情发展到头的标志
Generally speaking things have gone about as far as they can possibly go
when things have got about as bad as they can reasonably get.
Who decides?
评判? 都写好了
Decides? It is written.
我们是演悲剧的 轨迹已定 没有选择
We’re tragedians, you see. We follow direction there is no choice involved.
最后坏人不开心 好人不走运
The bad end unhappily, the good unluckily.
这就是悲剧 下一场
That is what tragedy means. Next!
杀死了兄弟 勾搭了寡嫂
Having murdered his brother and wooed the widow,
the Poisoner mounts the throne!
请看他和他的王后 为激♥情♥所奴役
Here we see him. And his queen give rein to their unbridled passion!
琉西安纳上场 国王的侄子
Enter Lucianus, nephew to the king!
被叔叔篡位 受母亲乱♥伦♥打击
Usurped by his uncle and shattered by his mother’s incestuous marriage…
He loses his reason.
Throwing the court into turmoil
毫无规律地时而痛苦不堪 时而游手好闲
and disarray staggering from the suicidal to the merely idle.
He has a plan to catch the conscience of the king.
The king rises!
怎么 给空枪吓怕了吗
What… frighted with false fire!
How fares my lord?
不要演了 点火把来
– Give o’er the play! – Give me some light!

有人失眠 有人酣睡 风水轮流转
That’s so interesting play. What a thing of the world!
It wasn’t that bad…
他们有事瞒着我们 什么?
– There’s something they’re not telling us. – What?
There’s something they’re not telling us.
殿下 殿下
My lord… My lord…
王后想和您说话 马上
The Queen would speak with you. And presently…
Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in the shape of a camel?
老天 它的确像只骆驼
By the mass, and this like a camel indeed.
我看它还像鼬鼠 它拱起背正像鼬鼠
– Me thinks it is like a weasel. – lt is backed like a weasel.
还像鲸鱼吧? 很像鲸鱼
– Or like a whale? – Very like a whale.
那么 我马上就去见母后
Then I will come to my mother by and by.
我就去说 “马上就来”很好说
– I will say so. – ‘By and by’ is easily said.
出去吧 朋友们
Leave me, friends.
我不喜欢他 纵容他这样疯闹下去 对我也是个威胁
I like him not, nor stand it safe with us to let his madness range.
Therefore prepare you.
我已经办好要递送的文书 叫他和你们一起去英国
I your commission will forthwith despatch, and he to England shall along with you.
不 凭十字架起誓 我没忘你 你是王后
No by the Rood, not so: You are the Queen,
你小叔子之妻 若非这些 你也是我的母亲
your husband’s brother’s wife, but would you were not so. You are my mother.
唉 那我去叫些会说话的人来跟你谈
Nay, then I’ll set those to you than can speak.
来 来 坐下 别动
Come come and sit you down, you shall not budge.
待我取面镜子来 你瞧瞧你自己的灵魂
You go not till I sent you up a glass, where you may see the in most part of you.
你要干什么 你要杀我吗?
What wilt thou do thou: wilt not murder me.
救命 救命啊
Help… help… ho.
怎么 是哪个鼠贼? 看我结果你
How now! A rat? Dead, for a ducat dead!
啊 我遇害了 天啊 你做了什么?
– Oh, I am slain! – Oh me, what hast thou done?
唉 我也不知道
Nay, I know not!
Is the king?
哦 多么卤莽残酷的行为
Oh, what a rash and bloody deed is this?
A rash and bloody deed?
残酷吗 母亲? 好比杀了国王 嫁给他的兄弟
A bloody deed almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king and marry with his brother.
杀了国王? 对 母亲 我就这样说
– As kill a king? – Ay, lady, it was my word.
你这倒运 粗心 爱管闲事的傻瓜 再会吧
Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell!
是你吗? 我不知道
– Is that you? – I don’t know.
It’s you.
我们还没死吧? 我们不是在这里吗?
– We’re not dead yet then? – Well we’re here, aren’t we?
是吗? 我什么都看不到
Are we? I can’t see a thing.
我们在船上 我知道
