I haven’t. You should ask your father.
没有耶 你应该去问你的父王
Be sure and use small words, dear.
尽量讲得慢一点 简单一点
He’s a little slow this morning.
Can I help you, Your Majesty?
需要什么吗 国王陛下?
Mmm! Exquisite. What do you call this dish?
啊…要…太好吃了 这是什么菜啊?
That would be the dog’s breakfast, Your Majesty.
这是要拿去给狗吃的早餐 国王陛下
Ah, yes. Very good, then. Carry on, Cedric.
呃….对 非常好 快端去吧
Dad? Dad, have you seen Shrek?
父王 你有看到史瑞克吗?
No, I haven’t, dear.
I’m sure he just went off to look for a nice…
我想他大概是 躲到哪避风头去了
mud hole to cool down in.
You know, after your little spat last night.
你们俩个 昨天晚上嗓门还真大
Oh. You heard that, huh?
The whole kingdom heard you.
I mean, after all, it is in his nature to be…
我是说 毕竟这是他的本性…
well, a bit of a brute.
怎么说呢 本性就粗鲁
You know, you didn’t exactly roll out the Welcome Wagon.
老实说… 你对他的态度也很不友善
Well, what did you expect? Look at what he’s done to you.
你还要我怎么样? 你看看他把你弄成什么样子了?
Shrek loves me for who I am.
不管我是什么样子 他都会爱我
I would think you’d be happy for me.
Darling, I’m just thinking about what’s best for you.
我满脑子在想 怎么做才对你最好?
Maybe you should do the same.
No, really?
Oh, no. That’s the old Keebler’s place. Let’s back away slowly.
这是什么鬼房♥子啊? 我们还是快闪吧
That’s the Fairy Godmother’s cottage.
She’s the largest producer of hexes and potions in the whole kingdom.
这个地方是远得要命王国 最大的魔药制♥造♥厂
Then why don’t we pop in there for a spell?
那还不快进去 请她帮我们…
Ha-ha! Spell!
He makes me laugh.
大哥 你还真幽默啊
Hi. I’m here to see the…
嗨! 我是来找…
The Fairy Godmother.
I’m sorry. She is not in.
很抱歉 她不在
Jerome! Coffee and a Monte Cristo.
杰罗 我要咖啡和火鸡三明治
Yes, Fairy Godmother. Right away.
是 神仙教母 马上来!
Look, she’s not seeing any clients today, OK?
她今天不打算见客! 好吗?
That’s OK, buddy. We’re from the union.
无所谓 兄弟 我们是工会来的.
The union?
We represent the workers
in all magical industries, both evil and benign.
是魔法与魔术工会 所派来的代表
Oh! Oh, right.
噢! 是
Are you feeling at all degraded or oppressed?
你会不会觉得在这里 不受重视而且被压榨呢?
Uh… a little.
We don’t even have dental.
They don’t even have dental.
Okay, we’ll just have a look around.
好了 我们要到处看一看了
Oh. By the way.
I think it’d be better if the Fairy Godmother didn’t know we were here.
我觉得不要让神仙教母 知道我们在这里比较好
Know what I’m saying?
Stop it. Of course. Go right in.
够了 当然了 进去吧
A drop of desire.
A pinch of passion.
And just a hint of…Iust!
再来一些些… 忘情水
Excuse me.
Sorry to barge in like this…
抱歉 这样闯进来 可是…
What in Grimm’s name are you doing here?
你这个妖怪 跑到这来干什么?
Well, it seems that Fiona’s not exactly happy.
因为… 费欧娜看起来好像不开心
And there’s some question as to why that is?
公主遇上妖怪 不会有好下场的
Well, let’s explore that, shall we?
好 我来帮你找找看
啊 这….
P, P, P… Princess. Cinderella.
Here we are. “Lived happily ever after.” Oh…
呃… 从此过着幸福快乐的日子
No ogres!
Let’s see. Snow White.
再看看 白雪公主..
A handsome prince. Oh, no ogres.
英俊的王子 喔… 没有怪物
Sleeping Beauty. Oh, no ogres!
