with your humble-pie act… the saint, the injured innocent.
Who told you the department or the whole world…
was some kind of a fucking boy scout camp?
你在期待什么 魔术师、大人物?
What do you expect, for Christ’s sake, a magician? A big daddy?
White knight snaps his fingers, the dirty world turns white…
你不停地在说话 说话
Just keep talking. That’s what you can do.
卜比 因为那是你的工作 唱歌♥? 是不是?
while the Pope’s choir sings “Ave Maria,” is that it?
王八蛋 我很想帮你 你在怪责我 因为其他的人不想牵连在内
You gonna blame me ’cause those bastards don’t wanna get involved?
我帮你反而害了自己 害了你…
I tried to help you. I got my head handed to me.
你怎么了? 你还好好的 那是我看到的啊
Where’s your head? It’s on your shoulders. That’s what I see.
我不觉得你是那么认真的 -这儿究竟发生什么事?
You don’t look so hot yourself. – What’s all this shit over here?
好的 准备再行动吧 因为我有个新的主意
Get ready to blow up again, ’cause I got another idea.
You and your ideas are as full of shit as you are.
是安排好的 -安排好的
Right on cue. – Right on cue.
我们可以去找霍文谈谈 法兰 那调查局的局长
We can talk to Foreman, the commissioner of investigations.
又一个人 又多一个人出现了
Another guy! We got another guy here.
We could even talk to a guy I know on the New York Times.
太好了 找纽♥约♥时♥报♥
Oh, that’s terrific. Go to the Times.
每次我找你说话都多廿个人出现 你知道吗?
Every time I talk to you, Blair, 20 more people know about it.
这样安全 法兰
This is safe, Frank.
安全? 我身处险境 那叫安全
It’s safe? With my ass on the line, it’s safe, right?
你一直身处险境 -那是我的事
Your ass is already on the line! – That’s my business!
法兰 你不相信我? -我不相信你!
You don’t trust me, Frank? – I don’t trust you!
你去死吧! -去你的!
Go fuck yourself! – Fuck you!
回家后我想打扫一下房♥子 巴高 别找我来出气
Look, when I come home, I want a house clean.
我没有找你出气 -我不想听废话而已
Don’t take it out on me, Paco. – I don’t want to pick up shit!
come to bed.
好的 我们都知道发生什么事 我不想听废话
All right. Look, we all know what this is about, right?
法兰 你和汤发生了什么事?
Frank, what the hell was happening between you and Don Rubello?
很简单 我没有收黑钱 我没有收黑钱
Simple. I didn’t take any money. I don’t take money.
鲁比奥说若我改变主意 他会帮我保留我那一份
Rubello said if I changed my mind, he’d hold my share…
he’d give it back to me.
我没有改变主意 -王八蛋
I didn’t change my mind. – The conniving bastard.
好的 听着 鲁的事由我来处理
All right. I’ll handle Rubello. – Donny was stealing.
他拿走的钱我负责取回来 但这种事情不能再发生
I’ll get back the money he took. But this ain’t gonna happen again.
现在起 不能再出现三个收数人 由今天起 各有各收钱
From now on, no more three bagmen. Starting today, every one of you…
停下来的 说没有钱收 怎样?
makes his own collections… no stops, no bread, okay?
好的 明白
Right. – You got it.
你呢? 法兰 你和汤的事我会帮你弄好的
What about you, Frankie? I’ll make up what Don took from you.
为何我要现在开始? 法兰 所有人都开始对你有好感
Why should I start now? – Everybody’d feel better about you.
You can always give it to charity.
法兰 你认为如何? 一个月一百元 作消费?
Look, Frankie, what do you say, a hundred a month just for expenses?
For my secretary and my business lunches, entertainment?
好的… 现在开始法兰的那一份我们摊分
All right. All right. We split Frank’s share from now on.
法兰 你是个笨蛋
You’re a schmuck, Frank.
If they would take all that energy, see…
put it into straight police work…
we’d have the city cleaned up in a week.
扫清罪恶 那就没有罪恶了
They’d clean up. There’d be no crime.
若我个人行动 一定可以成功
If I could work alone… That’s the thing, see?
我可以…个人行动的话 但他们不喜欢那样
If I could just get… Work alone. But they don’t like that.
明白吗? 他们不喜欢那样 他们只想把你拖下水
They don’t want that. They want to suck you in.
巴高 你又来了
You go over the same thing, Paco.
他们都贪污 每一个都是 完全没有人去理会
So fucking corrupt. Everybody, everyone. Nobody giving a shit!
一定有方法可以铲除他们的 他妈的 一定有方法的
There’s gotta be a way to wipe it out, goddamn it.
我们出去走走好吗? 我们去看电影
Let’s get out of here for a while, huh, honey? Let’s go to a movie.
少管我一会儿好吗? 你在干吗? 看电影? 我怎去看电影?
Quit handling me! What are you doing? How am I gonna go to a movie?
他们知道了会杀了我的 你知道吗?
They’d kill me if they knew! You think that hasn’t happened?
你以为那些事没发生过吗? 不管你是发脾气还是说谎
Either you’re exploding, or you’re lying around like a catatonic!
巴高 我真的受不了 -你根本就不会关心
I can’t stand it, Paco. – You don’t give a shit, right?
我关心的只是你 那就是我所关心的
All I care about is you! That’s all that matters to me.
