I asked him if we could get a charter out of here on the evening of 24th.
Very good possibility of it.
假日酒店 肯尼迪机场 纽约市
– 你要我的护照? – 你有了? 拿到了?
– Do you want my passport? – You have it? You’ve got it?
好的 我就想知道这个? 把这两个都填上 好吗?
Okay. That’s what I want to know? You need to fill out both of these, okay?
然后你就可以拿到这个 Elizabeth 好了 Elizabeth
Then you can have this. Elizabeth. All right, Elizabeth.
您觉得这个怎么样? 答案很明显
How do you feel about this? It’s obvious the answer.
But you of all people,
the most respected American in Africa, going to Africa.
我是说 您备受尊敬
I mean, you are respected.
好吧 来吧 你知道我的意思
Come on, now, you know where that’s at.
我感觉很好 伙计 感觉我是这场盛大活动的一份子
I just feel good, man. I just feel I’m a part of a great movement.
我看到有人哭了 很高兴见到你 很高兴能来这里
I see the water now, I’m glad to see you. I’m just glad to be here.
喔! 谁准备这饭的 伙计? 我妈以前老做这些
Whoo! Who set up this meal, man? Mama used to cook these.
是的 是的!
Yeah, yeah!
James Brown 我在这里工作 我能要个亲笔签名吗?
James Brown, I work here. Can I get your autograph, please?
– Michelle 我正在要! – 我们该做的!
– Michelle, I’m getting it! – That’s what we should be doing!
Michelle 过来 她来了
Michelle, come here. Here she is.
– M-i-c-h-e-l-l-e? – 是的
– M-i-c-h-e-l-l-e? – Yes.
I can’t even spell all of that now.
Anybody that hasn’t had their tickets processed,
please go to the counter outside the main ballroom.
受不了了 太好吃了
Can’t beat it, good food.
Soul cookin’ in the bag.
我的兄弟姐♥妹♥们♥ 我谨代表2300万的扎伊尔人♥民♥
My brothers and sisters, on behalf of the 23 million people of Zaire,
I wish to extend their deepest gratitude and appreciation.
我要感谢你们 让灵歌♥落叶归根的梦想
And I wanna thank you for making a dream come true,
that one day the beat would return to the roots.
你们将在金沙萨听到 人生中最美妙的音乐
The best music you ever gonna hear in your life is gonna be heard in Kinshasa.
他们在那里的演奏 会使你感动流泪
They playin’ some grooves down there just make you cry.
There gonna be dancing and shouting and jumping.
你们会玩得很尽兴 乐不思蜀
You’ll have so much fun, you’ll throw your passports back on the airplane.
再一次 感谢大家
Again, I wanna thank all of you.
And I wanna say bon voyage on your musical historic mission,
“扎伊尔74″音乐节 一场灵魂盛宴
Zaire74, a spiritual commitment.
Thank you.
噢 上帝啊 又绕了一次
Oh, Christ, move round again.
Whaddya want from us?
问一句 有什么航♥班♥的最新消息没?
So, what’s the latest on the aircraft, by the way?
嗯 Alan呼叫总部
Um, Alan to base.
Alan to base.
我们下午见面之后 你有什么新消息没?
Did you get anything after we met this afternoon?
– 关于离开马德里的时间? – 噢 你知道我们怎么了吗?
– On the time it left Madrid? – Oh, you know what we got?
我们在音乐节开始时间上 有了巨大分歧
We got a huge discrepancy on the day that this festival starts,
嗯 因为Likuku说 自己刚从总统办那里过来
um, cos Likuku said he had just come from the presidency himself,
the presidency has notified every newspaper
and all the TV and radio stations,
说音乐节周六开始 不是周五晚上
that it is on Saturday that it starts, not Friday night.
你说不是 我说…
You’re saying no and I said…
不 票印的是周五 一直都是周五的
No, tickets are printed for Friday, it’s always been Friday,
合同上说的是周五 六个月前就签了合同了
in the contract it’s Friday, the contract was signed six months ago.
But he said the presidency has moved it.
但是他今天早上还告诉我 完全按计划来的
But he told me this morning that it was going on absolutely as scheduled.
– 谁说的? Shimpupu? – Shimpupu
– Who did? Shimpupu? – Shimpupu.
谁来为艺人付那些该死的钱? 那些额外的费用?
Who’s going to pick up the bloody tab for the artists? The extra tab?
合同上写的是 他们一直待到25号♥
They are contracted to be here until the 25th.
是的 问题是他们在20号♥ 21号♥或者22号♥表演 是吗?
Yeah, their problem says they perform on 20, 21, or 22, right?
I understand that…
所以如果我们要求他们23号♥表演 他们会说合同里没写
So if we ask them to perform on 23, they’ll say it’s outside my contract
and they’ll bloody well rip us off for an extra fee.
我们不了解 但我觉得多一天时间 演出会更好
We don’t know that. I’d like the extra day for better show.
