And we don’t live in Manhattan.
We live in Boerum Hill. In the projects.
那他也没上 三一学校?
He doesn’t go to the Trinity School?
He goes to John Jay High School in Brooklyn.
And his parents?
他母亲死了 他跟父亲也有12年没见了
His mother’s dead, and he hasn’t seen his father in twelve years.
I shouldn’t have let him go.
Could anything happened recently? Unexpected? Anything unusual?
是有件事 但我觉得并没什么关系
Well, there is one thing I suppose, but I don’t think it has anything to do with this.
我一个朋友两周前来电♥话♥ 说她看见了托马斯他爹
A friend of mine called about two weeks ago, said she’d spotted Thomas’s father
working at some gas station outside of Peekskill.
And you told your nephew about that?
I figured he had a right to know.
没有了 托马斯看着我的眼睛对我说 我没有父亲
And nothing. Thomas looked at me straight in the eye and said, I don’t have a father.
对我而言 那狗♥娘♥养♥的已经死了
As far as I’m concerned, that son-of-a-bitch is dead.
You going to sit here all day?
不好说 我还没决定
I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet.
Why don’t you pick some other spot?
You know it gives a man the creeps to be stared at all morning?
It’s a free country, isn’t it?
只要不踏入你的领地 我爱呆多久呆多久
As long as I’m not trespassing on your property. I can stay here till kingdom come.
我来给你上上课 孩子
Let me give you some very useful information, kid.
There’s two dollars and fifty-seven cents in that cash register over there
Now considering how long you’ve been casing the joint
I’ll say it’s about fifty cents an hour for your pains.
不管怎么算 都赔本
Anyway you slice it, it’s a losing proposition.
我没打算打劫 先生
I’m not going to rob you, mister.
—我看着像贼? —管你看着像什么
-I look like a thief to you? -I don’t know what you look like.
在我看来 你就像一夜间长出的蘑菇
As far as I can tell, you sprouted up like a mushroom last night.
你住这附近 还是根本到处闲晃?
You from around this town… or you just kinda go on from here to there?
I’m just passing through.
—只是路过 —对
-Just passing through. -Yeah.
Lonesome traveler just plop your knapsack down
sit across my garage to admire the view.
有那么多地方可以去 孩子
There’re a lot of places to roam, kid.
I mean, you don’t wanna make a nuisance of yourself, right?
I was working on a sketch.
你的汽修站那么破 挺有趣的
The garage of yours is so rundown, it’s kind of interesting.
是么 很破
Yeah, it’s rundown.
你画下来了 你来证明它有多破
You draw a picture of it, then you’ve gotta prove it.
Let me see what you got.
Cost you five bucks.
5块钱 看你的画要5块钱?
Five bucks! Five bucks just to look at your picture?
Once you look at it, you’re gonna want to buy it.
那是一定的 画价5块钱
That’s guaranteed. And that’s the price: five bucks.
如果你不买♥♥ 那就别看
So if you’re not willing to spend for it, you might as well not look at it.
Once you look at it, it’s just gotta tear you up inside and make you miserable.
混小子 有两下子啊你
Son-of-a-bitch. You’re some piece of work, aren’t you?
I just tell it like it is, mister.
虽然惹你生气了 但你也许愿意雇我
I’m getting on your nerves, though, you might wanna think about hiring me.
Are those eyes in your head?
Are those two brown spots bulging out of your sockets just marbles?
看你在这坐了一天 看见多少人进来加油?
I mean, you’ve been sitting here all day, and how many people you’ve seen drive in there for gas?
—没人 —没人
-Not a one. -Not a one.
—没人 —对 —没有客人 —对
-Not a one. – No. -Not a one customer. -No.
这块地 这块鸟不拉屎的地 我三周前买♥♥的
I bought this piece of land here, this piece of shit place about three weeks ago.
如果生意不能快点起来 我就完蛋了
If it don’t pick up business soon, I’m going down the skids.
所以 我他妈的 为什么还要雇人?
So WTF do I wanna be hiring someone for?
I can’t even pay my own wages.
It was just a thought.
Well you should keep your fucking thougts to yourself.
Keep your hands to yourself.
奥吉 有客人
Auggie, I think there’s a customer.
好啊 奥吉
Hello Auggie
真的是你吧 奥吉?
It’s really you, isn’t it, Auggie?
天啊 鲁比 好久不见
Christ, Ruby, it’s been so long.
