I will make a guess. A guess?
你啊 史巴克 那可真不寻常
You, Spock? That’s extraordinary.
我觉得他不明白 不
I don’t think he understands. No.
他的意思是你的猜测 比多数人的事实更可靠
He feels safer about your guesses than most people’s facts.
你是说他在恭维我 是的
You’re saying it is a compliment? It is.
Then I will make the best guess I can.
“他们说海是冷冰冰的 其实海里流淌着最热的血”
“They say the sea is cold, but the sea contains the hottest blood of all.”
“鲸鱼不哭” D.H.劳伦斯写的
“Whales Weep Not”, D.H. Lawrence.
真够有讽刺意味的 人类杀死这些生物的时候
It’s ironic. When man was killing these creatures,
he was destroying his own future.
这些动物似乎见到你很高兴 博士
The beasties seem happy to see you.
I hope you like our aquarium.
一个奇迹 斯科蒂教授 奇迹 奇迹还未降临呢
A miracle, Mr. Scott. A miracle? That’s yet to come.
What does that mean?
意思是也许我们成功不了 你应该呆在你所属的地方
We might not make it. You should have stayed where you belong.
我属于这里啊 我是个鲸鱼学家
I belong here. I am a whale biologist.
假设真有奇迹 你能把它们运过去
Suppose by some miracle you do get them through?
23世纪除了我还有谁了解驼背鲸呢 说到点子上了
Who in the 23rd century knows anything about humpback whales?
舰长 你最好上来看看 我们的动力正在下降
Admiral, you’d better get up there. We’re having a power fall off.
陪着它们 我来了
Stay with them. I’m on my way.
Hold on tight.
翘曲 7.5
Warp 7.5.
7.9 防护已是最大值了
7.9. Shields at maximum.
That’s all I can give you.
我们能采用急剧坠速吗 无法确保
Can we make breakaway speed? I cannot guarantee it.
I shall compensate by altering our trajectory.
翘曲8… 8.1 最大速度
Warp 8… 8.1. Maximum speed.
我需要推进器控制 推进器由史巴克控制
I need thruster control. Thrusters at Spock’s command.
稳住 稳住 好了
Steady… Steady! Now!
加速器停止了 是的 舰长
Did breaking thrusters fire? They did, Admiral.
Then where the hell are we?
The probe.
状况报告 史巴克 没有数据 舰长 计算机不能用
Condition report. Computers are non-functional.
主动力停了 备用动力没有回应
The mains are down. Aux. Power is not responding.
转为手动操纵 控制不了 长官
Switch to manual control. I have no control, sir.
我们在哪儿呢 完全失控 象蝙蝠一样两眼瞎
Where are we? Out of control and blind as a bat.
Get him back.
看 他们朝着大桥前进
Look! They’re heading for the bridge.
可以的话 请把鼻子抬高些
Keep the nose up if you can.
我们在水里了 打开舱口
We’re in the water. Blow the hatch.
Now all we have to do is get the whales out of here.
斯科蒂 听见了吗
Scotty, do you hear me?
走啊 走啊 注意所有人的安全 我会的
Move! See to the safety of all hands.
抓住我的胳膊 抓住了
Lassie, get my arm. I’ve got it.
舰长 帮个忙 我在这儿 斯科蒂
Admiral, help! I’m here, Scotty.
你会没事的 鲸鱼被困住了
You’re going to be all right. The whales are trapped.
分隔舱门没有电了 炸♥药♥呢
There’s no power to the bay door. Explosive override?
It’s underwater. We can’t reach it.
你上去 关上舱门
You go on ahead. Close the hatch.
你会被困住的 去啊
You’ll be trapped. Go on!
Do you see them?
它们干嘛不回应 不唱歌♥
Why don’t they answer? Why don’t they sing?
总统先生 我们又有动力了
Mr. President, we have power.
The Council is now in session.
If you will all take your seats.
Bring in the accused.
史巴克队长 你不必站着接受指控
Capt. Spock, you do not stand accused.
总统先生 我要和队友们站在一起
Mr. President, I stand with my shipmates.
As you wish.
The charges are…
共谋 袭击联盟官员
Conspiracy. Assault on Federation officers.
偷盗联盟财产 企业号♥飞船
Theft of Federation property, namely the Starship Enterprise.
Sabotage of the U.S.S. Excelsior.
毁坏联盟财产 尤其是企业号♥飞船
Destruction of Federation property, specifically the U.S.S. Enterprise.
And finally, disobeying direct orders of the Starfleet Commander.
科克船长 你有什么辩解
Admiral Kirk, how do you plead?
On behalf of all of us, I’m authorized to plead guilty.
So entered.
由于有从轻发落的表现 所有指控只有一项成立
Because of mitigating circumstances, all charges but one are dismissed.
The charge of disobeying orders of a superior officer
is directed solely at Admiral Kirk.
I’m sure the Admiral will recognize the necessity for discipline?
是的 先生 詹姆斯.T.科克
I do, sir. James T. Kirk…
审判结果是 你由船长降级为队长
It is the judgment of this council that you be reduced in rank to captain.
由于该项判决 你将承担
As a consequence of your new rank,
你已经通过实践证实了 你有能力担当的职责
you will be given the duties for which you have demonstrated great ability.
The command of a starship.
你和你的船员将这个星球 从短见中拯救了出来
You and your crew have saved this planet from its own short-sightedness.
We are forever in your debt.
I’m so happy for you.
Thank you so much.
等等 你去哪儿 你有你的船 我有我的
Wait a minute, where are you going? You have your ship, I have mine.
科学号♥ 我得学上300年
Science vessel. I’ve got 300 years of learning to do.
你是在说再见吗 为什么非得再见
You mean, this is goodbye? Why does it have to be goodbye?
就像你们那个世纪的人说的 我没有你的电♥话♥号♥码啊
Like they say in your century, I don’t even have your phone number.
我怎么找你呢 别担心 我会回来找你的
How will I find you? Don’t worry… I’ll find you.
See you around the galaxy.
一小时内我就要回凡根星球了 我想向你道别一声
I am returning to Vulcan within the hour. I’d like to take my leave of you.
你为我这么费劲真是太好了 不费劲啊 你是我儿子
It was kind of you to make this effort. It was no effort. You are my son.
Besides, I am most impressed with your performance in this crisis.
Most kind.
As I recall, I opposed your enlistment in Starfleet.
It is possible that judgment was incorrect.
Your associates are people of good character.
They are my friends.
Yes, of course.
要给你妈妈带个口信吗 是的
Any message for your mother? Yes.
Tell her… I feel fine.
长寿昌盛 爸爸 长寿昌盛 儿子
Live long and prosper, Father. Live long and prosper, my son.
The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe.
我们会有艘货船 我还是希望是”求精号♥”
We’ll get a freighter. I’m counting on “Excelsior”.
Why in God’s name would you want that bucket of bolts?
船就是船 无论你说什么 先生 我们坚决执行
A ship is a ship. Whatever you say, sir. Thy will be done.
朋友们 我们回家啦
My friends… we’ve come home.
舵已就位 船长 好的 我们看看她能干些什么
Helm ready, Captain. All right, let’s see what she’s got.
