How will that be done, exactly?
They’ll be flown to Alaska.
在那里把它们放归大海 航♥空♥运输
They’ll be released there.
That’s the last you’ll see of them?

See, yes.
But we’ll tag them
with special transmitters and monitor them.
I could take those whales somewhere…
…where they’d never be hunted.
从索斯里托出发 如果没有汽车
You can’t even get from Sausalito to San Francisco
without a lift.
If I’m so inept,
how come we’re having dinner?
为不走运的笨蛋 干杯
I’m a sucker for hard-luck cases. Cheers.
还有 你为啥和那个傻家伙一起旅行
Besides, I want to know why you travel around with that ditzy guy
他知道格雷西怀孕了 还管你叫船长
who knows that Gracie is pregnant and calls you “Admiral”.
Where could you take them… my whales?
它们在哪里才会安全呢 这个不是”何地”
Where would they be safe? It’s not a matter of where,
but when.
就是现在 为什么
It would have to be right now. Why?
No humpback born in captivity has ever survived.
But they won’t be safe at sea because of
all the hunting this time of year.
所以你都看到了 就像他们说的那样
So you see, that, as they say, is that.
那是什么 你有个寻呼机
What is that? You have a pocket pager.
Are you a doctor?
发生什么了 我告诉过你不要打过来
I told you not to call me.
对不起 我以为你应该想知道
Sorry, I thought you’d like to know.
我们正要把它们带过来 好的 祝你们走运
We’re beaming them in now. All right. Good luck. Kirk out.
原原本本告诉我吧 干嘛不告诉我鲸鱼什么时候走
You want to try it from the top? Tell me when the whales are leaving.
你是谁 你觉得我是谁
Who are you? Who do you think I am?
Don’t tell me! You’re from outer space.
不 我来自爱荷华 我只是在外太空工作
I’m from Iowa, I work in outer space.
那我就猜对了哦 我就知道迟早会有外太空来客的
I was close. I knew outer space was going to come into this.
要听事实吗 是的 我正听着呢
The truth? I am all ears.
好吧 告诉你事实
Okay… the truth.
I am from the late 23rd century.
I’ve come back in time
to bring two humpback whales with me, in an attempt to…
…repopulate the species.
你为什么不直说呢 干嘛要在这里施展魅力
Why didn’t you say so? Why all the coy disguises?
你想听细节吗 我无论如何不想错过
You want the details? Oh, I wouldn’t miss this.
这些鲸鱼什么时候放归呢 好吧 到底…
When are the whales being released? Okay, what the hell.
你的朋友说对了 格雷西是怀孕了 而且就快生了
Your friend was right. Gracie is pregnant, very pregnant.
明天中午 在一个中等规模的表演场
At noon tomorrow, in a media circus,
the whales get shipped out.
明天中午 我们要走了吗
Noon tomorrow? Are we leaving?
走吧 我们的时间不多了 那个可以打包吗
We don’t have much time. Could we have that to go?
没问题 谁买♥♥单呢 在你那个时代不会没有货币吧
Sure. Who gets the bad news? They don’t use money in your time?
Well, we don’t.
要多久 取决于我们与反应堆之间的屏蔽墙厚度
How long? It depends on the shielding.
船长 这是我吃过的最短一餐了
Well, Admiral, that was the briefest dinner I’ve ever had,
and certainly the biggest fish story I’ve ever heard.
Tell me something. The whale’s transmitter, what’s the frequency?
对不起 那是机密 瞧 我根本不知道你是谁
Sorry, that’s classified. Look, I don’t have a clue who you are.
You wouldn’t want to show me around your spaceship, would you?
那并非我的第一选择 那好吧 我们到了
That wouldn’t be my first choice. Well, there we are.
我到这儿来 就是要两头驼背鲸回到23世纪去
I am here to bring two humpbacks into the 23rd century.
I can go to the open sea to get them.
我会到海里去抓 不过我还是想要你的那些
I’d rather have yours.
对我 对你 对它们都好
It’s better for me. It’s better for you. It’s better for them.
Think about it.
你到底是谁 自己想想
Who are you? Think about it.
可别想太久 我没时间了
Don’t take too long. I’m out of time.
你要是改主意了 就到这儿找我 这儿?
This is where I’ll be. Here?
