sleek 英 [sliːk] 美 [sliːk]



  • The lines are sleek, the gadgets are high-tech and everything is ethereally white.
  • The Shangri-La Hotel rises up as a sleek tower along Colombo’s scenic Galle Face drive, a 32-story rectangle of steel and bluish glass with unobstructed views of the Indian Ocean.


[adjective] (of hair, fur, or skin) smooth and glossy
[形容词] (指头发、皮发或皮肤)光滑有光泽


Sleek 是中世纪英语 slike 的变体,最初用于形容健康的动物毛发,即“毛发、皮发等因保养修饰得好而柔顺亮泽的”,比如乌黑油亮的头发(sleek black hair)、羽色光鲜的肥鸽(a fat sleek pigeon)。

到了17世纪30年代, sleek 开始用于形容人身材丰满皮肤光滑,这个概念到了现在则是指人“衣冠楚楚的、时髦的、阔气的”,比如衣冠楚楚、野心勃勃的政客(a sleek and ambitious politician)。

用在物体上面,便是“光滑平整的、线条流畅的、造型优美的”,比如平滑如镜的水面(the sleek waters)、新车流畅的线条(the sleek lines of the new car)。

还有些人耍起嘴皮子来特别溜,说起话来圆滑流畅、光鲜亮丽,这也可以用 sleek 来形容“油嘴滑舌的、油滑的”,比如显得圆滑精明(have a look of sleek intelligence)。

当 sleek 用作动词时,自然便是指“使头发等发油光、使平整光亮”或“使光滑、光洁、整齐”,比如将头发整整齐齐地梳向耳后(sleek hair back over ears)、收拾房间(sleek up a room)。


Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards.




  1. sleek appearance: 光滑的外表
  2. sleek design: 时尚的设计
  3. sleek hairstyle: 时髦的发型
  4. sleek car: 优雅的汽车
  5. sleek finish: 光滑的表面
  6. sleek look: 优雅的外观
  7. sleek silhouette: 纤细的轮廓
  8. sleek packaging: 光滑的包装
  9. sleek lines: 流畅的线条
  10. sleek outfit: 时尚的服装
  11. sleek body: 光滑的身材
  12. sleek profile: 优雅的轮廓
  13. sleek laptop: 纤薄的笔记本电脑
  14. sleek design: 精致的设计
  15. sleek look: 光鲜亮丽的外表
  16. sleek appearance: 优雅的外观
  17. sleek hairstyle: 光滑的发型
  18. sleek architecture: 简洁的建筑风格
  19. sleek finish: 平滑的表面
  20. sleek design: 光滑的设计
  21. sleek contours: 流畅的轮廓
  22. sleek lines: 平滑的线条
  23. sleek elegance: 优雅的风格
  24. sleek aesthetics: 精致的美学
  25. sleek profile: 优美的轮廓
  26. sleek packaging: 时尚的包装
  27. sleek appearance: 时髦的外观
  28. sleek finish: 光滑的完成
  29. sleek lines: 优美的线条
  30. sleek design: 纤细的设计
  31. sleek silhouette: 时尚的轮廓
  32. sleek laptop: 时尚的笔记本电脑
  33. sleek style: 优雅的风格
  34. sleek exterior: 时尚的外观
  35. sleek appearance: 优美的外观
  36. sleek lines: 优雅的线条
  37. sleek contours: 光滑的轮廓
  38. sleek look: 时髦的外表
  39. sleek design: 光滑的设计
  40. sleek outfit: 优雅的服装
  41. sleek appearance: 光滑的外观
  42. sleek hairstyle: 潇洒的发型
  43. sleek car: 时尚的汽车
  44. sleek finish: 优雅的表面
  45. sleek lines: 线条流畅
  46. sleek design: 优雅的设计
  47. sleek look: 光滑的外表
  48. sleek packaging: 优雅的包装
  49. sleek appearance: 时髦的外观
  50. sleek silhouette: 纤细的轮廓


  • glossy: shiny and smooth
  • shiny: (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished
  • gleaming: (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished
