What makes you think you’ll be any safer around here? You’re only about a mile from where you live.
是不远 但是两个世界
It’s not that far away, but it’s another galaxy.
黑是黑 白是白 泾渭分明
Black is black and white is white, and never the twain shall meet.
It looks like they’ve met in this apartment.
Let’s not get too idealistic.
好吧 这件事我们就不谈了 好吧?
Fair enough. We wouldn’t want to get carried away, would we?
给你姨打电♥话♥ 告诉她你还活着
Call your aunt Em and tell her you’re alive.
奥吉!上车 我有东西带你看
Auggie! Get into the car, Auggie. I’ve got something to show you.
—你还不死心? —闭嘴 上车
-You don’t give up, do you? -Just get in and shut up.
—你不用做任何事 跟我来就行 —去哪?
-I’m not asking you to do anything. I just need you to come with me. -Where to?
见鬼 奥吉 别问那么多 上车
Dammit, Auggie, don’t ask so many questions. Just get in the car.
I told her she was going to meet her father.
-You what? -It’s the only way, Auggie.
Otherwise, she wasn’t gonna see me.
—你最好停车让我下去 —别别别 放轻松好么?
-I think you’d better stop the car and let me out. -No no no. Come on, just relax. Would you pls just relax?
你什么都不用做 只需要装一下
You don’t have to do anything. You just go in there and pretend a little bit.
It won’t kill you to do me a little favor, you know?
—况且 你兴许会有所收获 —比如?
-Besides, you might learn something. -Yeah, like what?
比如你会发现我没在扯谎 亲爱的 发现我说的都是事实
Like maybe you’ll find out I wasn’t bullshitting you, sweetheart. Maybe you’ll find out I was telling you the truth.
—听着 我没否定你有女儿 但不是我的 —够了
-Look, I’m not saying you don’t have a daughter. It’s just that she’s not my daughter. -Stop.
到时你自己看 奥吉
Wait till you see her, Auggie.
—看什么? —看她有多像你
-And what’s that supposed to mean? -She looks just like you.
—得了 —别这样 听我说 当我告诉她
-Cut it out. -No no, look, I’ve gotta tell you something. When I told her she was going to…
当我告诉她要让她见她爹 她可是 感动坏了
When I told her she was going to meet her father, she absolutely.. she melted.
She hasn’t spoken nice to me since she left home.
She’s dying to see you, Auggie.
这可真是个好地方 幸福的有钱人的住地
Nice neighborhood you’ve brought me to. Full of happy, prosperous people.
Honey? Felicity?
—好了 —好什么?
-Well. -Well what?
Aren’t you going to say anything?
What do you want me to say?
随便啊 好啊妈妈 好啊爸爸
I don’t know. Eh..Hello, Mom. Hello, Dad.
Something like that.
我可没有爹 你开玩笑么?上礼拜 是你被狗♥操♥过后生下的我
I don’t got no daddy, you dig? I got born last week when some dog fucked you up the ass.
老天爷 我来就是为这
Jesus Christ. This is all I need.
You said that you wanted to see him.
看 他来了
Well, here he is.
是 我也许说过
Yeah, I might have said that.
奇科 叫我见见他 说他万一是个有钱人
Chico told me to check him out, said he might be some dough in it for us.
现在我见到了 我看不是
Well, I see him now. I’m not too impressed.
—你有钱么 先生? —有 我是百万富翁
-Are you rich mister? -Yeah, I’m a millionaire.
我微服出行 因为我钱多得自己都不好意思
I walk around in disguise because I’m ashamed of all my money.
宝贝 拜托 好好说
Sweetie, come on. Just please be nice.
—别碰我 —我想帮你
-Get off me. -I’m trying to help you.
不用你帮 我有男人看着 可比你视力好多了 独眼龙
I don’t need your help. I’ve got a man to take care of me, which is more than you can say for yourself, Hawkeye.
喂喂 怎么跟你妈说话的
Hey, hey, don’t talk to your mother like that.
别告诉我 你真的跟这家伙上过床?
Are you telling me you actually slept with this guy?
Are you telling me you actually let him fuck you?
You can do whatever you want with your own life.
We’re here for that baby.
Why don’t you get yourself cleaned up for the baby?
Before it’s too late.
—什么孩子?—你的孩子 你肚里那个
-What baby? -Your baby. The baby you’re carrying around inside that body of yours.
我肚里没孩子 现在没了
There ain’t no baby in there now. There’s nothing in there now.
What are you talking about?
堕胎 傻子 我前天去堕了
An abortion, stupid. I had an abortion the day before yesterday.
现在肚里没孩子了 你也不用来烦我了
There’s no baby in there now. You don’t have to bug me about that shit anymore.
再见 孩子
Bye-bye, baby!
—来吧 我们走 真是够了 —没错 你们最好快走
-Come on, let’s get out of here. I’ve had enough. -Yeah, that’s right, you better go.
