A private in the 101st lost three brothers and he’s got a ticket home.
为何要去纽维呢? 他们觉得他在那里
-Why Neuville? -They think he’s there.
Part of all those Airborne misdrops.
现在兵荒马乱 要找一名士兵很难
It won’t be easy finding one soldier in the middle of this goddam war.
Like finding a needle in a stack of needles.
What about the company?
最好的跟我们 其他的加入B连
We take the pick of the litter, the rest goes to Baker.
天啊 他们夺走了你的连?
Jesus Christ! They took away your company?
部队是军方的 我们唯有遵命
It wasn’t mine, it was the Army’s. So they told me, anyway.
给我莱宾、杰克森、韦德 贝斯里和卡帕佐
Get me Reiben on BAR, Jackson, Wade, Beasley and Caparzo.
贝斯里死了 那找梅利西
-Beasley’s dead. -Alright,Mellish then.
有人会法语吗? 据我所知没有
-Do have a guy who speaks French? -Not that I know of.
塔尔博特呢? 今早死了
What about Talbot? This morning.
I’m going to try and dig up another interpreter.
Assemble at the battalion motor pool on the beach.
该怎么办? 听着 什么?
What are we going to do? Listen up. What?
我要用大块乳酪塞进你的屁♥股♥ 好让你棺材盖国旗回家
Go home wrapped in the American flag with a hunk of cheese in your ass.
我以为你喜欢塞屁♥股♥的 什么?
I thought you liked it in the ass. What?
稍息 我要找提摩西厄本下士
As you were. I’m looking for Corporal Timothy Upham.
是 我就是厄本
Yes, I’m Upham.
你会说法语和德语? 是 长官
-Do you speak French and German? -Yes, sir.
有没有口音? 法语有
-How’s your accent? -Slight one in French.
但德语很纯正 很好
-My German’s clean. -Very good.
你已被派给我了 收拾行囊 我们要到纽维去
You’ve been re-assigned to me. Grab your gear, we’re going to Neuville.
这是何时更新的? 早上八点半
-When was this updated? -As of 8:30 this morning.
这是12SS坦克部队 还有两队人向南推进
This is the 12th SS Panzer. These are the two axes advancing south.
纽维有德军 我知道 下士
There are Germans in Neuville. I understand, Corporal.
纽维有很多德军 有问题吗?
There are a lot of Germans in Neuville. You’ve got a problem with that?
我没作战过 只懂绘制地图和翻译
Please consider that I’ve never been in combat. I make maps and translate.
I need someone who speaks French and German.
原来的两位阵亡了 我从新兵训练后就没拿过枪
My two guys were killed. I haven’t held a weapon since training.
Did you fire the weapon in Basic training?
开过 长官 那去准备一下
-Yes, sir. -Well, then get your gear.
长官 我能带…
Sir, may I bring…
May I bring my typewriter, sir?
是 长官
Yes, sir.
Thank you very much.
那是纪念品吗? 不是
-Is that a souvenir? -No, sir.
Take your time.
下士 凡事都有好的一面
You should look on the bright side of things, Corporal.
是 还有 这个也没有用
-Yes. -For one thing, you don’t need those.
但你需要这个 对 要这个
-You’ll need that. -Yes. I’ll need this, not that.
你好 干嘛?
Hey! Hey!
You want your head blown off?
别再用你的爪子碰我 回去你的岗位
Don’t touch me with those rat claws again. Get the fuck back in formation!
I was just wondering where you’re from.
卡帕佐 对吧? 滚开 下士
-Caparzo,is it? -Drop dead,Corporal.
每次你向上尉敬礼 就会惹来德军袭击他
Every time you salute the Captain,you make him a target for the Germans.
对不起 帮帮忙 别那么做
-I’m sorry. -Do us a favour.Don’t do it.
尤其是 当我站在他旁边时 懂吗?
Especially when I’m standing next to him.Capisci?
懂了 下士 那是什么书?
-Capisco. -Corporal,what’s your book about?
当心你的枪 对不起
Watch your rifle. Sorry.
是关于行军时 发展手足之情的方法
It’s about the brotherhood that develops between soldiers during war.
手足之情? 你懂什么是手足之情?
Brotherhood? What do you know about brotherhood?
Get a load of this guy, Fish.
Why don’t you ask the Captain where he’s from?
去问他 他什么都会告诉你的
Ask the Captain. He’ll tell you everything you want to know about him.
Explain the maths of this to me.
八个人为何要 冒险救一个人呢?
Where is the sense in risking the lives of the eight of us to save one guy?
20度 有人想回答吗?
20 degrees. Anybody wants to answer that?
莱宾 想想那可怜虫的妈妈吧
Reiben, think about the poor bastard’s mother.
医护兵 我也有妈妈
Hey, Doc, I’ve got a mother.