所以我才会那么伤心 我不能再忍♥受看到你这样
That’s why it hurts so much. I can’t stand to see you like this…
Scared, miserable, dreading to go to work.
It’s tearing me apart!
我不想再听 我觉得很讨厌
And then I get sick of hearing about it, and I start hating myself.
好的 你不喜欢我当警♥察♥ 别再废话多多了
You didn’t like my being a cop, so don’t give me that shit.
你根本不喜欢我当警♥察♥ 我爱你 巴高 我想和你结婚 想和你生孩子
I love you! I want to marry you! I want to have children with you!
该死的 讨厌死了 那么讨厌 为何不走?
Goddamn it! I hate it! – Why don’t you get out?
那你呢? -我很想
Why don’t you? – It’s crossed my mind.
Well, do it.
有消息吗? -要不要抓一个白人?
What do you got? – Would you bust whitey?
说说看 说说看
Try me. Try me.
This guy’s heavy. He’s Italian.
是意大利人 有同党
Mobbed up. Still interested?
有没有兴趣? 别再玩了 我现在没有心情 来吧
Stop fuckin’ around. I’m not in the mood. Come on.
他是个高♥利♥贷♥ 放的数也不少
He’s a loan shark, runs a big numbers operation.
This mother’s so cocksure…
he picks up his own slips while he’s collecting his loans.
Where’s the drop?
站着 我是警♥察♥
Hold it!
站着 我是警♥察♥
I’m a police officer.
Wait a minute. You’re under arrest.
我还以为你是那些道友 -好的 我要取你口袋的那卷东西
I thought you were a junkie. – I’ll take that wad in your pocket.
你好暴♥力♥啊 -我知道 我烂
You’re a riot, kid. – I know. I’m a joke.
那是什么? 那是…
What are you doin’? What’s that?
拿开 否则你会更麻烦 把车匙给我
Put that away, or you’re in more trouble. Give me your car keys.
Where they been hiding you, kid?
Wouldn’t you like to know?
看着这家伙 把他锁起来
Hold this guy for booking. Get a rap sheet on him.
I’m gonna search his car.
Where’s Corsaro?
Smith took him upstairs.
我发誓 我以为他是个道友
I swear to God, I thought this guy was some fucking junkie.
鲁迪 你应该看清楚
Listen, Rudy, you should see some of the…
唏!你… 你什么?
Hey, you. – Hey, who?
你… 过来 把口袋里的东西拿出来
You. Get over here and empty your pockets.
我不会这样做 -你是我的犯人 我要你怎样做就怎样做
I don’t do that. – You’re my prisoner. Do what I say.
过来 -他会不惜任何方法
Get over here. – He’s gonna get nasty about it.
You’re fucking right!
法兰 冷静点
Hey, Frank, cool it, huh?
妈的 张开腿!
Lean, motherfuck! Spread!
唏!法兰 鲁迪没什么 他是个好人
Frank. Hey, Frank, Rudy’s on. He’s good people.
Stay the fuck outta this!
You fuck!
这算什么? 这算什么?
What’s this? What’s this?
到里面去 里面去
Get in! Get in!
沙♥比♥高 你要查的加沙洛的底子
Serpico. Got that record check on Corsaro.
You want to read something?
It’s about your pal Corsaro.
来 看吧!看吧!
Here, read it. Read it!
他坐了十五年牢 可知为什么?
He did 15 years. You know what for?
杀了警♥察♥ 是个杀♥警♥♥察♥的凶手
For killing a cop. He’s a fucking cop killer.
很高兴再见到你 法兰 -够了 我受够了 不想再玩
It’s good to see you again. – I’ve had it. I’m finished.
有何不妥? -我不能再忍♥受下去 我要退出
What’s wrong? – I can’t take it. I gotta get out.
若需要穿军装 我穿军装好了
If I have to go back to uniform, I’m going back to uniform.
我不能再等署长跟我联络 他们的游戏我不想再玩了
I can’t wait for Delaney to call. I can’t play their game anymore.
The commissioner didn’t get in touch with you?
没有 他没有找过我 没有听过他一句话 没有调查 也没有卧底的任务
Not a word. No investigation, no undercover work, nothing!
法兰 我完全不知道 -队长 我想我要告诉你
I had no idea, Frank. – It’s only fair to tell you.
我去过外面探料 有需要的话我会更深入调查
I’ve been to outside agencies. I’ll go to more if I have to.
What outside agencies?
妈的! 法兰 我们的事要自己弄妥
Holy Mother of God! Frank, we wash our own laundry around here!
对啊 他们可以控告你的! -我经常都这样想 但事实上我们的事不是自己可以弄妥
You could be brought up on charges! – We do not wash our own laundry!
只有越弄越糟 -沙♥比♥高 你有麻烦了
It just gets dirtier! – You are in trouble!
你有麻烦了 我不关心自己是不是有麻烦
I don’t care if I’m in trouble. I don’t care who gets it.
不管谁有麻烦 包括我自己 -因为我要找外面的人 你不能这样做
If I have to go to outside agencies… – Stay away from outside agencies!
那我应怎样做? -沙♥比♥高 听到吗?
Where am I gonna go? – You hear me?
你不要… -那我应怎样做? -等我打电♥话♥给你
Where am I gonna go? – Wait until you hear from me.
我已等了一年半 -法兰 我会找你的
