Yes, actually I’m up for the part of Desiree
in the new Mike Tinsley film.
哦 你当然足够漂亮了
Oh, well, you’re certainly beautiful enough.
Thank you.
听着 贞德
Look, Jade,
if you’re not busy,
我父亲星期天要在庄园 举♥行♥个花♥园♥派对
my father’s giving a garden party at the estate on Sunday
and I’d love you to come.
I’d be very happy to be your date and show you around.
The English countryside is very lovely this time of the year.
-真不错 -好
-Sounds fantastic. -Good.
Do you mind if I bring my father?
Your father?
哦 看 他就在那边
Oh, look! There he is right now.

我在休闲室 我听说你溺水
I was in the lounge. I heard you drowning.
I finished my tea and scones and came immediately.
爸爸 这是彼得·莱曼
Dad, this is Peter Lyman,
who was nice enough to rescue me.
哦 当然啦 孩子
Yes, of course, child!
她不会游泳 这孩子不会游泳
She cannot swim. The girl cannot swim.
就像是铅块 她总是沉底
Like a lead weight, she sinks to the bottom all the time.
有点家庭遗传了 缺少浮力 她的兄弟姐妹都这样
It’s a family trait. Lack of buoyancy, or… Her siblings have it as well.
很高兴见到你 是思朋斯先生吧
Yes, well, listen, pleasure to meet you, Mr. Spence, right?

Yes, and I’ll see you on Sunday at the estate.
星期天 去做什么 不会是打狐狸吧
Oh, great. Sunday? What’s Sunday? Not a fox hunt?
不是啦 爸爸 回头再给你解释
No. No, Dad. I’ll explain it to you later.
我会把所有信息留在桌子上 好吧
Listen, I’ll leave all the information at the desk, all right?
来吧 孩子
Hey, come, child.
你算是哪种傻瓜 “不会是打狐狸吧”
What kind of idiot are you? Not a fox hunt?
I’d like to talk to these people in their own terms.
哦 谢谢你告诉他我是你♥爸♥爸
And, oh, thanks for telling him I’m your father.
哦 顺便说下 他认为我叫贞德·思朋斯
Oh, incidentally, he thinks my name is Jade Spence,
so that makes you Mr. Spence.
等等 这太骗人了 我不想继续下去了
Wait a minute, l… This is too tricky. I don’t want to go ahead with this.
为什么 你是怎么了
Why? What’s wrong with you?
你这辈子都在骗人 你是魔术师
Your whole life is deception. You’re a magician.
我是魔术师 而且我只想当魔术师
Yes, I’m a magician and I want to stay a magician.
Can I have a Coke please?
I don’t want to get sued or deported
惹上官司 被驱逐出境或者被逮捕
or arrested for stalking somebody.
This is a big guy you’re dealing with.
这是个大新闻 不是闹着玩 这是乔·斯特劳博说的
This is a big story, no kidding. That’s what Joe Strombel said.
他就是因为这个才回来的 这是他最后的独家新闻
That’s why he returned, you know. This is his last big scoop.
Hey. What do I care about Joe Strombel?
Suddenly I’m taking direction from a hunk of ectoplasm?
This could be very big for my career.
你的事业很不错 你在”先锋”学校 管它什么学校呢
Your career’s fine. You’re on the college Bugle, or whatever it is.
You got years for scoops.
你知道吗 你算了吧
You know what? Forget you, all right.
我自己干 不需要你 玩你的扑克牌把戏去吧
I’ll do this on my own. I don’t need you. Go back to your card tricks.
I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you.
You know, I just… It has to be done properly.
You know, we gotta put our heads together.
如果那样 你只会听到没用的噪音
If we put our heads together, you’ll hear a hollow noise.
看看这地方 只缺条护城河了
Look at this place. All it’s missing is a moat.
哦 嘿 我能习惯这个
Ooh! Hey, I could get used to this.
Look at this.
他来了 记住 我叫贞德·思朋斯
Oh, there he is. Remember, Jade Spence.
Jade… Jade, who?
-啊 -你们来啦
-Ah. -There you are.
-你好啊 -你好啊 欢迎 思朋斯先生 贞德
-Hello. -How are you? Welcome, Mr. Spence and Jade.
Mr. Spence.
-您看上去好极了 -谢谢 这很漂亮
-You look stunning. Stunning. -Oh, thank you. It’s beautiful here.
谢谢 谢谢
Thank you. Thank you. Yes.
It’s been in the family for years. About 400 years.
对我来说有点乏味 但…
It’s a little stuffy for my taste, but… Oh.
She said, “All that’s missing is a moat.”
-对 -我喜欢 我喜欢护城河
-Right. -I love that. I love the moat line.
“这只缺护城河了” 太好了
“All that’s missing is a moat.” Beautiful.
啊 这是我父亲
Ah, this is my father.
我父亲 斯蒂芬·莱曼 这是我的美国朋友
Father, Stephen Lyman, this is… These are my friends from America
-我和你说过的 -哦 莱曼勋爵
-I was telling you about. -Oh, Lord Lyman.
贞德·思朋斯 还有思朋斯先生
Jade Spence, Mr. Spence.
-你好 -你好
-How are you? -Hello.
-Curtsey, curtsey, curtsey. -I’ve never met a Lord before.
How exciting!
不 有位伯爵我们见过…
No, but there was that Earl that we… There was that Earl.
I do hope you’re enjoying yourself.
彼得 何不带他们四处走走
Peter, why don’t you show them around?
当然 要走走吗
Absolutely. Would you like that?
哦 很好啊
Oh, it… Charmed, I’m sure.
Should we hit the buffet table first though?
-不 爸爸 -因为那些吃的看着不错
-No, Dad. -Because the stuff looks great.
还记得吗 我们要四处看看的
Remember, we wanted to look around.
当然 当然 听女儿的
Yes, of course, of course, blessed offspring.
我们何不喝点什么 然后从里面开始呢
Why don’t we get a drink and then we’ll start inside?
-哦 好啊 -来
-Oh, okay. -Come.
我喜欢这间屋子 我们晚上经常待在这
Yes, I love this room here. We often spend evenings in here.
The English countryside!
很雅致 而且朴素 我喜欢
It’s elegant, yet understated. I like that.
You’ve done wonders with the place.
It brings to mind Trollope.
哦 你也喜欢读特洛罗普的书
Oh, do you enjoy reading Trollope, too?
不不 不是那个作家 我说的是我认识的一个女孩
No, no, not the author. This was a girl I knew.
Well, come. Let’s go upstairs and have a look at the view.

