Admiral Kirk, can you hear me?
它们走了 我需要你帮忙 你在吗
They’re gone. I need your help. Are you in there?
舰长 出了点事儿
Admiral, we have a problem.
Admiral Kirk!
科克舰长 听见我说话了吗
Admiral Kirk! Can you hear me?
Oh, my God!
你好 爱丽丝 欢迎漫游奇境
Hello, Alice. Welcome to wonderland.
这是真的 是真的
It’s true! Yes, it is.
很高兴你能来 不过不是时候
I’m glad you’re here, but you picked a hell of a time to drop in.
是真的吗 是的 看看吧
Is this real? Yes, take a look.
装你的鲸鱼的容器 可它们走了
Storage tanks for your whales. They’re gone.
走了? 昨晚就被带走了 也没告诉我
Gone? They were taken last night.
现在应该在阿♥拉♥斯加了 见鬼
They’re in Alaska by now. Damn!
不过你可是去找它们的吧 我哪儿也去不了
But you can go find them, right? I can’t go anywhere.
这算什么飞船啊 少了一个人的飞船
What kind of a spaceship is this? It’s a spaceship with a missing man.
舰长 重获全部动力 谢谢 史巴克
Full power has been restored. Thank you, Mr. Spock.
你好 博士 欢迎登机
Doctor, welcome aboard.
舰长 您在吗 乌乎拉 出什么事啦
Admiral, are you there? Uhura, what’s wrong?
我找到查科夫了 他们要带他去动个紧急手术
I’ve located Chekov. They’re taking him to emergency surgery.
在哪儿 慈善医院
Where? Mercy Hospital.
在使♥馆♥区 他情况危殆
The Mission District. His condition is critical.
He’s not expected to survive.
让我去 别让他落在20世纪的医生手里
Let me go in there. Don’t leave him in the hands of 20th-century medicine.
我觉得麦考伊博士是对的 我们应该帮助查科夫
I suggest that Dr. McCoy is correct. We must help Chekov.
这样做合逻辑吗 不合逻辑 但符合人性
Is that the logical thing to do? No, but it is the human thing to do.
好吧 你能帮我们吗
Right. Will you help us?
怎么帮 我们看上去要像医生
How? We’ll have to look like physicians.
我们试试这里 你检查那里
We’ll try down here. You check there.
什么情况? 肾透析
What’s the matter? Kidney dialysis.
透析 这是什么 黑暗时代吗
Dialysis? What is this, the Dark Ages?
给 吞下去 要是还有问题 找我
Here, swallow that. If you have any problems, call me.
Here, I’ve got it.
Let’s go.
他关在警戒区 再上一楼
He’s being held in the security corridor one flight up.
His condition is critical.
打扰了 我们来
Excuse me, we’ll take that.
顶住门 紧急情况
Hold the door. Emergency.
我就在那儿 全都听见了
I was there. I heard the whole thing.
Weintraub said radical chemotherapy.
那哥特里伯呢 他说用图像疗法
What about Gottlieb?
He talked about image therapy.
难以置信 你有不同意见吗
Unbelievable! You have a different view?
听上去像西班牙的宗教审判所 糟糕的一天
It sounds like the Spanish inquisition. Bad day.
让让 对不起 我们有命在身
Out of the way. We have orders…
见鬼 你想让她死在你手上吗
Damn it! This is an acute case
of upper-abdominal distension.
Get out of the way!
你说她得了什么病 肚子痛
What did you say she’s got? Cramps.
你们是谁 不戴口罩 这些人是谁
You aren’t masked! Who are these people?
不认识 你在干嘛
I don’t know. What are you doing?
切开脑动脉 你读的什么学位 牙科吗
Tearing of the meningeal artery. What’s your degree in, dentistry?
你怎么解释脉搏低 呼吸缓慢和昏迷呢
How do you explain slow pulse, low respiratory rate and coma?
做个眼底检查 对于这个个案 眼底检查毫无用处
A funduscopic examination… …is unrevealing.
An evacuation of the haematoma will relieve the pressure.
天啊 在他脑袋上钻个洞是不行的 应该修补动脉
Drilling holes in his head is not the answer. The artery must be repaired.
把你的屠刀拿开 让我来救他 要不就太迟了
Put away your butcher knives and let me save this patient.
我要让他们开除你 如此外行的行为
I’ll have you removed. Such unprofessional behavior…
进那个小房♥间吧 那是什么 一把枪吗
Into that little room. What is that? A gun?
这是什么 不知道
What is this? I’ve no idea.
He melted the lock.
We’re dealing with medievalism here.
化疗 还有眼底检查
Chemotherapy! Funduscopic examinations!
查科夫 醒醒
Chekov, wake up.
查科夫 听见我说话了吗
Pavel, can you hear me?
