So, where are you from, Captain? What did you do before the war?
What’s the pool up to?
I think it’s around 300, sir.
等到了五百的时候 我就把答案告诉你 瓜分赌金
When it gets up to 500,I’ll give you the answer and we’ll split the money.
How about that?
要是你这么想 我就有责任建议你
If that’s the way you feel, I feel it’s my duty under your command
to suggest that we wait until it gets up to 1,000. I think it’s…
What if we don’t live that long?
五百? 五百好
-500? -500 would be good, yes.
对 长官
Yes, sir.
睡吧 下士 是 长官
-Get some sleep, Corporal. -Yes, sir.
Who’s got sulfa powder?
医护兵 我弟兄在流血 需要止血带
Medic, my buddy’s bleeding! He needs a tourniquet.
韦德 什么事?
-Wade. -Yes, sir?
去帮他一下 是
-See what you can do. -Yes, sir.
撑着 很快就有人来救你
Hold on, fellas. It won’t be much longer.
How are we doing here?
没事的 别担心 医师来了
Alright. You’re doing alright, don’t worry about it. The Doc’s in town.
放心 29步兵团已作突围 很快到这里
Don’t worry. The 29th Infantry’s breaking through. They’ll be here soon.
Has anybody got plasma?
Hey, Captain!
有什么事吗? 我是德温得中尉
-Soldier,you want to fill me in? -Yeah.Lieutenant DeWindt.
隶属于第99运兵中队 负责运载300与307滑翔机步兵
99th Troop Carrier Squadron carrying in 300th and 307th Glider Infantry.
我是飞行员 二等兵
This one was mine. I was the pilot. Private!
22人阵亡 照顾他
22 men dead. Take care of this one.
我着陆时没受伤 副驾驶却死了
I landed there without a scratch, took my co-pilot’s head right off.
Who are these people?
我们载的士兵第一晚就离开 之后没再见过他们
The guys we came in with headed off the first night. Haven’t seen them since.
期间别的士兵 三五成群地陆续出现
In the meantime other guys keep showing up. One, two, six at a time.
Then some officer will come along, patch together a mixed unit, –
and head off to make trouble.
我们在找101师 506B连的二等兵瑞恩
We’re looking for a Private Ryan, Baker Company, 506th of the 101st.
这可问倒我了 这里人来人往
You got me. A lot of guys come in and out.
厄本 到那队人里面找瑞恩
Upham! Check out that squad. See if Ryan’s in it.
是的 长官
Yes, sir.
莱宾 闻闻他的腿 像不像臭乳酪
Reiben! Smell that leg, right there. Find out if it’s south of cheese.
Hands over your head.
Keep moving!
I’m Jude, you know.
无法把他弄出来 要有绞车
I couldn’t pry him out of there. I need a winch.
星级上将 对
-Stars. -Yeah.
阿门准将 101空降师的副指挥官
Brigadier General Amend. Deputy Commander, 101st.
有些天才提议 在机舱焊接钢板
Some genius had the great idea of welding steel plates onto our deck
to keep the General safe from ground fire,
but they forgot to tell me until just before we were getting airborne.
That’s like trying to fly a freight train. OK?
负荷过重 地面炮火又猛烈
Gross overload. Trim characteristics all shot to hell.
我为了保持平衡 手几乎都弄断了
I nearly broke both my arms trying to keep her level.
When we released I cut as hard as I could,
尝试保持高度 以免失速
trying to gain some altitude and keep her from stalling.
最后像陨石一样掉下来 结果变成这样
We came down like a fucking meteor. And this is how we ended up.
The others stopped easy enough, though.
We were just too damn heavy, you know?
草地湿滑 而且是下坡
The grass was wet. Downward slope and all.
22 guys dead.
全为了一个上将? 一个人
-All that for a general? -One man.
这种事很多 “苦差”
There’s a lot of that going around. “FUBAR.”
“苦差” “苦差”
“苦差” 都说对了
“FUBAR.” -You all got that right.
我在德语字典中 查不到“苦差”
I looked it up in a German dictionary. “FUBAR”‘s not there.
厄本 那边也有伞兵
Upham! There are more paratroopers out there.
Find out if one of them is Ryan.
You might want to check this out, sir.
是兵籍牌 多得数不完
Dog tags. More than I really want to count, sir.
I’ve covered a lot of bodies, sir.
杰克森 从这些开始找吧 是
-Jackson. Start going through those. -Yes, sir.
I’ll help.
你觉得有那小子吗? 有的话 我会找到的
-Do you think that little prick’s in there? -If he is,I’m going to find him.
我敢说那混♥蛋♥… 我打赌他还活着
I bet that son of a bitch… I’ve got money saying he’s still alive.
赌十块我会先找到 来看这里有什么
0 bucks says I nail him first. Let’s see what we’ve got in here.