就这公园里? 对
In the park. Right.
明天早上容器就造好了 那就差不多了
The tank will be finished by morning. That’s cutting it close.
第二组怎么样了 不知道 等他们打电♥话♥过来
What about team two? We’re waiting for them to call.
见鬼 我们算走运的了 两头鲸鱼就在我们手里
Damn! We’ve been so lucky. Two perfect whales right here.
要是不赶快行动 我们会失去它们的
Now we might lose them.
Then our mission would fail.
任务? 你说的是地球末日啊
Our mission? You’re talking about the end of every life on Earth.
你有一半人类血统 你对这个没感觉吗
You’re half human. Haven’t you got any feelings about that?
又来了 太怪了 长官
There it is again. That’s too weird. Commander.
Aren’t you running the test program?
是的 不过显然能量正在枯竭
We’re getting a power drain.
It must be coming from inside the ship.
罗杰森指挥官 是的 长官
Commander Rogerson. Yes, Chief,
我们也在追踪那个 是什么呢
we’re tracking that, too. What is it?
斯科蒂 我们准备好传送出去了
Scotty, we’re ready for beam-out.
斯科蒂 听见了吗
Scotty, can you hear me?
Confirmed. Roger that.
司令部指挥官吗? 我是罗杰森指挥官
This is Commander Rogerson.
We have an intruder in number four M.M.R.
斯科蒂 听到了吗 几乎听不到
Scotty, do you read? Lass, I can hardly hear you.
传输动力已经跌至最低了 我只能把你们分两次传回来
Power is down to minimal. I’ll bring you in one at a time.
拿好收集器 你先走吧
Take the collector. You go first.
Stand by.
Come in, please.
斯科蒂 还要多久
Scotty, how soon?
查科夫 快要中断了 请再发信♥号♥♥
Chekov, you’re breaking up. Please signal again.
听见了吗 斯科蒂 现在时机正好
Can you hear me? Now would be a good time.
I’ve lost him.
Commander Pavel Chekov. Starfleet. United Federation of Planets.
好的 指挥官 你有什么要说的吗
Right, Commander, is there anything you want to tell us?
说什么 你是谁 在这做什么 还有这些是什么?
Like what? Who you are and what these are?
我叫查科夫 星际舰队的一名指挥官
I am Pavel Chekov, a commander in Starfleet.
编号♥ 656-5827 D
Service number: 656-5827 D.
从头说起 什么从头说起
Let’s take it from the top. The top of what?
姓名 我的姓名吗
Name? My name?
要是敢跟我玩花招 你就完了
Play games with me, and you’re through.
我完了? 那我可以走了吗
I am? May I go now?
你觉得呢 他是个俄♥国♥佬
What do you think? He’s a Russkie.
Of course he’s a Russkie,
不过还是个痴呆 我们最好通知华盛顿方面
but he’s a retard or something.
别动 好了 给我射线枪
Don’t move. Okay, give us the ray gun.
我命令你们 趴在地板上 否则我就开枪了
If you don’t lie on the floor, I will have to stun you.
来啊 开枪吧 很抱歉 不过…
Okay, stun me. I’m very sorry.
It must be the radiation.
Hit the deck!
那人摔下去了 派个医护兵过来
Man down. Get a corpsman over here.
有消息吗 没有 我不该把他留在那儿
Any luck? Nothing. I shouldn’t have left him.
你做了你该做的 加油吧 会找到他的
You did what was necessary. Keep trying, you’ll find him.
斯科蒂 你答应要对水晶做个评估的
Scotty, you promised an estimate on the crystals.
进展颇为缓慢 长官 明天能好
It’ll be well into tomorrow.
还不够好 你应该做得更好才行
You’ve got to do better.
我会努力的 他可是有点焦躁啊
I’ll try, sir. He’s in a wee bit of a snit.
他是个感情深沉的人 还有别的新说法吗
He’s a man of deep feelings. What’s new?
它们昨晚走了 我们不想让大众和媒体发现
They left last night.
We thought it would be easier on you this way.
不让我说再见 就把它们送走了? 你个混账!
You sent them away without even letting me say goodbye!
舰长 科克舰长
Admiral! Admiral Kirk!
Admiral Kirk!
Admiral Kirk!
科克舰长 听见我说话了吗
