In the beginning of the Twentieth Century, in the pediatric wing of a hospital in Los Angeles, the talkative girl Alexandria is recovering from a broken arm. Alexandria works with her family of immigrants in the harvest of oranges and she has just lost her father. When she meets the injured stuntman Roy Walker recovering from a fall and also brokenhearted with the loss of his girlfriend to the lead actor, he begins to tell a fantastic tale about six heroes and their common enemy, the hideous Governor Odious. Black Bandit who has lost his brother Blue Bandit who was killed by Odious’ men; the explosives expert Luigi who was cast out of his town by Odious; the Indian who lost his gorgeous wife who was abducted by Odious; the former slave Otta Benga who lost his twin brother in the fields of Odious; Charles Darwin who receives a rare butterfly of the species Americana Exotica killed by Odious; and a Mystic who hates Odious for having destroyed the fauna and flora of his lands, join forces to defeat the evil Odious. While Alexandria imagines the story projecting the images of her acquaintances on the characters, the heartsick Roy uses her innocence to ask the girl to steal morphine and medicines from the dispensary for him to commit suicide.
—Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

20世纪初,在洛杉矶一家医院的儿科病房里,健谈的女孩亚历山大正在从骨折的手臂中恢复。亚历山大和她的移民家庭一起收割橘子,她刚刚失去了父亲。当她遇到受伤的特技演员罗伊·沃克(Roy Walker)从跌倒中恢复过来,并因女朋友被男主角夺走而心碎时,他开始讲述一个关于六位英雄和他们共同的敌人——丑陋的州长奥迪奥斯(Odious)的奇妙故事。黑人强盗,他失去了被可恶的人杀死的兄弟蓝强盗;爆炸专家路易吉被可憎的人赶出了自己的城镇;那个印第安人失去了他美丽的妻子,被可憎的人绑架;前奴隶奥塔·本加在可憎的土地上失去了孪生兄弟;查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin),他收到了一只罕见的美洲异国蝴蝶,被可憎的动物杀死;一个因破坏了自己土地上的动植物而痛恨Odious的神秘主义者,联合起来打败邪恶的Odious。亚历山德里亚想象着这个故事将她熟人的形象投射到人物身上,而心痛的罗伊则利用自己的清白,让女孩从药房偷吗啡和药品,让他自杀。-克劳迪奥·卡瓦略,巴西里约热内卢

Los Angeles洛杉矶
brokenhearted心碎的,极度悲伤的,极度沮丧的; 柔肠寸断
common enemy共同敌人
cast out驱逐出去,赶走cast out常不用于进行体。
