And this here pretty little lady is Miss Violet Sanchez de Jalapeno,
是格兰德河 这边最热辣的妞
the hottest chili pepper this side of the Rio Grande.
对吗 宝贝?
Ain’t that so, baby?
没错 奥吉 你也很辣 不是么?
That’s right, Auggie. And you not so cold, neither. Eh, baby?
What are you doing at a time like this?
拉希德 今天生日 我们决定热闹一下
Rashid’s birthday today and we decided to whoop it up a little.
—多大 孩子? —17
-How old, kid? -Seventeen.
记得 我17岁时
I remember when I was seventeen.
我17岁时 是个疯狂的混♥蛋♥
When I was seventeen, I was whacked-out, son-of-a-bitch .
Is that what you are, son? Are you a whacked-out crazy kid?
当然了 你说得一针见血
Definitely. I’d say you’ve hit the nail right on the head.
好极了 坚持住 也许哪天你也成为了我这样的成功人士
Good. Keep it up, and maybe one day you’ll grow up and become a great man like me.
奥吉 我在想
Auggie, I’ve just been thinking.
你店里要帮忙么?维尼走了 暑假缺人么?
You need any help in the store? Some summer help now that Vinnie’s gone?
—所以你想…?—我想 这孩子
-What did you have in mind? -I’m thinking about the kid.
—他准能帮得上你 —喂 孩子
-I’m sure he’d do a good job for you. -Hey, kid.
You interested in a job? Your employment agency here said you’re looking for a position in retail sales.
A job! I definitely wouldn’t turn down a job.
Come down to the cigar store tomorrow morning
十点钟 我们谈下 如何?到时看
at ten o’clock and we’ll talk about it, okay? We’ll see what we can work out.
—明早十点 我会到的 —好了 快走快走
-Ten o’clock tomorrow morning. I’ll be there. -Ok, let’s go, let‘’s go.
我欠你个人情 记着
I owe you one. Don’t forget.
It’s 1942, right?
And he’s caught in Leningrad during the siege.
I’m talking about one of the worst moments in human history.
Five hundred thousand people died in that one place,
那时 巴♥赫♥金 躲在公♥寓♥里 随时可能会死
and there’s Bakhtin, holed up in an apartment, expecting to be killed any day.
他有很多烟草 但是没有纸卷 所以他就把
He has plenty of tobacco, but no paper to roll it in. So he takes the pages,
of a manuscript he’s been working on for ten years
—撕了来卷烟 —他唯一的手稿?
-and tears them up to roll his cigarettes. -His only copy?
His only copy.
设想你快死了 书和烟 那个更重要?
I mean, if you think you’re gonna die, what’s more important, a good book or a good smoke?
然后他吞云吐雾 一点一点 抽着他的书
So he huffed and he puffed, and little by little he smoked his book.
好故事 差点蒙了我 但是
Nice try. You had me going for a second, but no…
作家绝不会这么干 对吧?
no writer would ever do a thing like that, would he?
You don’t believe me?
好 看着 我翻给你看 都在这本书里
Look, alright? I’ll show you. It’s all in this book.
-What is this? -I don’t know.
Is it yours?
嗯 可能
Yeah, it might be.
Here, catch.
所以你是要说 之前那套是编的
So you’re saying it wasn’t like that at all.
不全是 我只是没有全盘托出
Not exactly. I mean, there was more to it than I told you.
你并不只是目击了 他们把袋子掉了
You didn’t just see what happened. They dropped the package on the ground
and you picked it up.
—我是捡了 —然后跑了?
-I picked it up. -And started to run?
And started to run.
Good thinking.
仅此而已 我没想 我只是
That’s just it. I didn’t think. I just…
I just did it.
You have got one hell of a knack for getting into trouble, don’t you?
—那袋子里多少钱? —6000元
-How much is in there anyway? -Six thousand dollars.
—什么? —精确说 是5814元
-What? -Five thousand eight hundred and fourteen dollars, to be exact.
—你抢了劫匪 所以他们现在追着你 —简而言之 就是如此
-So you robbed the robbers, and now the robbers are after you. -That’s it. In a nutshell.
Yeah, well, you know, you have to be crazy to do what you did.
想听我的意见么?把钱还给爬山虎 这就去 并对他道歉
You want my opinion? Take that money back to the Creeper. Take it straight back to him and tell him you are sorry.
我才不还呢 这是我的钱
There’s no way I’m giving that money back. This is my money now.
爬山虎要是找到你 够你受的
A lot of good it is going to do you if the Creeper finds you.
This money is my whole future.
