scarce 英 [skeəs] 美 [skers]



  • After an initial focus on renting spare beds in cities during conferences, when hotel rooms were scarce, the startup expanded into rental of entire properties.
  • With food scarce and the government unable to provide through its rationing program, North Koreans began turning away from the official, centrally planned economy.


[adjective] (especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand
[形容词] (尤指食物、金钱或其他资源)不足以满足需求


Scarce 于14世纪自古法国北方方言 scars (缺少、稀少)进入英语,主要强调“数量上缺乏不足、供不应求”。任何东西一旦短缺,那自然就变得“稀有难得”,比如珍本或善本就可以说“a scarce book”。

另外, scarce 在口语中有个习语表达叫“make oneself scarce”,这不是说让自己变得供不应求,而是指“悄悄溜走”或“躲开不露面”,比如:

  • It probably would be a good idea if you made yourself scarce.

值得注意的是, scarce 有以下几个常见的形近词,在阅读时要注意区分:

  • scared 害怕的、惊恐的
  • sacred 神圣的、受崇敬的、不容侵犯的
  • sarcastic 讽刺的、嘲讽的、挖苦的


There is something that is much more scarce, something finer far, something rarer than ability. It is the ability to recognize ability.

出自美国著名出版家和作家阿尔伯特·哈伯德(Elbert Hubbard,1856-1915)。1899年,阿尔伯特·哈伯德创作了《把信送给加西亚》(A Message to Garcia),在《菲士利人》(The Philistine)杂志上发表后,引起了全世界的强烈轰动,这本小册子在世界各地广为流传,全球销量超过8亿册,成为有史以来世界上最畅销的读物之一。


scarce” 是一个英语单词,指的是稀缺的、不足的,通常用于描述资源、物品或情况的稀有性质。


  1. scarce resources: 稀缺资源
  2. scarce water supply: 稀缺的水供应
  3. scarce food availability: 食物供应不足
  4. scarce commodity: 稀缺商品
  5. scarce raw materials: 稀缺原材料
  6. scarce energy sources: 稀缺能源
  7. scarce financial resources: 稀缺财务资源
  8. scarce job opportunities: 就业机会不足
  9. scarce funding: 资金短缺
  10. scarce land resources: 稀缺土地资源
  11. scarce medical supplies: 医疗用品短缺
  12. scarce housing options: 住房选择有限
  13. scarce time: 时间紧迫
  14. scarce availability: 可得性有限
  15. scarce educational resources: 教育资源有限
  16. scarce labor force: 劳动力稀缺
  17. scarce investment opportunities: 投资机会有限
  18. scarce job market: 就业市场不景气
  19. scarce skills: 技能不足
  20. scarce natural resources: 自然资源稀缺
  21. scarce medical facilities: 医疗设施不足
  22. scarce financial support: 资金支持不足
  23. scarce economic growth: 经济增长不足
  24. scarce supplies: 物资短缺
  25. scarce educational opportunities: 教育机会有限
  26. scarce technology: 技术稀缺
  27. scarce workforce: 劳动力短缺
  28. scarce water resources: 水资源稀缺
  29. scarce employment prospects: 就业前景不佳
  30. scarce healthcare access: 医疗服务有限
  31. scarce natural habitats: 自然栖息地稀缺
  32. scarce transportation options: 交通选择有限
  33. scarce arable land: 耕地稀缺
  34. scarce financial assistance: 财务援助有限
  35. scarce opportunities for advancement: 晋升机会有限
  36. scarce educational funding: 教育资金不足
  37. scarce job prospects: 就业前景不好
  38. scarce learning materials: 学习材料不足
  39. scarce natural beauty: 自然景观稀有
  40. scarce wildlife habitats: 野生动植物栖息地稀缺
  41. scarce medical services: 医疗服务有限
  42. scarce cultural resources: 文化资源稀缺
  43. scarce opportunities for growth: 成长机会有限
  44. scarce educational support: 教育支持不足
  45. scarce employment opportunities: 就业机会有限
  46. scarce technological advancements: 科技进步不足
  47. scarce renewable energy sources: 可再生能源稀缺
  48. scarce economic resources: 经济资源稀有
  49. scarce housing options: 住房选择有限
  50. scarce health services: 健康服务不足


  • scanty: too little in amount for what is needed
  • meager: (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality
  • deficient: not having enough of a specified quality or ingredient