你有妈妈 中士也有妈妈
You’ve got a mother, Sarge has got a mother.
Shit, I bet even the Captain’s got a mother.
也许上尉没有 但我们全都有
Maybe not the Captain, but the rest of us.
“不问原因 只求为国牺牲”
“Their’s is not to reason why their’s is but to do and die”
下士 那是什么鬼意思?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean, Corporal?
We’re all supposed to die?
厄本说的是我们的职责 是 长官
-Upham’s talking about our duty. -Yes, sir.
We all have orders to follow.
是的 长官 谢谢 就算任务是“苦差”?
Yes, sir. Thank you. Even if the mission is “FUBAR”?
Especially if the mission is “FUBAR”.
“苦差”是什么? 是德语
-What’s “FUBAR”? -It’s German.
Never heard of that…
长官 我对此有点意见
Sir, I have an opinion on this matter.
By all means, share it with the squad.
From my way of thinking, –
这次任务 浪费了宝贵的军事资源
this mission is a misallocation of valuable military resources.
Yeah? Go on.
It seems to me that God gave me a sepcial gift made me a fine instrument of warfare.
莱宾 听好 这样抱怨才对 继续 杰克森
Reiben,pay attention.Now, this is the way to gripe.Continue,Jackson.
If He was to put me and this sniper rifle anywhere up to and including –
one mile of Adolf Hitler with a clear line of sight, sir…
大家就能收拾行囊回家 战争就结束了 阿们
Pack your bags, fellas, the war is over. Amen.
乡巴佬 这主意不错
That’s brilliant, bumpkin.
上尉 你呢?你不会抱怨吗?
What about you, Captain? You don’t gripe at all?
我是上尉 身负重任 不会向你抱怨
I don’t gripe to you. I’m a captain. There’s a chain of command.
Gripe always go up.
你向我发牢骚 我向我上级发牢骚 如此类推
You gripe to me, I gripe to my superior officers, and so on.
我不会在你面前发牢骚 你是突击队员 应该明白
I don’t gripe in front of you. You should know that as a Ranger.
对不起 就当你不是上尉 或我是少校吧
I’m sorry, but let’s say that you weren’t a captain or that I was a major.
What would you say?
那样我就会说 这项任务棒极了
In that case, I’d say, “This is an excellent mission” –
意义重大 值得我全力以赴
“with a valuable objective worthy of my best efforts.”
而且我对瑞恩的母亲 感到深切的悲痛
“Moreover, I feel heartfelt sorrow for the mother of Private Ryan” –
为了慰藉她 我愿意赔上我与部下的性命
“and I’ll lay down my life and those of my men, especially yours, Reiben,” –
尤其是你 莱宾
‘to ease her suffering.”
他很棒 我喜欢他
He’s good. I love him.
打雷! 闪电!
-Thunder! -Flash!
厄本 到那边去 莱宾 你们四个过去
Upham, over there. Reiben, you four go.
Go, go, go, go!
很高兴看见你 希尔中士 救星来了
You are a sight for sore eyes. Sergeant Hill, our reliefs showed up.
有多少人? 八个 但不是救兵
-How many are you? -Eight. We’re not your relief.
为什么? 我们来找二等兵瑞恩
What do you mean, sir? We’re here for a Private Ryan.
谁? 瑞恩?为什么?
Who? Ryan? What for?
他在这里吗? 大概在镇的另一边
-Is he here? -Maybe on the other side of the town.
周围都有德军 很难通过
It’s hard to get to. The Germans punched a hole in our centre.
我军给德军切断 他叫什么名字?
-They cut us right in two. -What’s his name,again?
瑞恩 詹姆斯瑞恩 隶属101空降师
Ryan, James Ryan. He dropped in with the 101st.
高德曼 找传令兵来 传令兵
Goldman, get me a runner! Runner!
Come on!
琼斯 让开
Jonesy, make a hole up there!
We got stopped by fire from the eastward.
The Germans have been reinforcing two regiments all day.
It’s been quiet for 45 minutes.
The Germans concentrate their fire westward.
谁在广播? 达伍德迪撒多夫
Who’s that on the loudspeaker? Dagwood Duesseldorf.
Our friendly neighbourhood morale officer.
“The Statue of Liberty is kaput.”
That’s disconcerting.
笨蛋 你爹的包皮已给割掉了
Your father was circumcised by my rabbi, you prick!
去你的臭混♥蛋♥ 伏下
You sadistic fucking animals! Get down.
敌人知道我军通讯中断 所以针对传令兵
They know we’re not in direct contact. They’ll single out the runners.
Why do they shoot them up?
不能留活口 以防军情外泄 我们也会这样做
As long as his lungs are working, he carries the message. We’d do the same.
不 我们不会 韦德 准备起程