你现在这么做 根本没有未来
With an attitude like that, you are not going to have a future.
Seventeen is a hell of an age to die.
Is that what you want?
I’ll be back in about an hour.
—注意看着收银机 —放心 回头见
-Keep your eye on the register while I’m gone, okay? -Sure thing. See you later.
也许是违法 但没有受害者 哪来犯罪?
It may be illegal, but it’s hard to see where the crime is if there’s no victim, right?
No harm done.
有一种在禁酒期 逛地下酒吧的感觉
This must what it was like to go to a speakeasy during Prohibition.
Forbidden pleasures, eh?
—我不在时 生意忙么? —还行 没几笔
-Much business while I was gone? -A little. Not much.
这边请 先生们 去我的办公室如何?
Step this way, gentlemen. Let’s retire to my office, shall we?
What the fuck is going on here!
Look at this! The goddamn place is flooded!
Holy fucking shit!
—这孩子很懊悔,奥吉 —是么?
-The kid’s sorry, Auggie. -Yeah?
Well, I’m sorry too.
我花了3年 攒这5000块 现在亏光了
It took me three years to save up those five thousand bucks, and now I’m broke.
I can’t hardly pay for this beer.
更别提我信誉度的受损 你明白么?
Not to speak of having my credibility destroyed. Do you understand what I’m saying?
My credibility.
所以我也很懊悔 这一辈子从没这么懊悔过
So yeah, I’m sorry, too. About as sorry as I’ve ever been in my whole fucking life.
The kid’s got something to tell you, Auggie.
If he’s got something to say to me, won’t he tell me himself?
—这给你 —给我?
-It’s for you. -For me?
—我要纸袋干嘛? —你打开
-What am I supposed to do with a paper bag? -Open it.
What is this, some kind of joke?
不 是5000块
No, it’s five thousand dollars.
我不要你钱 傻子
I don’t want your money, you little twerp.
It’s probably stolen anyway.
What do you care where it comes from? It’s yours.
Why do you wanna give me money?
To get my job back.
你是个蠢货二百五 知道么?
You’re a dumb, whacked-out little fuck, do you know that?
好好说 奥吉 他想补偿你 你看不出么?
Don’t be an ass, Auggie. He’s trying to make it up to you, can’t you see that?
—他是疯子 —不 他不疯 你疯
-He’s crazy. -No, he’s not. You are.
You’re right.
—我不知道你看出来了 —是么?
-I just didn’t think you knew. -You didn’t think I knew?
你脸上写着呢 而且
It’s written all over you like eh…
like a neon sign.
Now you say something nice to Rashid to help him feel better.
草泥马 小子
Fuck you, kid.
也草泥马 你个狗♥娘♥养♥的白人
Fuck you, too, you white son-of-a-bitch.
好了 很高兴问题解决了
Good. I’m glad that’s settled!
Mr. Benjamin?
Mr. Benjamin, I presume?
你们这楼有安保漏洞 知道么?
You got a security problem in this building, you know that?
The lock on that door downstairs is busted.
Not a good idea in these troubled times.
You never know what kind of trash might wander in off the streets.
是的 明早我找房♥东来修
No. I’ll have the landlord look into it tomorrow morning.
是的 没错 因为你也不想要意外惊喜吧?
Yeah, you do that. ‘Cause you don’t want any unpleasant surprises now, do you?
And who do I have the pleasure of talking to now?
荣幸?这可没有什么好荣幸的 你个滑稽的家伙
Pleasure? No I won’t exactly call this a pleasure, funny man.
This is more in nature, business.
没事 反正我知道你们是谁
It doesn’t matter. I know who you are anyway.
—你是爬山虎吧? —爬毛?
-You’re the Creeper, aren’t you? -The what?
Nobody calls Charles by this name to his face.
—懂我说的么? —是的 我懂
-Do you understand me? -Yes, I understand.
天行有常 不为尧存不为桀亡
If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t.
Do you understand what I’m saying?
You never know what’s gonna happen next,
你以为你知道 只是因为你什么都不知道
and the moment you think you do, that’s the moment you don’t know a goddamn thing.
这叫悖论 你听懂没?
This is what we call a paradox. Are you following me?
是的 听懂了
Yeah, I follow you, Auggie.
(PS:天堂 和 悖论 发音相近)
知道越少 越接近天堂 我知道天堂
You don’t know nothing, it’s like paradise. I know what that is.
就是你死后 升到天上 和天使们待在一起
It’s after you’re dead and you go up to heaven and sit with the angels.
奥吉 很高兴见到你
