

[verb] make a search for someone or something in various places
[动词] 在各种不同的地方寻找某人或某物


在上周小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送的 小词详解 | scour 的留言区,有小伙伴提到容易将 scour 与 scout 混淆,今天就来专门讲讲 scout 这个单词。

该词源自拉丁语 auscultare (听、留心),14世纪末经中古英语 scout-watch (哨兵、卫兵)或古法语 escouter (听、留心)进入英语,即用来表示“侦察”某处,主要指侦察员先于主力部队冒险四处走动以收集敌人的位置、实力或动向的信息。


  • 你不能坐在这里袖手旁观。你得四处查看,找个过夜的地方。
    You can’t sit here on the sidelines and watch. You should scout the area for somewhere to stay the night.

而常用短语动词 scout sth↔out 则主要用来表示“侦察地形、勘察、探索”,即通过探索或检查某个地方或某个商业领域来查明其位置或者是什么样的,比如:

  • 这位雄心勃勃的销售培训生正在康涅狄格州探访东海岸房产市场。
    The sales trainee with grandiose ambitions is visiting Connecticut to scout out the east coast housing market.

等到了16世纪50年代, scout 开始用作名词表示“侦察员”,现在也可以用来表示“侦察机、侦察舰、侦察部队”,以及为蜂群搜索新巢或新食源的“侦察蜂(亦作 scout bee)”。

但 scout 现在更为常见的名词用法则是源自1908年出现的 Boy Scout (童子军)表达,通常大写首字母指“童子军成员”,比如新童子军队长(a new Scout leader),而 the Scouts 则特指“童子军”组织。

此外, scout 从动词含义“物色”出发还可以用作名词表示音乐、戏剧、体育运动等的“人才发掘者、新秀发现者、星探”,也作 talent scout 或 talent spotter 。


The dark corridor behind it led, as they knew from their careful scouting trips, into an empty theater.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第七本《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)。


  • East German-style national talent-scouting programmes were created, producing Olympic medallists from those who had never previously played the sport—in the process debunking a widespread notion that 10,000 hours are needed to achieve excellence in a skill.
  • Rooted in the Soviet model, the Chinese system relies on the state to scout tens of thousands of children for full-time training at more than 2,000 government-run sports schools.



  1. Boy Scout – 童子军
    • He joined the Boy Scouts when he was 10 years old. (他10岁时加入了童子军。)
  2. Girl Scout – 女童子军
    • She is a member of the Girl Scouts and enjoys camping trips with her troop. (她是女童子军的成员,喜欢与部队一起进行野营之旅。)
  3. Eagle Scout – 鹰级童子军
    • He achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest achievement in Boy Scouts. (他获得了鹰级童子军的称号,这是童子军中的最高荣誉。)
  4. Scout leader – 童子军领队
    • She volunteers as a scout leader and guides the activities of the troop. (她作为童子军领队志愿者,指导部队的活动。)


  1. Scout the area – 勘察该地区
    • The team was sent to scout the area before the mission. (任务前,该小队被派去勘察该地区。)
  2. Scout for a location – 寻找一个地点
    • They scouted for a suitable location to set up their camp. (他们寻找一个合适的地点搭建他们的营地。)
  3. Scout the enemy’s movements – 侦察敌军的动向
    • The scouts were assigned to observe and report on the enemy’s movements. (侦察员被指派观察并报告敌军的动向。)
  4. Scout ahead – 在前方进行侦察
    • The scout went ahead to check the path for any obstacles. (侦察员向前走去,检查道路上是否有障碍物。)


  1. Scout talent – 发掘才能
    • The talent scout discovered a young singer with incredible potential. (这位人才搜寻者发现了一位具有巨大潜力的年轻歌手。)
  2. Scout for new ideas – 寻找新的创意
    • The company sent a team to scout for new ideas and innovations in the market. (公司派遣一支团队寻找市场上的新创意和创新。)
  3. Scout for opportunities – 寻找机会
    • He scouted for investment opportunities in the real estate market. (他在房地产市场寻找投资机会。)
  4. Scout potential locations – 寻找潜在地点
    • The production team scouted potential filming locations for the movie. (制作团队为电影寻找潜在的拍摄地点。)


  1. Scout’s honor – 童子军的


scout 是一个名词和动词,表示侦察、搜索或寻找。作为名词,它指的是侦察员、童子军或球探。作为动词,它表示搜索、侦察或探查。下面是关于 scout 的一些短语用法,附带中文解释:

  • Be a scout: 做一个侦察员
    • He joined the Boy Scouts when he was 10 years old.(他在10岁时加入了童子军。)
    • The company sent scouts to assess the competition in the market.(公司派遣侦察员评估市场上的竞争对手。)
  • Scout for talent: 寻找人才
    • The talent scouts attended the music concert to discover new artists.(才艺招聘人员参加音乐会以发掘新的艺术家。)
    • The soccer team has scouts who search for promising young players.(足球队有专门寻找有潜力的年轻球员的球探。)
  • Scout the area: 侦察地区
    • The soldiers were sent to scout the enemy territory.(士兵们被派去侦察敌方领土。)
    • The journalist scouted the neighborhood to gather information for the article.(记者在附近进行侦察,为文章收集信息。)
  • Scout out a location: 寻找地点
    • The film crew scouted out several locations for the movie shoot.(电影摄制组勘察了几个拍摄地点。)
    • We need to scout out a suitable venue for the conference.(我们需要找一个适合的会议场地进行勘察。)
  • Scout ahead: 前方侦察
    • The scout ahead reported back about the enemy’s movements.(前方侦察员报告了敌人的动向。)
    • The hikers sent someone to scout ahead and check for any obstacles on the trail.(徒步旅行者派人在前方侦察,检查路上是否有障碍。)
  • Scout for locations: 寻找拍摄地点
    • The production team scouted for locations to shoot the film.(制作团队寻找拍摄电影的地点。)
    • The photographer is scouting for beautiful landscapes to capture.(摄影师正在寻找美丽的风景进行拍摄。)

以上是关于 scout 的一些常见短语用法,它们涵盖了侦察、搜索、寻找以及球探等不同方面的意义。


ferret: search tenaciously for and find something
lookout: a person stationed to keep watch for danger or trouble
outrider: a person in a motor vehicle or on horseback who goes in front of or beside a vehicle as an escort or guard

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
