about your background, parents, and so forth.
我母亲出生在郝福德 一个农民的女儿
My mother was born in Hereford, a farmer’s daughter,
我父亲是一个意大利人 30年代的时候从热那亚来到这里
and my father is an Italian, who came to this country in the ’30s from Genoa.
在30年代 犹太人? – 不 他是天主教♥徒♥ 很虔诚的
In the ’30s? Is he Jewish? – No, Catholic, very devout.
当然 我不信教
Of course, I’m not religious at all myself.
噢 亲爱的伙计 你无需解释
My dear boy, you don’t have to excuse yourself to me.
我们都是自♥由♥人 我对天主教♥徒♥没什么偏见
We’re all liberals here. I have no prejudice against Catholics.
Not even the lapsed Catholics.
事实上 我的一些最好的朋友 都是堕落的天主教♥徒♥
In fact some of my best friends are lapsed Catholic.
跟我谈谈你的父亲吧 他也叫廷德吗?
Tell me about your father, was his name Tindle, too?
不 他的名字叫廷德里尼
No, his name was Tindolini,
生在那个年代那个地方 叫这个名字的人
but if you had a name like that in those days
you had to “make-a the ice-a cream-a”.
他是一个钟表制♥造♥者 他想让我们变成英国人
He was a watchmaker and he wanted us to become English,
所以他改姓了 – “变成”英国人?
so he changed it. – Become English?
他事业成功吗? – 不 事实上不是的
Was he a successful man? – No, as a matter of fact, he wasn’t.
You can’t expect to make a living these days just repairing watches.
他到最后几乎是一文不名了 我警告过他
He went broke in the end. I always told him he would.
That must make him something of a burden to you.
是的 有 有一点
Yeah, it does a bit.
He never went back, you see.
他还待在苏豪区 还以为一切都像他当年的一样
He’s still in Soho, still thinks he had it good all those years.
那么你 你是干什么的呢?
And you, what do you do?
Don’t you know?
I have a hair dressing salon in South Kensington.
Casa Tindolini.
现在你可以用这个词了 是不是?
You can use that word these days, can you?
People don’t take it for an ice cream salon?
不 妞儿们…女士们似乎很喜欢欧洲大♥陆♥理发师的手法
No, the birds… The ladies seem to like the continental touch.
嫌英国男人太儒雅了 是不是?
English too wholesome for them, eh?
是的 但是小店谈不上豪华
Yeah, well, it’s not chic, you see?
We found that it pays to provide the Latin lover atmosphere.
Of course, we lay it on a bit thicker in the Brighton shop,
they’re less sophisticated down there.
我想说 在伦敦几乎一半以上的人…
I mean to say, in London, half of them have actually got…
Latin lovers?
你住哪里 住你店子的楼上? 里屋? 还是地下室?
And where do you live? Above, behind or below your shop?
我在附近租了一间马车房♥ 很舒适也很便利
I lease a mews house nearby. It’s convenient and attractive.
It’s Georgian, actually.
从热内亚到乔治亚 只花了一代人的功夫
From Genoa to Georgian in a single generation, eh?
Not bad.
不过 我有点怀疑你对肯森顿南部的18世纪建筑的迷恋
But I doubt whether an 18th century architectural gem in South Kensington
18世纪 乔治亚时代
whispers quite the same magic to Marguerite as it does to you.
她喜欢旧房♥子 她已经迫不及待的想住进去了
She adores old houses. She can’t wait to live in it.
我知道 她已经在里面住过了 一周起码能住一两天呢
I understood she was already living in it, once or twice a week at least.
我说的没错吧 是不是?
I’m not mistaken, am I?
And that your motive in renting the cottage down here
was to increase the incidence of this bi-weekly coupling.
Is that what you’ve asked me over here to chat about?
Never speak ill of the deadly, eh?
如果我要说 我妻子反复无常 像个六岁的小孩
If I choose to say that my wife converses like a child of six
and makes love like an extinct shellfish, I shall
我想我也没有必要 征得你这个情人的同意
And I don’t need to ask her lover’s permission to do so either!
很感谢你的酒 – 嘿 嘿
Thank you for the drink. – Oh, now, now.
I thought you were brought up in England.
Surely you know it’s not done to be rude.
无礼的人是你 你侮辱了我心爱的女人
You were being rude about a woman I’m in love with.
恰恰相反 我只是在回忆我的妻子
On the contrary, I was reminiscing about my wife.
这没什么区别 – 可能是吧 你知道
It comes to the same thing. – Things mostly do, you know.
我敢打赌 一年之内 你对玛格丽特也会这样无礼
I’ll wager that in a year’s time it’ll be you who’ll be being rude about Marguerite
and I will be being rhapsodic,
and have quite forgotten how intolerably tiresome,
虚荣的 挥金如土 自以为是 阴险狡诈的她!
vain, spendthrift, self-indulgent and generally bloody crafty she really is!