不要再犯傻了好不好 你到底怎么了
Would you quit fooling around! What’s wrong with you?
我在发掘线索 记住事情 我在对他施魔法
Try to pick up clues, try to remember things. I’m charming him.
我在记 我有个记忆系统
I remember. I got a mnemonic system that I use.
-我利用图像 这是个窍门 -嗯嗯 是的
-I use images, it’s a trick. -Uh-huh, yeah.
Say I want to remember this ashtray.
I think of, like, 50 ashtrays dancing
on a desert island in hula skirts or something
然后我就记住了 随时能想起来
and then I remember. I can call it to mind whenever l…
Where are you going?
This is one of the drawing rooms.
喔 真漂亮啊 是不是
Wow, this is really beautiful, isn’t it?
哦 这是…我的曾祖父
Oh, here we have… This is my great-grandfather.
这是祖父 还有他的妻子 海登女士
There’s grandfather and his wife, Lady Hayden.
Reminds me of the portrait of Aunt Hillary in the library, no?
勇敢的女人 希拉里 妇女参政♥权♥论者 死于白喉
Game woman, Hillary. Suffragette, I believe. Yeah. Diphtheria took her.
Or perhaps it was elm blight.
好啦 爸爸
Come on, Dad.
哦 这可真漂亮
Oh, this is just beautiful. Wow.
嗯 我喜欢这湖 你们会钓鱼吗
Yes. I love the lake. Do either of you fish?
-不 从来没钓过 -我来教教你
-No, no, never have. -Oh, I’ll have to teach you.
I’ve taken some salmon, you know. Organic.
我也是 我有时飞鱼 但…
Yes, me, too. I fly fish a little. But…
贞德 你喜欢音乐会吗
So, Jade, do you enjoy concerts?
I’m very big on the Philharmonic.
实际上 我们在赞助
We sponsor, in fact.
我以前拉小提琴 拉得很不好
I used to play the violin, very, very badly.
But I have a number of… Well, actually quite a large musical collection.
Do you play an instrument, either of you?
Because we have these lovely music gatherings.
是的 我弹奏…
I do. Yes, I play the…
各种古典音乐 诺维·考沃还有莎士比亚…
Various classics, you know, Noel Coward and Shakespeare and…
嗯 她小时候 我们给她上过钢琴课