睡美人 喔…没有怪物
Hansel and Gretel? No!
糖果屋… 没有
Thumbelina? No.
姆指姑娘… 没有
The Golden Bird, the Little Mermaid, Pretty Woman…
黄金鸟 小美人鱼 小妇人…
No, no, no, no, no! You see,
没有! 没有! 没有! 通通没有! 你看…
ogres don’t live happily ever after.
所有幸福快乐的故事里 都没有妖怪
All right, look, lady!
老太婆 你给我听着…
Don’t you point… those dirty green sausages at me!
不要用你又肥又脏的 垃圾甜不辣手指着我
Your Monte Cristo and coffee. Oh! Sorry.
您的火鸡三明治和咖啡 喔… 对不起
Ah… that’s okay.We were just leaving.
啊…没关系 我们刚好也要走了
Very sorry to have wasted your time, Miss Godmother.
很抱歉浪费您这么多时间 仙女教母
Just… go.
Come on, guys.
好 我们走了
TGlF, eh, buddy?
辛苦了 老兄
Working hard or hardly working, eh, Mac?
Get your fine Corinthian footwear
拜托 你跟你的臭鞋子…
and your cat cheeks out of my face!
还有你的大屁♥股♥ 离我远一点好吗?
Man, that stinks!
You don’t exactly smell like a basket of roses.
你屁♥股♥闻起来 还不是有一股驴屎味
Well, one of these has got to help.
这里其中的一种药 肯定有效
I was just concocting this very plan!
哎呀! 我也刚好这么想
Already our minds are becoming one.
没想到我们真有 心有灵犀一点通耶
Whoa, whoa.
If we need an expert on licking ourselves, we’ll give you a call.
下次我们需要 马屁精的时候再找你
Shrek, this is a bad idea.
史瑞克 这点子很逊耶
Look. Make yourself useful and go keep watch.
拜托 闭上你的驴嘴 到门口去守着
Puss, do you think you could get to those on top?
靴猫 你有办法能爬到最上面吗?
No problema, boss.
没问题 大佬
In one of my nine lives,I was the great cat
我的另外一个外号♥ 就叫蜘蛛猫
burglar of Santiago de Compostela.
Shrek, are you off your nut?
史瑞克 你是不是疯了
Donkey, keep watch.
驴子 看门去
Keep watch? Yeah, I’ll keep watch.
看门去? 好 让我看就去看…
I’ll watch that wicked witch come
我就要看那个邪恶的巫婆 把你关到养得肥肥胖胖的
and whammy a world of hurt up your backside.
I’ll laugh, too. I’ll be giggling to myself.
到时候我就在旁边大笑 笑到肚子痛…
What do you see?
Toad Stool Softener?
I’m sure a nice
帅喔 你还真聪明耶
BM is the perfect solution for marital problems
那你干脆找一瓶能 增进夫妻之间幸福的药
Elfa Seltzer?
Hex Lax?
No! Try “handsome.”
不是 有没有帅哥药?
Sorry. No handsome.
抱歉 没有帅哥药
Hey! How about “Happily Ever After”?
嘿! 可是有… 幸福快乐神仙水?
Well, what does it do?
呃… 那是干什么用的?
It says “Beauty Divine.”
上面写 “快速美丽”
In some cultures, donkeys are revered as the wisest of creatures.
你知道吗? 在某些文化里头 把驴子当做是最聪明的动物
Especially us talking ones.
That’ll have to do. We’ve got company.
就拿那那个吧 有人来了!
Can we get on with this?
Nice catch, Donkey!
接的好 驴子.
Finally! A good use for your mouth.
不简单啊 你这驴嘴终于有点用了!
Come on!
You spurn my natural emotions
You make me feel like dirt and I’m hurt
“视我如粪土 教我肝肠寸断”
And if I start a commotion
I run the risk of losing you and that’s worse
“就得冒失去她的危险 结局反而更糟”
Ever fallen in love with someone, ever fallen in love
“曾经爱上一个人 刻苦铭心…”
In love with someone, ever fallen in love
“…爱上了某人 刻苦铭心…”
In love with someone you shouldn ‘t have fallen in love with
