
1. Definition and Basic Usage: 定义和基本用法

  • Definition of sacrilegious (sacrilegious的定义)
  • Acts of sacrilege (亵渎行为)
  • Committing sacrilege (犯下亵渎行为)
  • Considered sacrilegious (被视为亵渎的)

2. Religious Context: 宗教背景

  • Sacrilegious acts in Christianity (基督教中的亵渎行为)
  • Sacrilegious behavior in Islam (伊斯兰教中的亵渎行为)
  • Sacrilegious practices in Hinduism (印度教中的亵渎行为)

3. Describing Actions and Behaviors: 描述行为和行为方式

  • Committing sacrilegious acts (犯下亵渎行为)
  • Engaging in sacrilegious behavior (参与亵渎行为)
  • Making sacrilegious statements (发表亵渎言论)
  • Performing sacrilegious rituals (进行亵渎仪式)

4. Figurative Usage and Extended Meanings: 比喻用法和扩展含义

  • Sacrilegious to tradition (对传统的亵渎)
  • Sacrilegious to art (对艺术的亵渎)
  • Sacrilegious to nature (对自然的亵渎)


sacrilegious (sac ri LEEJ us or sac ri LIJ us) This adjective describes behavior that is disrespectful toward things many consider sacred, either literally or figuratively. The surprise word history is that it is not related to the word “religious” (note carefully the slightly different spelling!).

“I know you’re not religious,” said Brenda to her husband Woody, “but please try not to use religious oaths while my sister is visiting. She’d regard it as not only sacrilegious but disrespectful to her personally.”

“For a painting so tied in with the history of New York to be sold and sent out of state is a sacrilege,” said Prof. Silver, distraught at the auction of the Asher B. Durand painting Kindred Spirits.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


sacrilegious(sac ri LEEJ us或sac ri LIJ us)这个形容词描述了对许多人认为神圣的东西不尊重的行为,无论是字面意思还是形象意思。令人惊讶的词史是,它与 “宗教 “这个词没有关系(仔细注意,拼写略有不同!)。



一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
