Well, there isn’t any really easy way to say this, so…
我就直说吧 你的兄弟死了
…so I’ll just say it. Your brothers are dead.
We have orders to come and get you…
…because you’re going home.
老天 我兄弟死了
Oh, my God! My brothers are dead!
I was going to take them fishing when we got home.
对不起 詹姆斯 真是不知该说什么
I’m so sorry, James. I can’t tell you how much.
他们是怎样死的? 阵亡
-How did they die? -They were killed in action.
That can’t be.
They can’t be my brothers. They’re still in grammar school.
你是詹姆斯瑞恩? 对
-You’re James Ryan? -Yeah.
爱阿华州的 詹姆斯法兰西斯瑞恩?
James Francis Ryan from lowa?
明尼苏达州的 詹姆斯腓德利克瑞恩
James Frederick Ryan, Minnesota.
那表示我弟弟没事吗? 对 我确信他们很好
-Does that mean my brothers are OK? -Yeah,I’m sure they’re fine.
你确定? 我们找的不是这个瑞恩
Are you sure? We’re looking for a different Ryan.
It’s just a big foul-up.
你怎么能确定? 怎么知道是不是又弄错了
How can you be sure? How do you know that the foul-up isn’t –
that his brothers are OK, and…
中尉 麻烦你了
Lieutenant. I’m sorry for the trouble.
我在离开前才刚给他们写信 我得回家去了
I just wrote them a letter before I left. I’ve got to get home.
我要立刻回家 我想回家
I’ve got to get home right now. I want to go home.
我们的瑞恩在哪里呢? 不知道
Where is our Ryan? Don’t know.
可以跟指挥官联络一下吗? 瑞恩隶属于什么单位?
Are you in touch with your CO? What unit’s Ryan in?
506团的B连 那个断脚的傢伙是506团的
Baker Company, 506th. The guy with the broken foot’s in 506th.
我想是C连吧 你想?
-Charlie, I think. -You think?
Ryan? Don’t know… Man!
你们在哪里降落? 维尔维里
-Where was your dropzone? -Vierville.
Vierville? How did you end up here?
问倒我了 C-47受到猛烈的攻击
You got me, sir. The C-47 took heavy fire.
Pilot went crazy turning every which way.
跳伞时炮火更猛 情况混乱 我就来了这里
We took more fire in the drop. It got messy. I ended up here.
我没见过我的队友 天晓得他们在哪里
I haven’t seen a single guy from my stick. God knows where they are.
Did anybody from Baker Company talk about where the dropzone was?
没有 但大家的集♥合♥点一样
No, but they had the same rallying point as us.
Show me.
我们累透了 再待三小时 入夜后出发
My men are beat. We’ll hold up here for three hours and pull out after dark.
Got anything left in this town, like a three-star hotel?
有干净的床单、枕头 和客房♥服务吗?
Something with clean sheets, soft pillows and room service?
舒适的教堂如何? 也好
-How about a nice, comfy church? -We’ll take that.
What have you heard? How is it all falling together?
我们攻下了滩头堡 但蒙蒂却慢条斯理的进军康城
We got the beachhead secured,but Monty’s taking his time moving on Caen.
要他准备好我们才能撤军 大家高估他了
-We can’t pull out’til he’s ready,so… -That guy’s overrated.
我同意 要拿下康城才能攻取圣罗
-No argument here. -You take Caen to take Saint-L8.
要攻取瓦隆尼先要拿下圣罗 瓦隆尼之后是瑟堡
-You gotta take St-L8 to take Valognes. -Valognes,you’ve got Cherbourg.
瑟堡之后是巴黎 最后是柏林
-Cherbourg,you’ve got Paris. -Paris,you’ve got Berlin.
And then that big boat home.
你在这里能帮到我很多 但我了解你的任务
I could really use you around here, but I understand what you’re doing.
是吗? 我也有几个兄弟
-You do? -I’ve got a couple of brothers myself.
原来是这样 祝你好运
Oh. Good luck.
谢谢 不 我是说真的
-Thank you. -No, I mean it.
找他出来 带他回家
Find him. Get him home.
What’s with your hand?
I don’t know.
It started in Portsmouth when we went down for embarkation.
偶尔会这样 你该找别的工作
-It comes and goes. -You have to find yourself a new job.
This one doesn’t seem to agree with you any more.
干嘛? 没什么
-What? -Nothing.
