He may well have done, sir,
但是他肯定同时被迫体验 丧失生命的极端恐惧
but he also must have been put in fear of his life.
如此不负责任的行为 足够起诉你人身攻击了
Such irresponsible action warrants a serious charge of assault.
I suppose that’s marginally better than the charge of murder
you were contemplating a few minutes ago.
I still am contemplating it, sir.
噢 得了 巡官 事实我都说过了
Come now, Inspector, I told you what happened.
几分钟后 他就醒来了
After a few minutes, he came to his senses,
realised shrewdly that he wasn’t dead after all,
用白兰地把自己灌醉 然后夹着尾巴跑回家了
and after only a few too many brandies, lurched off home.
我真的很遗憾你竟然认为这件事情好笑 怀克先生
I’m sorry you appear to find this all quite so funny, Mr Wyke.
We may not take quite the same attitude.
Now, look here.
Why can’t you see this from my point of view?
某种意义上来说 廷德真是个窃贼 他想偷走我的妻子 不是吗
In a sense, Tindle was a burglar. He was stealing my wife, wasn’t he?
这就是你折磨他 谋杀他的理由吗
Which justified your torturing and then murdering him, sir?
当然不是 你不明白吗 这只是一个游戏
Of course not. Don’t you see? It was a game.
一个该死的游戏 – 确实是该死的 先生
Just a bloody game. – Bloody indeed, sir.
我完成了我的计划 仅此而已
I achieved what I set out to do, and that was all.
你也完成了谋杀 先生
You may well have achieved murder, sir.
胡说 – 我是这么认为的 先生
No. – I believe so, sir.
No, I told you everything that happened.
不介意我四处看看吧 先生?
Would you mind if I had a look around, sir?
只要你愿意 爬着看都行
Crawl about on all fours, if you like.
拿出你的物证袋 把头发装进去
Get out your envelope and imprison hairs.
Gather ye blunt instruments while ye may.
现在 我来自问自答 如果我要掩藏廷德的尸体
Now, I ask myself, if I wanted to conceal Tindle’s body,
where would I put it?
在我的好朋友海员 快活的杰克托那里
In my good friend, Jolly Jack Tar the Sailor.
很有趣 先生
Very amusing, sir.
May I ask how you did that?
不 这是我和快活杰克的秘密
No. Jolly Jack and I have our little secret.
那么我还想问一下 墙上的那些洞是怎么来的
Then may I ask how you made those holes in the wall?
That one over there.
And this one over here.
我看有点像弹孔 先生 – 没错 巡官
They look like bullet holes to me, sir. – Quite right, Inspector.
So they are.
你说你用的是空枪 先生
I understood you, sir, say that you used a blank.
两枚真子弹为骗术做好铺垫 一枚空弹用来完成骗术
Two live bullets to set up the trick and one blank to complete it.
I had to persuade Tindle I was in earnest.
我知道了 先生
I see, sir.
One blank.
Then would you just show me please, sir,
where Mr Tindle was when you killed him?
你是说假装杀他 – 是的
Pretended to kill him, you mean. – Quite so.
Then would you show me exactly where he was when the bullet hit him?
我跟你说了几遍了 那不是真正的子弹
I keep telling you, it was not a real bullet.
就算是吧 先生 就算是吧
So you do, sir. So you do.
那么 他是在哪里被那支空枪给击中的?
Very well, then. Where was he when the blank cartridge was fired?
他是站在 或者我该说 是跪着
He was standing, or I should say kneeling,
或者更确切地说 是畏缩在这里
or, more accurately, cowering here.
大约是这里 对不对
About here you say, sir?
Two steps down.
That’s it.
你朝廷德先生开枪的时候 是否接近他的身体?
Were you close to Mr Tindle when you fired the gun?
是的 我就站在他上面 事实上 我用枪顶住他的头
Very. I was standing over him, in fact, with the gun against his head.
明白吗 就是被枪顶脑袋的感觉
You see, it was the actual feel of the gun,
再加上爆♥炸♥的声音 才把他吓晕的
coupled with the noise of the explosion that did the trick.
