Home 冒险电影 房车之旅



放在这个洞里 来吧
It’s getting old. Come on.
打开 乔乔
Open it up, Joe Joe.
堵住了 我去冲一下
It’s blocked. I’ll flush the line.
-嘿 老爸 -儿子
-Hey, Dad. -Son.
Maybe now is the time to confess to you that…
…your dad’s not the master of all things.
I got that when you started taking advice from morons.
是啊 我们现在就差一把班卓琴了
Yeah. All we need is a banjo.
哦 他都没有全部打开啊
Oh, man. He didn’t even open it up all the way.
-看到了 别担心 -好了
-See? No worries. -Yup.
-你好 -鲍勃
-Hello. -Bob.
嘿托德 是啊 我还是病得很厉害
Hey, Todd. Yeah, I’m still pretty sick.
-我的演示稿在哪儿 -演示稿
-Where’s my presentation? -Presentation?
不是吹的 这是我♥干♥过的最漂亮的活儿了
It’s the best work I’ve done, not to toot my own horn…
-星期四早上你就能看到了 -星期四
-Yeah, you’ll have it Thursday morning. -Thursday?
不 不够快 最好明天
No, that’s not soon enough. Tomorrow will be great.
哦 我得走了
Oh, I gotta go.
哦 老兄 那可够脏的
Oh, dude, that is nasty.
别担心 我再拿条管子来
Don’t worry, I’ll get another hose.
Fire in the hole!
Here’s where you made your critical mistake.
You listened to anything Howie and Joe Joe said.
都是好人 但像撇出工具箱的钳子一样没用
Nice boys, but they’re a couple pliers short of a tool chest.
They’re not the ones covered in fecal matter.
That’s a good point.
Travis Gornicke.
Bob Munro.
好 以后再握手吧
Yeah, let’s postpone that handshake…
-…把你弄干净再说 -是啊
…till we get you cleaned up. -Yeah.
你够干净了 可以用自己的淋浴了 鲍勃
You’re clean enough to use your own shower, Bob.
车擦干净了 爸爸
The vehicle’s all cleaned up, Daddy.
-哦 干得好 儿子 -谢谢 小伙子们
-Oh, nice work, son. -Thank you, boys.
-不客气 -没问题 门罗先生
-You’re welcome. -No problem, Mr. Munro.
-我要付你…-不 鲍勃 想都别想
-Look, can I offer you a… -No, Bob, wouldn’t think of it.
-我们是邻居 -妈妈想知道…
-We’re neighbors. -Mom wants to know…
What happened to you?
He was covered in turd.
哦 我知道那种感觉
Oh, I know the feeling.
Mom wants to know when you’re cooking dinner.
You tell your mother when I’m good and ready, that’s when.
-我会告诉她的 -告诉她我一切就绪了
-I’ll tell her. -Tell her I’m good and ready.
好吧 多谢
Well, thanks.
嘿 很高兴拿管子冲你 鲍勃
Hey, pleasure hosing you down, Bob.
-我也很高兴 -爸 为什么不叫他们一起吃晚饭
-Ditto. -Why can’t they have dinner with us?
嗯 除了那股味道外 我看没什么不妥
You know, aside from the stink, I don’t see why not.
为什么不加入我们 周二吃肉糕
Why don’t you come on over? Tuesday’s meatloaf.
Then afterwards, we can sit around and watch Ernest Goes to Jail.
-那电影很逗 -是啊 经典
-It is funny. -Well, it’s a classic.
-嗯 我们可以开心一晚上 -我希望我能去
-Yeah, we’ll make a whole night of it. -I wish I could.
I promised my family I’d make my special dish…
-…羊肉串 -哦 真棒
…shish kebob. -Oh, that’s good.
-那就以后见吧 -好 想躲都躲不掉
-Well, another time, then. -Yeah, try to keep me away.
-亲爱的 怎么样了 -好极了 宝贝儿
-Honey, how’s it going? -Great, baby.
好 要多久啊 我们都要饿死了
Okay, well, how long? Because we’re starving.
4个小时吧 如果你问个不停还要更长哦
Four hours. Maybe longer if you keep asking.
-什么 -炉子很小
-What? -It’s a small oven…
我在用电吹风做土豆 用的是最高档位
…and I’m having to do the potatoes with a hair dryer set on “high.”
嘿 有谁想去参加个聚会
Hey, who wants to go to a party?
-我们来了 希望没迟到 -没有
-Here we are. Hope we’re not late. -No!
-鲍勃说你邀请我们了 -没错
-Well, Bob said we were invited. -Yeah.
-当然邀请了 -于是我们就来了
-Of course you were. -Then here we are.
-我们好饿哦 -没问题
-We’re hungry. -All right!
-玛丽乔 我们有伴儿了 -什么伴儿
-Mary Jo, our company’s here. -What company?
他们离我们不远 近到能听见你的喊叫 亲爱的
The ones that are close enough to hear you yelling, darling.