What was the name of that kid at Anzio?
The one who walked on his hands –
and was singing that song about the man on the flying trapeze?
维驰奥 维驰奥
Vecchio. Vecchio!
不错 他是个笨蛋
Yeah, Vecchio. He was a goofy kid.
喜欢在别人的外套上尿出 一个“V”字 代表维驰奥
I remember he used to pee a “v” on everybody’s jackets. For “vecchio”.
代表胜利 维驰奥
For victory. Vecchio.
他长得很矮 是个侏儒吧?
He was so short. He was a midget, wasn’t he?
Yeah, how did he get to be a Ranger?
他的脚给打断了 所以用手走路
He got shot in the foot once, walking on his hands.
He could walk faster on his hands.
He could run faster on his hands.
Vecchio. Yeah.
You see, when you end up killing one of your men, –
就要告诉自己 这样能拯救
you tell yourself it happened so you could save the lives of –
two, three, or ten others.
Maybe 100 others.
你知道我当指挥时 有多少部下阵亡吗?
Do you know how many men I’ve lost under my command?
多少? 94个
-How many? -94.
但那代表我救了 十倍那么多的人吗?
But that means I’ve saved the lives of ten times that many, doesn’t it?
Maybe even 20, right? 20 times as many?
And that’s how simple it is.
That’s how you rationalise making the choice –
between the mission and the men.
Except that this time the mission is a man.
This Ryan had better be worth it.
He’d better go home and cure some disease –
or invent a longer-lasting light-bulb or something.
我想十个瑞恩也抵不了 一个卡帕佐或维驰奥
For the truth is that I wouldn’t trade ten Ryans for one Vecchio or Caparzo.
你看 又来了 长官
Look, there it goes again. Sir.
Are you alright?
We’ll move out in two hours. Why don’t you get some sleep?
不知道他怎么能做到的 什么?
-I don’t know how he does it. -What’s that?
如此熟睡 你看
Falls asleep like that. Look at him.
The guy’s lights-out the minute his head hits the pack.
因为问心无愧 有句话怎么说?
-Clear conscience. -What’s that saying?
神与我们同在 那谁与敌军同在?
God’s on our side, who could be on theirs?
若神与我们同在 谁会是我们的对手?
“If God be for us, who could be against us?”
不错 我说了什么?
Yeah, what did I say?
想睡着的话 保持清醒就行了
The trick to falling asleep is trying to stay awake.
为什么 韦德?
How is that, Wade?
我妈当实习医师时 习惯在夜间工作
When my mother was an intern she used to work through the night –
and sleep through the day.
只有她回家 我们才能聊天
The only time we talked was when she’d get home.
我总会躺着 尽量保持清醒 但从没成功过
I used to lie in bed and stay awake as long as I could,but it never worked
越不想睡 就越快睡着
because the harder I tried the faster I’d fall asleep.
但在家里没关系 因为妈会回家
That wouldn’t have mattered in my house.Ma would’ve come home,
把我弄醒 聊至天亮 聊天时她总是不嫌累
shook me awake,chatted me up ’til dawn.She was never too tired to talk.
也许她在那个时候 才有机会讲话
That’s probably the only time she could get a word in.
有趣的是 有时她下班时间早了
Funny thing is,sometimes she would come home early
and I’d pretend to be asleep.
谁?你妈? 对
-Who, your mum? -Yeah.
She’d stand in the doorway looking at me,
and I would just keep my eyes shut.
And I knew that she just wanted to find out about my day,
跟我聊天 了解那天的生活
that she came home early just to talk to me.
但我却仍然不动 假装已经熟睡
And I still wouldn’t move. I’d still pretend to be asleep.
I don’t know why I did that.
只有几个钟头 闭嘴睡觉吧
We’ve only got a couple of hours. Shut up and go to sleep.
Captain? Sir?
How are you doing? Are you alright?
还好 我想这一切对我有益
Yeah, I think this is all good for me, sir.
Really? How is that?
“战争能训练判断力 磨练意志”
‘War educates the senses, calls into action the will,” –
“perfects the physical constitution,” –
“brings men in such swift and close collision in critical moments,” –
‘that man measures man.”
爱默森也许是 这样让自己积极起来的
I guess that’s Emerson’s way of finding the bright side.
你也有读爱默森? 懂一些
-You know Emerson, sir? -I know some.
上尉 你来自哪里? 在战前你是做什么的?