你没希望了 你认为他在这里面吗?
You mugs don’t stand a chance. Do you think he’s in here?
继续找吧 好吧
Just keep looking. Alright.
盖瑞艾尼高、班瑞比诺 麦克塞里奥 全都是几内亚人
“Gary lanico”, “Ben Rubino”, “Mike Cesario”…All the Guineas are buying it.
不是这名字 维维里维基 是你的朋友
Come on, it’s not the right name! ‘Wee Willie Winkie”. A buddy of yours.
We’ve got to find this prick.
Where’s this son of a bitch?
别混在一起 分开一点
Don’t mix them up. Keep them in your pile.
How am I supposed to know who we’ve got?
莱宾 闭嘴好吗?
Why don’t you just shut up, Reiben?
别吵架 你不高兴吗?
Everybody be friends. Cranky there, huh?
有优胜者了 你说什么?
-I think I’ve got a winner. -What are you talking about?
瑞恩 瑞恩?
“Ryan.” Ryan?
梅利西 你看 你简直是天才
Take a look at that, Mellis. You’re really a genius.
这是里恩 是法语名字 知道这是什么意思吗?
“R-l-E-N-N-E.” That’s “Rienne” and it’s French. Do you know what that means?
一无所获 什么比三条大?
It means “nothing”. What beats three of a kind?
这些人全都来自纽约 你老是发牢骚
I got shit here, all guys from New York. You’re always bitching.
要帮忙吗? 我葫芦
Do you need a hand? I’ve got a full house.
我赢了 同花顺
I’ve got you beat. Straight flush.
你偷看我的牌 你作弊
You’re looking at my cards. You’re cheating.
笨得太离谱了 你识字吗?
Fucking unreal, this guy. Can you read that shit?
老天 你看这可怜的傢伙 大概不能防弹吧
Jesus, look at this poor bastard! I guess they’re not bulletproof.
I guess not.
这傢伙没脑袋 跟你的那里一样
I don’t like what’s between his ears.It’s like what’s between your legs.
对极了 杰克森 说得没错
We’ve got to give him that. That’s not bad for you, Jackson.
我三条 你在干嘛?
I’ve got three of a kind. What the hell are you doing?
整个空降师都在看着 这可不是扑克牌
The whole goddam Airborne’s watching. These aren’t poker chips.
好吧 放回去
Alright. Put them back in there.
He’s not here.
Maybe we should split into groups?
Just wander the woods calling his name.
他迟早会听到的 瑞恩
He’s bound to hear us sooner or later. Ryan!
上尉 这也不是办法
That might be a little hard to do, Captain.
也许本地人见过他 瑞恩 詹姆斯瑞恩?
Maybe the locals have seen him. Ryan, James Ryan?
瑞恩?有人认识 101空降师的瑞恩吗?
Ryan! Anybody know Ryan, 101st Airborne? You know Ryan?
Private James Ryan from lowa? Anybody know a Ryan?
瑞恩 阿乔
James Ryan! Hey, Joe!
Doesn’t Michaelson pal around with a Ryan from C Company?
应该是 带他过来
I think so. Bring him up.
你认识二等兵瑞恩? 你要大声一点
-You know Private Ryan? -You have to speak up…
大声一点 我的耳朵不灵光
You have to speak up, sir! My hearing is not so good!
手榴弹在耳朵边爆♥炸♥ 听力时有时无的
It comes and goes. A grenade went off right by my head.
你认识二等兵瑞恩? 谁?
-Got it. Do you know Private Ryan? -Who?
二等兵瑞恩?詹姆斯瑞恩? 吉米瑞恩?
-Private Ryan? James Ryan? -Jimmy Ryan?
James. James Francis Ryan.
不 是詹姆斯法兰西斯瑞恩
No, no, no. James Francis Ryan.
Give me a pencil. Something to write on.
快点 铅笔
Quick, a pencil!
Here you are, a small one.
写下来 詹姆斯法兰西斯瑞恩 爱阿华州?
Write this down: “James Francis Ryan? Iowa?”
“Do you know him?” Read the message! Look!
我当然认识他 知道他在哪里吗?
-Yeah, of course I know him. -Does he know where he is?
Yeah, we missed our dropzone by about 20 miles
降落的地方好像是 布鲁维里什么的
and ended up way over by “Bumville” or some damn place.
我跟他和其他人 正要到了这里集♥合♥
Him, me and a couple of others were coming here to the rally point.
却遇到一位上校 正召集弟兄前往兰姆勒
We ran into a colonel who was gathering up men to go to Ramelle.
兰姆勒? 去防守一座桥
Ramelle? To babysit a bridge.
那是我最后一次看见他 好极了 谢谢
-That’s the last I’ve seen of him. -Great! Thank you!
写谢谢 你看 谢谢 不客气
-Write “Thank you”. Read. Thank you. -You’re welcome!