我的经验告诉我 当你要他们做的事
My experience is the moment you ask them to do anything
只要有一块钱合同里没写 他们都得打起来
that’s one dollar outside of their contract, they are going to bloody well fight.
每多一天 我得付200个人的住宿费 花销…
Every further day, I’ve got 200 people, hotel bills, expenses…
We’re still coming in two days ahead of schedule, though.
– 无论如何… – 如果我们能提前三天 就更好了
– Anyway… – If we can make it three, all the better.
我们得权衡一下 这完全取决于他们
We got a weight it all. I figure it’s up to them.
If we can get them to agree to it,
就能卖♥♥掉足够多的票 这很重要
we’ve got enough ticket sales, which is important.
看着办吧 我可不喜欢像这样的最后变卦
We’ll see. I’m not happy about late changes like this.
Particularly when the situation is as confused as it is now.
Alan to base.
让我们有请独一无二的James Brown!
Let’s bring up the one and only James Brown!
Why you wanna do this to me?
我这样 是因为你先这样叫自己的!
I got to do it to ya cos you did it to yourself!
当之无愧! James Brown!
You earned it! James Brown!
行了 伙计
Oh, man.
Ladies and gentlemen,
right now l’d like to give another special round of applause
给这些漂亮的歌♥手们 给出色的Spinners
by the way of beautiful singers, the fabulous Spinners.
给The Spinners!
The Spinners!
有请BB King先生 BB King先生 快请上来
Bring up Mr BB King. Mr BB King, come right on up.
下面掌声有请 独一无二的Bill Withers先生
Let’s give a round of applause for the one and only Mr Bill Withers.
来嘛 掌声热烈点!
Come on, a big round!
你说只是平淡无奇的Bill? 他可不是哦! 是王者!
You say just plain Bill? He’s not just plain Bill! A winner!
Give him another big round of applause.
我只想说 这么久以来
The only thing I got to say is that it’s been a long time comin’,
and these are just four things I’d like to leave with you.
Four small things.
它冷漠 却到过地狱
It’s cold-blooded but it’s been hell.
Now here’s the payback,
记着只要你活着 老爹就不会置之不理(包含四首歌♥名)
and remember as long as you live, Papa don’t take no mess.
– 不 不 – 舞台布景看起来还没弄好啊
– No, no. – This stage doesn’t look complete.
There’s bunting that goes across the front and so on.
还有很多装饰没上 所以看起来光秃秃的 但…
There’s a lot of dressing that makes it look naked without it, but…
– 一切都准备着手做了吗? – 后台还要铺板材
– All that’s prepared and in-hand? – There is planking on the backside.
还有些事要做 但…
There’s several more things they’re gonna do, but…
他们向我保证 最迟明天下午完工
They guarantee me they’ll have it done by late tomorrow afternoon.
Any other problems?
Flies are faster here than they are in the States.
Ain’t that something?
它们在美国吃太多 懒了
They eat too much in America, they lazy.
They get too much to eat.
这儿的苍蝇 粮少饥多 飞得就快了
These flies, they don’t get enough to eat, so they stay hungry and fast.
I thought the Congo was a lot of jungle
有野蛮的矛矛党(肯尼亚50年代反英殖民组织)乱窜 到处攻击 明白吗?
and little rough Mau Maus running around, attacking, you know?
听到的都是这样的 都是美国人给你洗♥脑♥的
You hear about all this, what they in American make you think.
Some people scared to come over here,
报纸上写着的 “害怕来这儿”
it was in the press, “Scared to come over here.”
这儿的人明明都开着车 很和平 很友好
And people drive their cars and they so peaceful and nice.
And they got their own airports and hotels
还有小巧的房♥屋 街道 夜店 他们并没那么糟
and little houses and little streets and little nightclubs and they ain’t so bad.
不是玩笑 纽约比这儿更像丛林
No kidding, New York is more of a jungle than here.
The policemen arrive with 45 guns and dogs.
每分钟都有凶杀案 有人死亡
Every minute a homicide, somebody dies.
吸毒而亡 强♥奸♥抢劫都是常有的
Dying with dope and always somebody being raped or somebody being robbed
or somebody on the rooftop shooting twelve people.
有人闯入银行 朝出纳开了枪 又捅了办事员
A man goes in the bank and shoots the teller and stabs the bank official
然后冲出来 自己在街上挨了一枪
and he runs out and he gets shot down the street.
两车正面相撞 时速高达100公里
Two cars, head-on, doing 100 mph.
火车脱轨 矿井塌方
Train jumped over a track, mine caves in.
Always something in America.
It’s so peaceful over here.
千真万确 野蛮人都在美国呢
Really, the savages are in America.
You know, I mean, I’m a world traveller
and I consider myself one the most travelled black men in America,
I’m getting around the world.
And I’m seeing things that I never saw,
所以我知道一些 常人和门外汉 他们想都不敢想的东西
so I know the average man, the layman wouldn’t even thought of it.
有次我在巴黎坐DC-10次航♥班♥ 上面全是非洲人在驾驶 操作
I’m getting on a DC-10 in Paris and all Africans flying and operating it.