-哦 嗨 -嗨
-Well, hi. -Hi.
亲爱的 帮帮我
Honey, help me.
-来了 亲爱的 -给你
-I’ve got you here, darling. -Here you go.
瞧 这是厄尔和比利 你们见过的
Let’s see. Earl and Billy you met.
-嗨 我是厄尔 -我不是
-Hi, I’m Earl. -And I’m not.
我妻子 玛丽乔 还有我女儿小月
My wife, Mary Jo, and my daughter, Moon.
嘿 大家好
Hey, y’all.
小月这名字有点儿嬉皮 就像小月 彩虹 暮钟
Well, Moon, that’s kind of a hippie name, like Moon, Rainbow, Bong.
She was named after Warren Moon.
He was quarterback of the Houston Oilers.
哦 这是我妻子詹米
Well, this is my wife, Jamie.
卡茜 我女儿 我儿子卡尔
Cassie, my daughter. My son, Carl.
Named after Karl Marx…
…社♥会♥主♥义♥者 现代共♥产♥主义之父
…socialist, some would say the father of modern communism.
我吐得眼睛都冒血了 你知道么…
As I’m throwing up with the blood pouring out of my eyes, you know…
…我抬头一看 说”这可爱的…是谁”
…I looked up and I said, “Who is that lovely…?”
Next day, we were married in Juarez.
Nine months later… out popped Earl.
So you got a boyfriend?
-有啊 其实我都订婚了 -不像
-Yeah, actually, I’m engaged. -Unlikely.
So where are you guys from?
Where do you hang your hat, as it were.
-就在那巴士里 -真的
-Behind the wheel of that bus. -Really?
-全日制美国游 -真的
-Full-timer, U.S.A. -Really?
那么小月 厄尔和不是厄尔怎么上学啊
Well, how do Moon, Earl and not Earl go to school?
Home school.
I hope you don’t find this next question too personal…
-…你们怎么…-赚钱 各种各样的方式
…but how do you…? -Make a living? Various ways.
让我想想 我们告发玛丽乔的继父
Let’s see. We made $25,000 when we turned
in Mary Jo’s stepdad.
In prison he’s getting help he needs.
哦 我差点儿忘了 玛丽乔能赚钱
Oh, and I almost forgot, Mary Jo makes a living.
我的意思是 她每年赚60000美元
I mean, she earns $60,000 a year without
ever leaving that bus.
真的 做♥鸡♥
Really? Hooking?
-搞笑 -我是Happy Max的巡回销♥售♥代表
-Funny. -I’m a mobile sales rep for Happy Max.
Y’all seen the infomercials for our musical car horns?
-没 没看过 -没有
-No, I don’t think we have. -No.
比利 拉响号♥角
Billy White Shoes, blow that horn.
-瞧着吧 -等着看
-Watch this. -Wait for it.
I love it every time.
哇 真神奇 那是…
Wow, that’s fantastic. That was…
詹米 你是全职母亲么
Jamie, are you a stay-at-home mom?
-是的 -没有大甩卖♥♥的时候是
-Yes. -When there’s not a sale.
我帮你和Happy Max公♥司♥联♥系♥一下吧
Let me hook you up with Happy Max.
I got a rep bag in the bus.
另外 我还是可爱莉莉美容产品的代表
Plus, I represent Lovely Lily Beauty Products.
-玛丽乔是专业的美容师 -如果你明天还在这里…
-Mary Jo’s a trained cosmetologist. -Lf you’re still here tomorrow…
…I’m going to give you a complete, free total makeover.
39美元一套的 给你免费
A $39 package absolutely free.
-哦 那真好 亲爱的 -不
-Oh, that would be good, honey. -No.
你知道么 明天一整天我都忙活你了
You know what, I’m gonna work on you the whole day tomorrow.
-给你 小姑娘 -哦 对不起 我不吃肉
-There you go, little lady. -Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t eat meat.
我知道 所以我给你带这个来了
I heard you talking. That’s why I brought you this here.
-里面一丁点儿肉都没有 -哦 没肉
-There ain’t no meat in it. -Oh, no meat?
你听到了 没有肉 谢谢 真好
You here that? No meat. Thank you. That’s lovely.
是的 都是内脏
That’s right. It’s all organs.
鹿的内脏 而且都是新鲜的
Deer organs. They’re fresh too.
我今天早上轧死的 其他部分在卧室里腌着呢
I run him over this morning. The rest of it’s curing in the bedroom.
但是胃啦 脑子啦还有胰腺什么的就炖了
But the stomach, brains and pancreas, we just toss that into the stew…
…因为天儿太热 会坏的
…because in this heat, it doesn’t keep.
-去厕所 -小姐…
-Bathroom. -Little lady…
-我姑娘回来了 -爸爸 我们能走么
-There’s my girl. -Dad, can we please go?
好吧 谢谢你们的邀请
Yes. You know, thank you so much for the invitation.