

[verb] clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent
[动词] 通过用力摩擦(某物)表面来使其清洁或光亮,通常搭配研磨料或洗涤剂


Scour 是一个只比熟词 sour (酸的、有酸味的)多了一个字母 c 的单词。该词源自拉丁语 excurare (清理、除掉),13世纪经中古荷兰语 scuren, schuren (擦亮、清洁)以及古法语 escurer 进入英语,即用来表示“擦净、擦亮”,多指用粗糙的物体搭配研磨料或洗涤剂使劲摩擦来清洁或光亮某物的表面,常用搭配 scour sth (out) ,比如:

  • 在刷这些旧锅时,服务员改变了站姿,把重心从一只脚移到另一只脚。
    While scouring out those old cooking pots, the attendant shifted her stance from one foot to another.


  • 这个电动牙刷可以温和地擦去牙菌斑而不损伤齿龈。
    The electric toothbrush can gently scour off plaque without damaging the gums.

也可以进一步引申表示“冲刷成、冲刷出”,主要指水或水流通过在某物上强力流动并清除土壤或岩石而形成水道或水池,常用搭配 scour sth (away/out) 以及 scour sth (from/out of sth) ,比如:

  • 当我靠近遇难船只时,发现潮水冲出了一个水池。
    When I got near the wreck, I found that the tide had scoured out a pool.

此外, scour 同小站之前推送过的 lumber, sole, forge 等一样,也是个同形异义词,还有一个词源不详可能是源于古北欧语 skyra (匆忙行事)的含义指“搜寻、搜查、翻找”,作不及物动词时多指在搜索追捕时迅速穿行、急促回来,比如:

  • 孩子们在山坡上到处寻找引火的干柴。
    The children scoured over the hillside for kindling.

而作及物动词时,则较为狭义地表示对某个地方、文本等进行彻底搜索或细查,以定位某个必须找到的东西,常用搭配 scour sth (for sb/sth) ,比如:

  • 现正在额外抽调警察去这个地区四处搜查,以寻找失踪的孩子。
    Extra police are being drafted to scour the area for the missing child.


She could hear it singing to her. She opened her arms to the fire, embraced it, let it swallow her whole, let it cleanse her and temper her and scour her clean.

出自美国作家乔治·R·R·马丁所著的史诗奇幻小说系列《冰与火之歌》(A Song of Ice and Fire)。


  • Fund managers scour the documents to ensure that firms’ executives are not fibbing.
  • He has his own truck now, along with six employees scouring the market for deals.



  1. Scour the area – 彻底搜查区域
    • The police scoured the area for any clues that could lead to the missing person. (警察彻底搜查了该区域,寻找可能导致失踪者的任何线索。)
  2. Scour the internet – 翻遍互联网
    • I scoured the internet for information about the upcoming concert. (我翻遍了互联网,寻找关于即将举行的音乐会的信息。)
  3. Scour the market – 仔细搜索市场
    • The researcher scoured the market to find the best prices for the desired product. (研究人员仔细搜索市场,寻找所需产品的最佳价格。)
  4. Scour the documents – 细致检查文件
    • The lawyer scoured the documents for any evidence that could support their case. (律师细致检查文件,寻找可能支持他们案件的任何证据。)
  5. Scour the shelves – 仔细搜寻货架
    • The shopper scoured the shelves in the store, looking for the specific brand of cereal. (购物者在商店里仔细搜寻货架,寻找特定品牌的谷类食品。)


  1. Scour the kitchen – 彻底清洁厨房
    • It’s time to scour the kitchen and get rid of all the grease and grime. (是时候彻底清洁厨房,去除所有的油腻和污垢了。)
  2. Scour the bathtub – 用力擦洗浴缸
    • She used a strong cleaner to scour the bathtub until it was sparkling clean. (她使用强力清洁剂擦洗浴缸,直到它闪闪发光地干净如新。)
  3. Scour the floors – 擦洗地板
    • The janitor scoured the floors of the school every night to ensure they were spotless. (清洁工每晚都会擦洗学校的地板,确保它们一尘不染。)
  4. Scour the dishes – 用力擦洗餐具
    • After the dinner party, they had to scour the dishes to remove all the food residue. (晚宴结束后,他们不得不用力擦洗餐具,清除所有的食物残留物。)
  5. Scour the bathroom tiles – 清洗浴室瓷砖
    • The cleaner used a special solution to scour the bathroom tiles and remove the stubborn stains. (清洁工使用特殊溶液擦洗浴室瓷砖,去除顽固的污渍。)


  1. Scour for evidence – 翻查证据
    • The detective scoured the crime scene for any evidence that could help solve the case. (侦探仔细搜索犯罪现场,寻找可能有助于破案的任何证据。)
  2. Scour for information – 搜寻信息
    • Journalists scoured the archives for historical information about the famous event. (记者们搜索档案,寻找有关这一著名事件的历史信息。)
  3. Scour for a solution – 寻找解决办法
    • The team scoured their resources for a solution to the complex problem they were facing. (团队搜寻他们的资源,寻找复杂问题的解决办法。)
  4. Scour for bargains – 搜寻优惠商品
    • The shoppers scoured the stores during the sale, looking for bargains and discounts. (购物者在折扣期间四处搜寻,寻找优惠和折扣商品。)
  5. Scour for opportunities – 搜寻机会
    • Entrepreneurs constantly scour the market for new opportunities to expand their businesses. (企业家们不断搜索市场,寻找扩大业务的新机会。)


abrade: scrape or wear away by friction or erosion
burnish: polish (something, especially metal) by rubbing
scrub: rub (someone or something) hard so as to clean them, typically with a brush and water

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
