Though not as good as The New York Times.
Or the Daily News, or the Post, or several other smaller…
还有每日新闻 还有邮报 以及一些其他的小…
Get on with it, you moron…!
快点继续吧 你个废…!
What? Your blood pressure, Mr. Jameson.
怎么了? 你的血压 詹姆士先生
Your wife told you to watch the anger. You tell my wife…
你的妻子让我时刻注意你是否发火 你去告诉我老婆…
Thank you.
So I propose this campaign.
“Daily Bugle.” That’s obvious.
“每日号♥角” 这个毋庸置疑
“It’s hip, it’s now.” I came up with that one.
“喝彩 就在现在! ” 这个是我提出的
“It’s wow.” That’s actually Erickson. He goes crazy.
“喔哦! “这个是埃里克森提出的 他简直疯了
We gave him a couple lattes, it’s like:
我们又给出了一堆类似这样的 就像是
“And how.” That’s me again.
“非常之极! “又是我提出来的
Time to take your pill.
Not that one.
Not that one.
Drink plenty of water.
Thank you.
He’s busy. I’m just here to talk to you, beautiful.
他很忙 我只是要来告诉你 你真的很美
What’s that smell?
That’s a little something called Nice and Easy. What’s on you?
不过是伊卡璐罢了 那你呢?
It’s called Go Away.
That is the dumbest idea you’ve ever had…
…and you have had some doozies. – Blood pressure.
你还真行啊 注意血压
Hey, where are you going?
嘿 你要去哪儿?
Who are you? You hired him last week. Freelance.
你是谁啊? 你上周雇的他 一个自♥由♥记者
I did? What’s that smell? It’s Brock, sir. Edward Brock Jr.
是吗? 什么味道啊? 我叫布洛克 先生 小爱德华•布洛克
Can I just say I really like that shirt? It’s the crane accident.
我喜欢那件衬衫 这是关于起重机事件的照片
Check out the light. He likes my shirt.
好好瞧瞧吧 他喜欢我的衬衫
Hey, Betty. Hey, Pete.
嘿 贝蒂 嘿 彼得
You better get in there. New guy.
你最好马上进去 来了个新人
He’s trying to sell some Spidey photos.
Parker. You’re late, maybe too late. Bruckner beat you to it.
帕克 你来迟了 可能太迟了 布拉克已经打败你了
It’s Brock, sir. Edward Brock Jr.
是布洛克 先生 小爱德华•布洛克
But I got you this. But he got me this.
但是我给你弄到了这个 但是他已经给我弄到了这个
I didn’t see you there. How’d you get that high?
我在那儿并没有看到你 你怎么会在那么高的地方?
Climbed. Nearly fell off a flagpole. A flagpole?
爬上去的 差点从旗杆那儿掉下去 旗杆?
Which one do we use? I like Bernstein’s.
我们用谁的? 我喜欢伯恩斯坦的
It’s better. Cheaper too.
好一点 也便宜
Congratulations, we’ll use yours. I’ll pay you 50 bucks.
祝贺你 我们会用你的 我会付你50美元
All right, J.J., I’m your man.
好的 我现在是你的人了
I know more about a good picture than any photographer.
我比那些普通摄影师更懂得 什么样的才是好照片
See, photography, it’s not just about, no offense, flagpoles or whatever.
你瞧 摄影并不仅仅是些 旗杆啊或者其他什么的
It’s about lighting. Composition. Drama.
而是要融合光线 布局 还有戏剧性
I want a staff job, sir.
我想要这份工作 先生
I have a girl that I intend to marry…
还有一个女孩 我想要与其厮守终身
…and I guess, I don’t know, I have this stupid little dream…
我猜 我也不知道 我有个愚蠢的小小的梦想
…of working with one of the greatest newspaper editors of our time.
J. Jonah Jameson.
Well, we do have an opening. Johnson quit, remember?
哦 我们正好有空缺岗位 约翰逊辞职了 记得吗?
You fired him. Whatever.
你炒了他的鱿鱼 不管怎么样吧
I know what makes a good picture and I’ve been here a long time.
我知道什么样的才是好照片 我也来了很长时间了
If there’s a staff job, I think I deserve it.
如果有一个工作的话 我想应给给我才对
He’s right, Jonah. Peter’s been with us for years. He’s done a great job.
他说得对 约拿 彼得跟我们共事多年了 他干得很不错
You want a staff job, you want a staff job.
你想要这份工作 你也想要
Anybody care about what I want? I do.
