Hi Auggie, nice to meet you.
你真是够惨 老兄
You’re one fucking mess, man.
要不是警♥察♥赶到 我现在就没法站在这了
If the cops hadn’t come, I might not be standing here now.
They did a number on you.
I managed to keep my mouth shut for once in my life.
Something to be said for that, right?
—不,吉米,别这样 —疼么?
-No, Jimmy, don’t. -Does it hurt?
当然疼了 看他都这样了
Of course it hurts. What does it look like?
I thought maybe he was pretending.
—有拉希德消息么? —完全没有
-You heard from Rashid? -Not a peep.
我前天找了他阿姨 她也没他消息 真是有点吓人
I spoke to his aunt two days ago, she hasn’t heard from him either. It’s starting to go a little scary.
可能是好事 说明他逃掉了
Could be a good sign, though. Could mean that he got away.
是的 但也可能被抓 谁知道呢
Yeah. Or didn’t. There’s no way to know, isn’t it?
那你打算放弃 回家了?
So you’re just going to give up and go home?
I don’t have much choice, do I? It’s pretty clear she doesn’t want me around.
Well, you can’t just write her off.
What else am I supposed to do? You know waht I mean?
孩子没有了 她的人生是她自己的事
There’s no baby anymore, and it’s her life, what she does is her own business.
她还是个孩子 她长大了还能再要孩子
Well, she’s just a kid. There’s time for more babies later after she’s grown up.
得 你继续白日梦 她这样还不知活不活得到下个生日
Oh God, Auggie, dream on. She’s not gonna make her nineteenth birthday.
Not if you got her into one of those rehab programs.
我可劝不了她 再说那要钱
I’m not able to talk to her those things. Besides, it may cost money.
我可没钱 我穷得叮当响
And that is one thing I do not have. I am flat broke.
—不 你有 —我像在骗你?告诉你我破产了
-No you’re not. -Look, can you call me a liar? I’m telling you I’m broke.
我一无所有 连辆车都没有
I don’t have any goddamned, I don’t even have a goddamned car.
Remember that business venture I was telling you about?
我的船回来了 我暴富了
My tugboat came in. I’m flush.
—恭喜你 —不 恭喜你
-Bully for you. -No, bully for you.
—这什么? —干嘛不自己打开看?
-What’s this? -Why don’t you open it and find out?
—天啊 是钱 —5000块
-Jesus God. There’s money in here. -Five thousand bucks.
This is for me?
给你的 宝贝
It’s for your, baby.
—真的? —真的
-For keeps? -For keeps.
你是个天使 知道么?
You’re an angel. You know that?
—你是天使下凡 —见鬼的天使 只管拿着这些钱 鲁比
-You’re an angel from heaven. -Fuck this angel shit. Just take this dough, Ruby.
但别哭 好么? 我受不了别人哭
But no bawling, okay? I can’t stand people who blubber.
对不起 对不起 对不起
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
—只有一件事我想知道 —什么?尽管说
-There’s just one thing I want to know. -What? Anything, Auggie.
She’s not my daughter, is she?
I don’t know. I mean,
She might be.
Then again, she might not.
概率上说 一半一半
Mathematically speaking, this is about a fifty-fifty chance.
It’s your call, Auggie.
Bureau of Missing Persons. Sergeant Fosdick.
哇 不会吧 彼得兔还活着
Well, blow me down. Peter Rabbit’s alive.
Hey. What are you doing here on Sunday?
—我们打算野餐 一起来么? —好啊 这就来
-We decided to have a picnic. Do you want to join us? -Yeah, sure. A second.
没事 我来
That’s all right. I got it.
嘿 孩子
Hi, kid.
哇 他们真是对你下了狠手
Wow. They really did a job on you.
I worked the scene into the story.
That makes the medical bills one hundred percent tax deductible.
Try telling that one to the IRS.
You know these men, eh? I thought they were some customers here.
对 他认识我们 但我们也做你生意
Yeah, he knows us. But you also got some customers.
We came here to deliver some clean laundry.
没事 我真的认识他们
It’s all right. I really do know them.
—我叫赛勒斯·科尔 -我叫奥古斯都·雷恩 幸会
-Cyrus Cole. -Augustus Wren. Pleasure.
—我叫保罗·本杰明 —真有趣
-Paul Benjamin. -That’s funny.
He’s got the same as your.
Well, you and Junior have the same name, too, don’t you?
对 但那是我儿子 是一家人
Yeah, but he’s my son. I mean my own flesh and blood.