把她从我手中夺走 你负担得起吗
Can you afford to take her off my hands?
负担什么 – 为她在遇到我以后
Afford to? – Support her in the style
to which she was not accustomed before she met me, but now is?
噢 我不是百万富翁 但也不是穷的要命
Well, I’m not a millionaire, but I’m not starving either.
The shop in London’s doing all right,
the one in Brighton’s almost breaking even.
明年的这个时候… – 今年 明年 不论是哪个时候
By this time next year… – This year, next year, sometime, never.
说一千道一万 你现在是个穷光蛋
What you’re really saying is that, at present, you’re skint.
我们还能够生存 – 生存只是一个基本的底线
We’ll survive. – Survival is scarcely the point.
我想啊 你和玛格丽特结婚的时候
Presumably, when you’re married to Marguerite,
会在里维埃拉买♥♥一块地 整一辆车 还找一些情人?
you’ll want a place on the Riviera, a fast car, couple of mistresses.
你想? 就因为你需要那些吗?
Presumably? Just because you need those things?
不 恐怕我只有这座破旧的庄园 威尔特郡最慢的宾利车
Oh, no, just this fading mansion, the slowest Bentley in Wiltshire,
and only one mistress, I’m afraid.
泰娅 芬兰人 在索尔兹伯里开了一家桑拿店
Tea, the Finnish bird, who runs the sauna in Salisbury.
噢 你还听说过泰娅?
You know about Tea, do you?
Marguerite and I have no secrets from each other.
Not even mine, it seems.
Tea is a Grelian goddess.
Her golden hair smells of pine
and her cobalt eyes are the secret forest pools of Finlandia.
I hear that she’s a well-scrubbed blonde
with all the sex appeal of a second-hand jeep.
此言差矣 小子 你可以相信我
Not so, dear boy, you can take it from me.
泰娅是一个迷人的小骚货 很对我的口味
Tea is an engaging little trollop and suits me mightily.
Mind you, she takes a bit of keeping up with.
幸好 我是一个奥林匹克性♥爱♥小能手
It’s a good thing I am pretty much of an Olympic sexual athlete.
是啊 我猜你这些日子更注重于”短跑”
Yes, I suppose these days you are concentrating more on the sprints
than on the long distance stuff.
并非如此 小子我现在状态好极了
Not so, dear boy, I’m in the pink of condition.
I could copulate for England at any distance.
就像他们所说的 在奥林匹克
Well, as they say in the Olympics,
胜利并不重要 重在参与
“It’s not the winning, it’s the taking-part that counts.”
Are you going to marry her?
噢 不 不 我只想和她一起生活
Oh, no, no, no. I just want to live with her.
So, what’s stopping you?
总的来说吧 我被”色情监察机构”监视了
Basically, the firm of Prurient and Pry Ltd,
whom you and Marguerite have seen fit to employ.
Now, now, don’t be so innocent.
Those nicotine stained private detectives
have been camping outside Tea’s flat for the last week.
It was an insurance policy
to keep you from changing your mind about the divorce.
How did you know I wasn’t having you watched?
那又如何 你怕发现不愿看到的事?
Why not? Afraid of what you might find out?
还是你认为她不可能红杏出墙? – 不要说这种话
Or didn’t you think that was possible? – Now, don’t start doing a fertility dance.
Of course I knew that they’d find you and Marguerite
rutting away like crazed weasels,
but why should I pay good money to have something confirmed
which I’d known for months?
那么既然你已经知道了 怎么不采取一些行动呢
And, if you knew, why didn’t you do something about it?
Of course, I had to assure myself
that you and Marguerite were going to be a fixture.
You see, I want to lose the dear girl for life.
而不是让她去廷德里尼发廊 烫个两星期的头发然后又打道回府
Not just a two week Tindolini perm, set and touch-up.
打的好 – 是的 黄的
Good shot. – Yes, it was. Yellow.
You see, you don’t know her as well as I do.
你认为你已了解她了 但事实没有
You think you do, but you don’t.
如果你让她失望 我是说 如果你注销了哈罗德百货公♥司♥的买♥♥家账户
If you fail her, by which I mean cancelling the account at Harrods,
or short-changing her on winter in Jamaica,
she’ll be back to me in a jiffy, mewing for support.
而且 不管是不是一个贞节的妻子 她还是有这个权力
And guilty wife or no, she may be entitled to get it.
绿的 – 钱并不代表一切
Green. – Money isn’t everything.
如果她已经习惯奢华的生活了呢? 那该怪谁呢?
And what if she is used to luxury? Whose fault is that?
你负担得起那就皆大欢喜了 但你有那本事吗