I figured you were dead.
Eighteen and a half years.
Is that all? I thought it was about three hundred.
你看起来不错 奥吉
You’re looking good, Auggie.
不 我看起来像狗屎
No I’m not. I look like shit.
你也是 鲁比 你看起来糟透了
And so do you, Ruby. You look just awful.
What’s with the patch, anyway? What’dyou do with that old blue marble…
hock it for a bottle of gin?
I don’t wanna talk about it.
如果你是真心关心 因为我掉了
If you really want to know. I lost it.
And I’m not sorry I did.
That thing was cursed, and it never gave me nothing but grief.
And you think it looks better to go around dressed up like Captain Hook?
你总这么 混♥蛋♥
You always were a son-of-a-bitch.
A little weasel with a fast dirty mouth.
At least I’ve stayed true to myself.
Which is more than I can say about some people.
I came here to talk to you about something,
至少你可以听我说完 这是你欠我的
and I think the least you can do is listen to what I have to say. You owe me that much.
我一路从匹兹堡过来 不让你把话听完是绝不会回去的
I drove all the way from Pittsburgh and I ain’t going back until you’ve heard me out.
得 说吧 我的女神 我洗耳恭听
Fine. Talk away, lady of my dreams. I’m all ears.
这是咱俩间的私事 我想单独谈
I think this is between you and I. Maybe we can have some privacy.
你听到了 小鬼 这位女士要跟我私聊
You heard her, pipsqueak. The lady and I have private business to discuss.
Go outside and wait in front of the door.
要是有人想进来 告诉他我们关门了 听到没?
If anyone tries to come in, you tell ’em we’re closed. You got it?
是的 我听到了 店关门了
Yeah, I got it. The store’s closed.
And when do I tell them it’s open?
我会告诉你的 等我告诉你开门就开门
When I tell you it’s open. It’s open when I tell you it’s open!
行 我听到了 你没必要吼
Okay, I got it. You don’t have to yell.
得 甜心 想说什么?
All right, sugar, what’s on your mind?
能别这么盯着我么? 起鸡皮疙瘩
Will you stop staring at me like that? It gives me the creeps.
—我怎么盯了? —就这么!
-Like what? -Like that!
别盯了 我又不会吃了你
You don’t need to stare at me. I’m not gonna eat you up.
我是来找你帮忙的 再这么盯着 我就要叫了
I’m here to ask you for help, if you keep staring at me like that. I might start screaming.
Help, huh? And I don’t suppose this help has anything to do with money, does it?
别急 我还没开口你就下结论
Just don’t rush me. You’ve jumped to conclusions, I don’t even open my mouth yet.
再说 不是帮我
Besides, it isn’t for me.
It’s for our daughter.
我们的 女儿?
Our daughter?
Is that what you said? Our daughter?
你也许有个女儿 但我是没有
I mean, you might have a daughter, but I sure as hell don’t.
就算我有 当然我没有 也不是跟你的
And even if I did — which I don’t — she wouldn’t be our daughter.
她叫 费利西蒂 刚满18岁
Her name is Felicity, she just turned eighteen.
She ran away from Pittsburgh about a year ago and
现在住在布鲁克林 和…
now she’s living here in Brooklyn with …
一个叫奇科的家伙及其他混♥蛋♥ 整天…
some guy called Chico and some shit-hole. Just…
Just strung out on crack,
and she’s four-month pregnant.
我没法想象那个孩子 奥吉
I can’t bear thinking about that child, Auggie.
那是我们孙子 你信么?我们孙子
It’s our grandchild. Do you believe that? Our grandchild.
够了 你的胡扯到此为止
Stop it, already. Just stop all this crap right now.
Was that your idea to call her Felicity?
—那是幸福的意思 —我知道
-It means “happiness.” -I know what it means.
That still don’t make it a good name.
我不知道还能求助谁 奥吉
I don’t know who else to turn to, Auggie.
你可是坑过我 宝贝 我♥干♥嘛还要相信你?
You’ve suckered me before, sweetheart. Why should I believe you now?
Why would I lie to you?
你以为跑来这里找你谈 是件容易的事?
You think it’s easy? Come here and talk to you into this place?
Why would I do that if I didn’t have to?
我为你偷项链时 也听你这么说
That’s what you told me when I shoplifted that necklace for you.
You remember, baby, don’t you?
