Two years after Ethan Hunt had successfully captured Solomon Lane, the remnants of the Syndicate have reformed into another organization called the Apostles. Under the leadership of a mysterious fundamentalist known only as John Lark, the organization is planning on acquiring three plutonium cores. Ethan and his team are sent to Berlin to intercept them, but the mission fails when Ethan saves Luther and the Apostles escape with the plutonium. With CIA agent August Walker joining the team, Ethan and his allies must now find the plutonium cores before it’s too late.


在伊桑·亨特成功抓获所罗门巷两年后,该集团的残余分子已改为另一个名为使徒的组织。在神秘的原教旨主义者约翰·拉克(John Lark)的领导下,该组织计划获得三个钚核。伊桑和他的团队被派往柏林拦截他们,但当伊桑救了路德,使徒们带着钚逃走时,任务失败了。随着中情局特工奥古斯特·沃克(August Walker)的加入,伊桑和他的盟友现在必须在为时已晚之前找到钚核心。-匿名的


remnants残余部分; 剩余部分; 零头,零料; 布头; remnant的复数
reformed改革; 改进; 改良; 改正,改造; 悔改; reform的过去分词和过去式
Lark百灵鸟; 云雀; 嬉戏; 玩乐; 玩笑; 浪费时间的活动; 不受重视的活动; 嬉耍; 玩乐(与about连用); 愚弄
intercept拦截; 拦阻; 截住; 截距; 截击; 截听; 拦截者
too late为时已晚; 过迟