奇科马上回来了 你男朋友肯定不想惹他
Chico’ll be back in a minute, and I don’t think your boyfriend wants to mess with Chico.
Chico’s a real man.
不是你从垃圾堆里坑出来的脑残 听到我说的没?
Not some scuzzy dickhead you pick up in last month’s garbage. Do you hear what I’m saying?
He’ll chop up Mr. Dad here into little pieces.
That’s a promise.
He’ll kick the living shit out of him.
Listen carefully.
25年前 有个年轻人
About twenty-five years ago, there was a young man,
who went skiing alone in the Alps.
There was an avalanche,
the snow swallowed him up,
and his body was never recovered.
The end.
不不 才开始呢
No, no. The end? The beginning.
His son
was just a little boy at the time,
但几年后 他也长大成为了滑雪者
but the years passed, and he grew up to be a skier, too.
去年冬天 他独自去山上滑雪
One day last winter, he went out alone for a run down the mountain.
他在半山腰时停下来 在一块巨石边吃午饭
He gets about halfway to the bottom and he stops to eat his lunch beside a big rock.
Just as he’s unwrapping his cheese sandwich,
he looks down
看见了一具尸体 就在他脚下 冻成了冰
and sees a body, right there at his feet, frozen in the ice….
他弯下腰 凑近看
He bends down, to take a closer look.
Suddenly he feels that he’s looking into a mirror,
that he’s looking at himself.
那是他 死了 毫发无损
There he is – dead – and the body is perfectly intact,
冻在一块冰下 像在冬眠
frozen in a block of ice – like someone preserved in suspended animation.
他趴下来 盯着他的脸看
He gets down on all fours, looks right into the dead man’s face,
and he realizes that he’s looking at his father.
让人难以接受的是 父亲
And the strange thing is that the father,
he’s younger than the son is now.
儿子长大了 结果
The boy has become a man, and it turns out
that he’s older than his own father.
So what are you going to do today?
不知道 读书 思考 高兴的话画画
I don’t know. Read, think, do some drawings if I get in the mood.
但今晚我要庆祝 那是铁定的
But tonight I’m going to celebrate. That’s definite.
Celebrate what?
It’s my birthday.
我已经17岁 零47分了
I’m seventeen years old as of forty-seven minutes ago,
and I think I should celebrate having made it this far.
嘿 嘿 生日快乐
Hey, hey. Happy birthday.
哦 天啊
Oh dear.
我没认错的话 您是作家保罗·本杰明吧?
I thought I recognized you. You’re Paul Benjamin the writer, aren’t you?
I confess.
I keep waiting for the next novel to come out.
Anything in the works?
正在写 以他的进度 夏天过完就该写完了
It’s coming along. Actually at the rate he’s going, he’ll have a story finished by the end of the summer.
I apologize for springing it on you at the last minute,
but Mr. Benjamin and I are attending a celebration tonight,
and we would be most pleased if you chose to accompany us.
对吧 本杰明先生?
Isn’t that right, Mr. Benjamin?
是的 我们将很荣幸
Yes. We would be honored.
And what’s the occasion of this celebration?
It’s my birthday.
生日啊 会有多少人来派对?
Your birthday! And how many people will be attending this birthday party?
我觉得不能算派对 更像是
I wouldn’t actually call it a party. It’s more along the lines of eh..
a dinner in celebration of my birthday.
人数严格控制 目前就 本杰明先生 我
The guest list is quite restricted. So far, there’s Mr. Benjamin and myself.
—如果你来 就是三个 —我明白了 小型聚会
-If you accept, that would make three of us. -Ah-hah, I see. A cozy dinner.
—但是三个人有点怪吧?有句话叫… —三个和尚没水喝 是的 我知道
-But aren’t threesomes a little awkward? How does the phrase go… -Three’s a crowd. Yes, I’m aware of that.
But I have to keep an eye on Mr. Benjamin wherever he goes.
—确保他不出意外 —哈哈 你是他谁?监护人?
-Make sure he doesn’t get himself into trouble. -Aha, what are you? The chaperone?
其实 我是他父亲
Actually, I’m his father.
大多数人觉得我是他父亲 这是逻辑推断 因为我看上去比他老
Most people assume I’m his father. It’s a logical assumption… given that I’m older than he is and so on.
But the fact is, it’s the reverse is true.
他是我父亲 而我是他儿子
He’s my father, and I’m his son.
嘿 老兄 真高兴在这见到你
Hey, man, good to see you here.
奥吉 这是埃普丽尔, 埃普丽尔 这是奥吉
Auggie, this is April Lee. April Lee, this is Auggie Wren.
好啊 埃普丽尔小姐 认识你很高兴
Howdy, Miss April. I’m right pleased to make your acquaintance.
这位漂亮的女士叫 紫罗兰·桑切斯·德哈拉佩诺