你跟他同名 但你们甚至连肤色都不同
Here you got the same name as this man here, and you ain’t even the same color.
That’s how we met.
We’re partner of the International Same Name Club.
信不信 全美有846个保罗·本杰明
Believe it or not, there are 846 Paul Benjamins in America.
But only two in the New York metropolitan area.
That’s how we got to be such good friends.
We only two show up at the meetings.
扯淡吧 孩子
The full of crap, kid.
干嘛不老实交代 告诉他你是谁?
Why don’t you come clean and tell the man who you really are?
怎么了 伙计们?
What’s going on, guys?
Maybe you better ask him.
好了 拉希德 说吧
Come on, Rashid baby, spill it.
It’s sort of a nom de guerre.
不懂他们说啥 你告诉我?
I don’t know what they talking about. You have any idea?
说啊 你的真名 你出生证上的名字
Come on. Your real name. The name that’s on your birth certificate.
保罗. 拉希德. 托马斯. 到底哪个?
Paul. Rashid. Thomas. Wahtever. Which one is it?
好好说 胆小鬼 说完整
Come on, come on, you yellow belly. The whole thing.
—全名 连名带姓 —有区别么?
-The whole name. First name and last name. -What difference does it make?
既然没区别 干嘛不说清楚?
If it doesn’t make any difference, why not just say it?
因为我打算到了时候再说 等到时候!
Because I was gonna tell him in my own time. In my own time!
择日不如撞日 伙计
There’s no time like the present, man.
来 我听你说
Well. I’m listening to you.
我的姓名是 托马斯·杰斐逊·科尔
My name is Thomas Jefferson Cole.
Are you mocking me?
You mocking me?
I gonna let no punk kid come here and mock me!
—耍我呢? —你爱谁谁 这就是我名字 我姓科尔 跟你一样
-You mocking me? -Whether you like it or not, Cyrus, that’s my name. Cole. Just like yours.
Now ask him who his mother was.
我不接受 不接受
I don’t like this. I don’t like it one bit.
你上楼去好么? 这里我来
Will you go upstairs for a second? I’ll take this side.
—我妈叫 路易莎·维尔 —闭嘴!
-Louisa Vail. -You shut up!
—你还记得她么? —闭上你的臭嘴!
-Do you remember her, Cyrus? -You shut your fucking mouth!
该死 在我眼皮底下不准放肆 混♥蛋♥
Damn you. There’ll be none of that on my watch, you piece of shit.
-Stop it! -You liar.
住手!你会杀了他的 他是你儿子
Stop it! Stop it! You’ll kill him. He’s your son!
—该死的 他是你儿子 —不 你骗人
-Goddammit! He’s your son! -No, you’re lying.
你骗人你骗人你骗人 说 你骗人
You’re lying. You’re lying. You’re lying. You say you’re lying!
不 谢谢
No, thanks.
这个 来一支么?
Here. You want one?
看着 我告诉你们 将会有另一场战争
Look, I’m telling you, there’s gonna be another war.
五角大楼的那些懒汉 如果找不到新敌人 就要失业了
Those slobs in the Pentagon’ll be out of job unless they find a new enemy.
And they got this Saddam character now,
他们会竭尽所能打击他 看好吧
and they’re gonna hit him with all they’ve got. Mark my words.
How’s it going?
好啊 奥吉
Hey, Auggie.
—两包? —不
-Two, right? -No, eh..
Make it one.
—你一直买♥♥两包 —是的
-You usually get two. -I know.
But I’m trying to cut down.
Someone is worried about my health.
—工作进展如何 大♥师♥? —很好
-How’s the work going these days, maestro? -Fine.
Or it was until a couple of days ago I got a call from The New York Times.
They’re gonna make me write a Christmas story.
They want to publish it on Christmas Day.
那可是件好事 有纪念意义
That’s a feather in your cap, man. The paper of record.
是不错 但限定我4天内交稿
Yeah, it’s great, except I have to come up with something in four days,
and I haven’t got a single idea.
You know anything Christmas stories there?
Christmas stories? Sure,
—我知道一堆 —真的?
-I know a ton of ’em. -You know ’em?
—是好故事么? —好故事?当然 你不信?
-You know anything good ones? -Good ones? Of course. Are you kidding?
这样吧 请我吃午饭 我给你讲个世上最好的圣诞故事 如何?
I’ll tell you what. Buy me lunch, my friend, and I’ll tell you the best Christmas story you ever heard. How’s that?