你们工作的必要工具 巡官
The traditional tool of your trade, Inspector?
奇了怪了 先生
Joke blood, sir?
我没听太清 巡官
I don’t think I quite follow, Inspector.
这里 栏杆上
Here. On the banisters,
and underneath the carpet.
都是干了的血 先生 – 血?
It’s dry blood, sir. – Blood?
Don’t touch it.
这是干血渍 没错
That’s dried blood, all right.
Some more, over here.
有人擦过这条毯子 看到没?
Someone’s been rubbing the carpet, you see that?
Deep in the pile.
这是血 先生
That’s blood, sir.
It’s still damp.
Will you explain to me how that got there?
I have no idea.
Tindle wasn’t wounded or hurt in any way.
You must believe me.
这有真的子弹 真的血迹
With real bullets and real blood?
讨论游戏的部分是不是该到此为止了 先生?
Isn’t it about time we stopped talking about games, sir?
看 看窗户
Look! Look at the window.
你在这里可以看到 他为了进来打碎的玻璃片
There, you can see the pane of glass he cut out in order to break in.
还有这里花圃里 他留下来的梯子印
And down there, the imprint of the ladder in the flower bed
28号♥的鞋子 以及他所穿的所有的东西
and the size 28 boots, or whatever the hell it was he was wearing.
来 我可以给你看
Look, I can show you.
多年来我的经验 已经能让我
Over the years my eyes have been adequately trained
发现问题所在了 先生 – 我想肯定是的 巡官
to see things for themselves, sir. – I’m sure they have, Inspector.
I’m just trying to point out a few facts to substantiate my story.
就像我给你在书房♥指出的 那个被炸开保险箱一样
Like the blown safe I showed you in the study
and like the dressing up basket you found in the cellar.
You say that Mr Tindle disguised himself as a clown.
I saw no such costume in that basket,
你也没有指出来 你花♥园♥里的那个土堆是怎么来的
nor have you pointed out that mound of earth in the garden,
是不是 先生? – 土堆?
have you, sir? – Mound of earth?
What mound of earth?
That one over by the far wall.
In the shade of that cedar tree.
我什么都看不到 – 是在那 没错
I can’t see anything. – Well, it’s there, all right.
I saw it before I rang your bell.
I think we’d better go and have a look at it.
一起去吧 先生
Together, sir.
就是这里 先生
Here we are, sir.
你说这是不是最近挖的 先生
Now, would you say that had been freshly dug, sir?
How do I know?
说不定是园丁们弄的 问问他
It’s probably something the gardener’s been doing. Ask him.
You’ll find him somewhere, maundering about,
等着陷害他们雇主的好机会降临 他们经常这样
aching for an opportunity to slander his employer. They all do.
就我而言 我发现
For my part, I’ve always found
that gardeners make excellent witnesses.
他们做事慢 有条理 而且从不含糊
They’re slow, they’re methodical, and they’re positive.
巡官 我已经受够了这场闹剧了
Inspector, I’ve had just about enough of this farce.
Do you really think I’d be fool enough to bury Tindle out here, in the garden,
leaving all that newly turned earth for everyone to find?
如果你没想到我们会出现的话 那很有可能啊
If you weren’t expecting us, sir, yes.
In a couple of weeks,
with a little grass seed, or a few bulbs,
it’d be very difficult to tell it had ever been disturbed.
We in the police force know just how fond murderers are
of their back gardens, sir.
One’s as near a murderer’s heart in the garden
as anywhere else on earth, Inspector?
仅次于卧室 先生
Excepting the bedroom, sir.
I think you’ll find that’s still the favourite.
很明显就知道这是谁的房♥间了 是不是
There’s no mistaking whose room this is, sir?
My wife showers.
I bathe.
在这个衣柜底下 衣服都拧成一堆了
Clothing all screwed up on the floor of the wardrobe.
这不像你的所为 先生
That’s not like you, sir.
这是一个很有趣的字母组合 IW
Here’s an interesting monogram. I W.
噢 或许我看的方式不对
Or have I got this the wrong way up?
M T.
Let me see that.
