We’re in an enemy vessel.
I did not wish to be shot down.
主机舱 报告 斯科特先生
Engine room, report.
准备好了 我已将锂定序器改进完毕
We’re ready. The dilithium sequencer is now a little less primitive.
And I’ve replaced the Klingon food packs.
里面的气味令我作呕 原来如此
They were giving me a sour stomach. Is that what it was?
准备起航 不想去地球的请离船吧
Prepare for departure. Everybody not going to Earth had better get off.
萨维克… 该说再见了 是的 船长
Saavik… this is goodbye. Yes, Admiral.
Thank you.
长官 我一直没有机会 告诉你 你儿子的事
Sir, I have not had the opportunity to tell you about your son.
大卫死得很英勇 他救了史巴克
David died most bravely. He saved Spock.
他救了我们所有人 我想你应该知道这些
He saved us all. I thought you should know.
你好 史巴克船长 祝你旅途一帆风顺
Good day, Capt. Spock. May your journey be free of incident.
也祝你平安 中尉
Live long and prosper, Lieutenant.
请求允许上船 船长 请求批准
Permission to come aboard, Admiral.
吉姆 史巴克 叫我吉姆 你还记得吗?
Jim, Spock. Don’t you remember?
在你执行指挥工作的时候 叫你吉姆是不合适的
It would not be proper to refer to you as Jim while you’re in command.
而且我要为我的穿着道歉 我的制♥服♥不知上哪去了
Also, I must apologize for my attire. I seem to have misplaced my uniform.
你确定这样好吗? 你什么意思?
Is this a good idea? What?
我是说他 回到他的岗位 像什么也没发生过
Him, back at his post like nothing happened.
他肯定会受影响 没可能操纵好所有推进器的
He’s not exactly working on all thrusters.
他会好起来的 你确定?
It’ll come back to him. Are you sure?
That’s what I thought.
苏鲁先生 带我们回家吧
Mr. Sulu, take us home.
Thrusters functional.
One quarter impulse power.
太空站 这里是星舰指挥中心
Space dock, this is Starfleet.
所有飞船起飞 所有飞船起飞
Launch all vessels.
太空站出入口无法开放 所有应急系统全部失效
Space dock doors are inoperative. All systems are non-functional.
Engage reserve power.
星舰 太空站紧急呼叫 我们已失去所有内部动力
Starfleet, this is space dock. We have lost all internal power.
据测算以现在的速度 我们将在1.6小时后到达地球
Estimating planet Earth, 1.6 hours at present speed.
保持航道 查科夫先生 观测到联盟的护航舰吗?
Continue on course. Any sign of Federation escort?
没有 长官 完全没有巡航中的联盟飞船
No, sir, and no Federation vessels on patrol.
那就怪了 乌乎拉 通讯频道有什么消息?
That’s odd. Uhura, what’s on the com channels?
很活跃 全是多相传输 互相重叠 一片混乱
Very active. Multi-phasic transmissions. Almost a gibberish.
Let me see if I can sort it out.
嗨 忙吗?
Hi. Busy?
乌乎拉很忙 我只是在监控
Uhura is busy. I am monitoring.
我很高兴你的Katra 能回到你的
It sure is nice to have your Katra back in your head,
and not mine.
I may have carried your soul,
but I sure couldn’t fill your shoes.
My shoes?
Forget it.
Perhaps we could cover a little philosophical ground.
生命 死亡 生命 大自然事物的本质
Life, death, life. Things of that nature.
我在凡根星的时候并没时间 复习哲学这门学科
I’ve not yet reviewed the philosophical disciplines.
别这样 史巴克 是我 玛考伊在和你说话
Come on. You really have gone
where no man has gone before.
Tell me what it felt like.
We have no frame of reference.
你说笑话吧 笑话…就是有幽默感的故事
You’re joking. A joke is a humorous story.
I have to die to discuss your insights on death?
抱歉 博士 我收到了大量的求救信♥号♥♥
I’m receiving a number of distress calls.
I don’t doubt it.
阿♥拉♥斯加首府朱诺上空 云层覆盖范围上升到95%
Juneau, Alaska. Clouds increasing to 95%.
东京 全部被云笼罩 只能使用后备动力
Tokyo, total cloud coverage.
Leningrad has lost all electrical power.
云的覆盖范围达到100% 温度迅速下降
Cloud coverage 100%. Temperature decreasing rapidly.
What is Earth’s total cloud coverage? 78.6%.