那有没有人关心我想要什么呢? 我啊
Shut up. Get out.
闭嘴 滚出去
I want the public to see Spider-Man for the two-bit criminal he really is.
我想要公众知道 蜘蛛侠不过是个微不足道的罪犯
He’s a fake, he’s full of stickum. Catch him in the act.
他是个冒牌货 混身黏糊糊的 要抓他个正着
Spider-Man with his hand in a cookie jar.
Whoever brings me that photo gets a job.
谁能把这张照片带来 就能得到这份工作
What’re you waiting for, Chinese New Year?
你们等什么呢 中国的春节吗?
I’m on it, boss.
我马上开工 老板
You’ll never get that shot.
Oh, we’ll see.
哦 那走着瞧了
You know, I guess one person can make a difference.
Enough said.
Welcome home, Harry.
欢迎回家 哈利
Thank God you’re all right. Thanks, Bernard.
感谢上帝你没事了 谢谢你 伯纳德
Bernard. Sir.
伯纳德 先生
Got you a little homecoming present.
It’s your old ball. Yeah.
是你原来的球啊 没错
Thanks, buddy.
多谢了 伙计
We were pretty good in the backyard, weren’t we?
咱们在后院打得不错 对吗?
We were terrible. And we tried out for the varsity team.
咱们都差劲的了 还想加入大学代表队呢
For the cheerleaders. Right.
为了那些啦啦队员 没错
Hey, do I have any girlfriends? I don’t know.
嘿 我有没有女朋友啊? 我不知道
You don’t?
Hey, Bernard. Do I have any girlfriends?
嘿 伯纳德 我有女朋友吗?
Not that I know of, sir.
据我所知没有 先生
It’s a pretty cool pad, huh?
这个地方还不错 嗯?
It’s okay.
Looks like I’m not hurting for money. No.
最起码我不是为了钱去受伤的 当然不是了
Well, maybe I can turn this no-girlfriend thing around.
嗯 也许我还可以 让没有女朋友的状况有所改观
You know, he always appreciated how you helped me through high school.
你知道吗 他一直很感激你 帮我度过高中时候的难关
Just wish I could remember more about him.
Well, he loved you. That’s the main thing.
他是爱你的 这才是最重要的
Hey, let’s watch a game in the kitchen. Get something to eat.
嘿 咱们去厨房♥看比赛吧 去找点吃的
Heads up.
Did you see that?
Still got the moves. Yeah.
还是动作敏捷啊 没错
Why are we stopping?
What is she doing here?
Well, Gary was supposed to call her agent.
Hi, honey. We tried to reach you.
嗨 亲爱的 我们一直在联♥系♥你呢
I’m sorry.
One critic?
No, all the papers, dear.
不 是所有的报纸 亲爱的
Mary Jane, honey, sit down. Let us explain it to you.
玛莉 亲爱的 坐下说 我跟你解释一下
Listen, if you’d like, we could say you became ill.
听着 如果你愿意 我们可以说你病了
That was so poorly handled.
Let’s just rehearse.
All right, Spidey.
看啊 蜘蛛侠
Spidey! Spidey! Spidey!
Excuse me, miss? Could I please see that gorgeous smile?
打扰一下 小姐? 能像我再展示一下您的迷人微笑吗?
Hi, Eddie.
嗨 埃迪
You’re so beautiful. This is front-page stuff.
简直太美了 绝对该上头版
I gotta practice. See you later.
我还有事要做 等会儿见
How about tonight? Not tonight.
今晚怎么样? 今晚不行
Why not?
What about that amazing, amazing night that we had?
We had a coffee, Eddie.
我们只不过喝了杯咖啡罢了 埃迪
Hey, beautiful.
嘿 美人儿
One more.
Everything okay? Yeah, I’m fine.
你没事吧? 嗯 我没事
You’re not still mad at me, are you? No, Peter, I’m proud of you.
你没有在生我的气了 对吗? 没有 彼得 我以你为荣
Hey, I’m gonna be swinging in from over there.
嘿 我会从那边旋转着飞进去
Oh, yeah? So you know where to look.
哦 是吗? 那你知道该在哪里看了?
Give them a good show.
Don’t worry about that review.
We’re gonna be laughing about it tomorrow night, I promise.
我们到了明晚就可以将它付之一笑了 我保证
Isn’t that that guy from that prison break?
He fits.
Hey, you. Halt.
嘿 你 站住
Cover the back.
Hon, be careful.
亲爱的 小心点