他要醒过来了 查科夫 跟我说话呀
He’s coming around. Pavel, talk to me.
姓名 职务
Name? Rank?
姓名: 查科夫
Chekov, Pavel.
职务: 指挥官
Rank: Admiral.
病人怎么样了 他会没事的
How’s the patient? He’s going to make it.
你是和一女病人一起进去的呀 小小的失误
You came in with a she. One little mistake.
Get us out of here.
他们带走了病人 找人帮忙
They’ve taken the patient.
Hold it!
现在不行 查科夫 停下
Not now, Pavel. Hold it.
那个医生给了我一粒药片 我就长出了一个新的肾脏
The doctor gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney.
It’s fully functional!
现在鲸鱼会在哪儿呢 给我海图 我会指给你看的
Where would the whales be by now? Do you have a chart?
不 我只需要无线电频率去追踪它们
Just give me the radio frequency.
你说什么呢 我要跟你一起去
What? I’m coming with you.
不行的 我们的下一站是23世纪
Our next stop is the 23rd century.
我不在乎 我反正也是孤身一人
So, I’ve got nobody here.
我要帮那些鲸鱼 我没时间跟你争论了
I’ve got to help those whales. I’ve got no time to argue.
给我无线电频率 401兆赫
The radio frequency, please. 401 megahertz.
Thank you… for everything.
斯科蒂 把我运回去
Scotty, beam me up.
史巴克 动力到底在哪儿 再等一分钟 舰长
Spock, where the hell’s the power? One damn minute, Admiral.
我在回忆这个的工作原理 我得习惯用休伊(飞机)
I’m trying to remember how this worked. I got used to a Huey.
你耍我 你需要我
You tricked me. You need me.
坐吧 苏鲁先生
Take a seat. Now, Mr. Sulu.
What was that?
隐形装置稳定 系统正常
Cloaking device is stable. All systems normal.
继续助推攀爬 机翼 5×0 舵 稳定
Maintaining impulse climb. Wing: Five by zero. Helm: Steady.
建议 推进到1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥ 转舵 310
Advise reaching 10,000. Steer 310.
乌乎拉 搜寻鲸鱼 401兆赫 正在搜寻
Uhura, scan for the whales. 401 megahertz.
推进到1♥0♥0♥0♥0♥了 舰长
10,000, Admiral.
机翼 巡航模式 全速前进
Full impulse power.
转舵310 到白令海峡 预计时间 12分钟
310 to the Bering Sea. ETA: 12 minutes.
鲸鱼容器安全吗 当然 但我从没运输过400吨♥东西
Are the whale tanks secure? Aye, but we’re beaming up 400 tons.
400吨♥? 不止是鲸鱼 还有水
It’s not just the whales, it’s the water.
Yes, of course.
有信♥号♥♥吗 没有
Any contact? Negative.
你好像有问题 你的感觉完全正确
You appear to have a problem. Your perception is correct.
In order to return us to the exact moment
we left the 23rd century
I calculated the time elapsed in relation to the acceleration curve.
这个应该的 问题何在呢
Naturally. So what’s your problem?
加速度不再是恒定值 那就尽力吧
Acceleration is no longer a constant. Then take your best shot.
怎么尽力 猜啊 史巴克
Best shot? Guess, Spock.
尽力地猜想 猜可不符合我的个性
Your best guess. Guessing is not in my nature.
Well, nobody’s perfect.
就是它了 联♥系♥上鲸鱼了
That’s it! Affirmative. Contact with the whales.
方位: 327 范围: 600 海里
Bearing: 327. Range: 600 nautical.
放到屏幕上 你是怎么做的
Put it on the screen. How can you do that?
我在鲸鱼中测到了一个信♥号♥♥ 方位 328度
I have a signal closing in on the whales, bearing 328 degrees.
Let’s see it.
那是什么船 捕鲸船 我们来晚了吗
What kind of ship is that? A whaling ship. Are we too late?
全速降落 是
Full-power descent. Aye, sir.
十秒钟 长官
Ten seconds, sir.
好的 看你的了 斯科蒂 十秒钟 舰长
All right, Scotty. Ten seconds, Admiral.
五 四 三
Five, four, three…
二 一
…two, one.
舰长 鲸鱼在这里
Admiral, there be whales here!
干得好 我们的翘曲速度呢 全速 长官
Well done. Do we have warp speed? Full power now, sir.
请你… 苏鲁先生 是 长官 翘曲飞行
If you will, Mr. Sulu. Aye, sir. Warp speed.
苏鲁先生 我要带客人去看看她的鲸鱼
Mr. Sulu, I’m going to take our guest to look at her whales.
How does the variable mass of whales
fit into our re-entry program?
Mr. Scott cannot give me exact figures…
我来猜 猜