向所有空站通告 星舰紧急情况
Starfleet emergency. Red alert.
紧急警报 迅速转用行星储备能源
Switch to planetary power reserves.
Even with all planetary reserves
we cannot survive without the sun.
I’m well aware of that.
沙瑞克大使 恐怕您和我们一块被困在这了
Ambassador Sarek, I’m afraid you’re trapped here with us.
There’s no way we can answer this probe.
如果对问题完全不了解 当然没法作出回应
It’s difficult to answer when one does not understand the question.
Perhaps you should transmit a planetary distress signal…
…while we still have time.
司令官? 怎么了?
Admiral? What is it?
多重的求救信♥号♥♥ 还有一条来自联盟的信息
Overlapping distress calls and a message from the Federation.
On screen.
This is the President of the United Federation of Planets.
Do not approach Earth.
一个轨道探测器发出的信♥号♥♥ 正在摧毁地球的一切
The transmissions of an orbiting probe are critically damaging this planet.
它正在电离大气层 所有电源都瘫痪了
It is ionizing our atmosphere. All power sources have failed.
所有环地飞船电力不足 探测装置正在蒸发海洋
Earth-orbiting starships are powerless. The probe is vaporizing our oceans.
除非我们能找出与它沟通的方式 否则我们就将灭顶
We cannot survive unless a way can be found to respond to the probe.
Further communications may not be possible.
节省你的能源 保住你们自己
Save your energy. Save yourselves.
不惜一切代价远离地球 永别了
Avoid the planet Earth at all costs. Farewell.
Let’s hear the probe’s transmission.
是 长官!已接到扬声器上
Yes, sir. On speakers.
史巴克 你怎么看? 极不寻常
What do you make of that? Most unusual.
An unknown form of energy of great power and intelligence,
unaware that its transmissions are disruptive.
I find it illogical that its intentions be hostile.
那你觉得它是在说 嗨你好啊 地球 吗?
You think this is its way of saying, “Hi, there!” to Earth?
地球上还有其他形式的生命 博士
Only human arrogance would assume
只有自大的人类才会以为 它是针对人类的
the message must be meant for man.
你的意思是 这信♥号♥♥
You’re suggesting the transmission is meant
是给其他生命体 而不是人类的?
for a life form other than man?
至少有这可能性 船长
It is a possibility. The President did say it was directed at Earth’s oceans.
总统的确说过 它对准的是地球上的海洋
The president did say it was directed at Earth’s oceans.
你能否根据密度 温度和盐度
Can you modify the signals accounting for density,
temperature and salinity.
我试下 长官
I can try, sir.
I think I have it.
This is what it would sound like underwater?
是的 长官
Yes, sir.
如果我没猜错的话 这条信息不会有回应的
If my suspicion is correct, there can be no response to this message.
你去哪? 去证实我的理论
Where are you going? To test my theory.
布恩斯 你待在这儿 不行 我要盯着他
Bones, you stay here. No way, I want to keep an eye on him.
正如所料 这些传输信♥号♥♥是鲸的歌♥声
As suspected, the transmissions are the songs sung by whales.
鲸? 确切地说 是驼背鲸
Whales? Specifically, humpback whales.
简直疯了 谁会从几百光年外
That’s crazy.
Who would send a probe to talk to a whale?
很有可能 鲸鱼在地球上的出现远早于人类
Whales were on Earth far earlier than man.
在1000万年前 驼背鲸被人类大量捕杀
10 million years earlier. Humpbacks were heavily hunted.
They died out in the 21st century.
The alien probe could be here to determine
why they lost contact.
Could the humpback’s answer to this call be simulated?
声音可以 语言不能 我们可以用混合的信息回应
The sounds, but not the language. We would be responding in gibberish.
Can the species be found elsewhere?
不行 驼背鲸只有地球上才有
Humpbacks were indigenous
to Earth.
Then we have no choice.
我们必须在它毁掉地球前 毁掉这个探测器
We must destroy the probe.
To attempt to do so would be futile.
我们总不能就这么掉头离去 总得有个选择吧
We can’t just turn away. There must be an alternative.
有一种可能性 虽然我不能保证一定成功
There is one possibility.
We could attempt to find some whales.
你刚才还说哪都没有 只有地球上有过
You just said there aren’t any, except on Earth of the past.
That is exactly what I said.
如果是这样… 等一下
Well, in that case… Wait just a damn minute.
史巴克 算一下时间翘曲度
