1963. Napoleon Solo is a suave and urbane C.I.A. agent. He was once a criminal, but the C.I.A. believed his unique talents would be of better service to the country as a spy than they would be if he was behind bars. His current case is to locate Dr. Udo Teller, a famed German rocket scientist who had been working for the Americans on their nuclear program since the end of WWII until he disappeared without a trace two years ago, that is until he was recently photographed in Rome. Napoleon manages to smuggle Teller’s biological daughter, Gaby Schmidt, out of East Berlin to the west in order to locate Teller. The Americans don’t believe she knows anything about his whereabouts – her father who she has not seen or heard from in eighteen years – but that she can influence some who do, namely her Uncle Rudi who is an executive at Rome-based Vinciguerra Shipping, owned and operated by husband and wife Alexander and Victoria Vinceguerra. The company is purportedly the front for the development of nuclear weapons, the major national intelligence agencies suspecting that Victoria, the brains behind the operation, having kidnapped Teller to build her an atom bomb. Because of the global implications, Napoleon is forced to work on this case with KGB agent Illya Kuryakin. Beyond the east-west divide between the Americans and Soviets, Napoleon will have a difficult time working with his new partner due to their recent not so pleasant encounter in East Berlin, and Illya’s volatile and violent temper, which can cloud what he does professionally. As Napoleon, Illya and Gaby work on the case – their success or failure which may determine world order – what happens is affected by other players in the picture which they do not know about, and the Americans and Soviets working arguably on their own different agendas.

1963年,拿破仑·索洛是一位温文尔雅的中情局特工。他曾是一名罪犯,但中情局认为,与他坐牢相比,他独特的间谍才能将更好地为国家服务。他目前的情况是找到Udo Teller博士,他是一位著名的德国火箭科学家,自二战结束以来一直为美国的核计划工作,直到两年前消失得无影无踪,直到最近在罗马被拍到。为了找到泰勒,拿破仑设法将泰勒的亲生女儿加比·施密特从东柏林走私到了西方。美国人认为她对他的行踪一无所知——她的父亲她已经18年没有见过或听到过他的消息了——但她可以影响一些人,即她的叔叔鲁迪,他是总部位于罗马的Vinciguerra航运公司的高管,由丈夫和妻子亚历山大和维多利亚·文森盖拉拥有和经营。据称,该公司是核武器开发的前线,主要的国家情报机构怀疑该行动的幕后主脑维多利亚绑架了泰勒,为她制造原子弹。由于全球影响,拿破仑被迫与克格勃特工伊利亚·库里亚金一起处理此案。除了美国和苏联之间的东西分歧,拿破仑将很难与他的新伙伴合作,因为他们最近在东柏林的遭遇并不那么愉快,伊利亚的易变和暴躁脾气可能会影响他的职业生涯。在拿破仑、伊利亚和加比处理这个案件时——他们的成功或失败可能决定世界秩序——发生的事情受到画面中其他参与者的影响,而他们不知道这些参与者的情况,以及美国和苏联在各自不同的议程上工作的情况。-雨果


behind bars在狱中; 被囚禁
rocket scientist极其聪明的人;智商高的人
end of结尾; 为某事物的结尾; 末尾
two years两年
that is即; 用于纠正之前说过的内容
out of从…里面;离开; 从…的状态中; 越出…之外
in order to为了; 以便; 目的在于; 要想……
but that若非
